Chapter 30- Show Me Your Fears

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Nightmares they tend to send us to a world of fears while we are asleep. And we want to wake up but we want to keep watching, to see how it ends. But what we fear more than the fear itself is that our worst nightmare transports itself to reality. But when you have so many fears how to know which one is the worst.
I saw Megan walking away with Ethan. I stopped her and called her
-Megan, where are you going?- I asked
Away from you, I can't stand you anymore Angel, always with your problems, you deserve to be alone- Megan said
I ran toward her but she disappeared, just as Ethan did. I turned around to find Ruby...
-Ruby, please tell me you're not leaving to- I said
-Of course not, because I'm already gone, I'm not coming back Angel, you don't deserve it- Ruby said
She disappeared, I looked around but no one this time, I kept looking until Elsa appeared...
-Elsa, something weird is happening, Ruby and Megan left, they also hate me, I don't know what's happening- I said
-They're not the only ones, Angel people need to live their lives, but you are there to stop them, they can't move on because you need their attention, I'm leaving, too- Elsa said
I knew she was going to disappear so I held her, but still she left. The tears came from my eyes, I tried to stop them, to be strong, but I couldn't, I felt weak, lonely.... Broken.
I fell to the floor and cover my face with my hands, I heard a familiar voice calling me. Andrew looked at me, I didn't move, I knew he was going to leave to, but what would he say? I wished there was a way to stop it...
-There.... You should be on the ground, actually under it, just like my mother and brother, and all the people you killed. Life is unfair, innocent people die while you are here, people leaves you because you're not worth it, nothing that you do will ever fix you, because you're cursed, not even your own mother loved you, I was just playing a game, making you fall in love with me and then kill you, just like it happened with my brother- Andrew said
-I didn't want to kill him, he was attacking me, I tried to survive....- I was cut off by him
-Liar!!!! You enjoyed it, I saw you!!- Andrew yelled
-Andrew you know it's not true...- He cut me off again
-Don't play the victim Angel, because beneath every angel face, a demon hides, and before dying demons deserve to suffer, that's why everyone is leaving, except for one person...- Andrew said
He moved to the side, I could see Daniel in the back walking toward me.
-No...No!! I'm not leaving with him- I said
-You don't have any other choice, everyone else is gone- Andrew said
I looked far behind and Mary stood there, with a baby, she walked toward a basket, another baby was inside of it. Mary looked around and placed her baby on the grass to grab the other baby. She did the same action to placed her baby into the basket and left. The baby cried, cried, but no one listen.
I felt myself crying with the baby, as Daniel came closer and Andrew walked away until he was gone. I felt Daniel's arms touched my shoulders and I started screaming trying to get away from him.
I closed my eyes while he was calling my name, then the voice changed, it was Andrew's this time...
-Angel, wake up, come on love, open your eyes- Andrew said
Andrew held me while I tried to free myself. I opened my eyes and kept pushing him away from me. He finally free me, and I'm about to fall in the lake again, but he held my hand before I could fall.
-Well don't tell me you weren't drowning this time- Andrew said
I made a quick move so he would let go of my hand.
-Get away from me- I yelled and started walking away
-Now what did I do?... Hey the house is this way.... You are just going inside the woods- Andrew yelled
-I just want you far away- I yelled
Andrew walked after me...
-But tell me what happened, did I do something wrong? Talk to me Angel- Andrew said
I stopped walking and looked back at him
-I said go away!!!- I yelled
-I won't leave until you tell me- Andrew said
-I need to go back to New York, tell Daniel whatever you want, I'm leaving- I said
I walked pass him in the other direction.
-I'm coming with you- Andrew said
-What part of away from me don't you understand?- I asked
-What happened to you in that lake?- Andrew asked
I didn't answer him and I kept walking, Scott was waiting for us at the door, but when he talked to me I didn't answer, I walked toward the car.
-What's wrong with her?- Scott asked
-I don't know , man, she's bipolar- Andrew said
-I heard that- I said
I started the car and drove until the airport.
I thought to myself, it was just a nightmare, Andrew didn't have to feel that way toward me. But still it hurt... Mary told me on her story the lake showed your fears, and even if I tried to deny it, my worst fear was being alone. But when Andrew talked to me in the nightmare it hurt even more. I made the stupid mistake of falling for him. What about if he didn't forget his revenge? Still what Andrew said in the dream could be true.
I looked outside the window while I was on the plain. When I finally arrived to New York, I went to Mary's house.
-Angel, I thought you were in London- Mary said
I walked in without asking her, well it's not like I do that after being invited the first time around.
-Well it's actually good thing you are here, because today is full moon and you need to be alone, so you don't hurt anyone- Mary said
-Alone, I can't be alone, please stay with me- I said
I was desperate, I sat down on the couch and she sat next to me.
-Of course but what's wrong?- Mary asked
-I went to Scott's house and I looked for the lake, somehow I knew it was there, even if I thought you were from here... Anyways I got closer and I fell, then I saw every person I cared about fade away, well after saying why they think of me, which it was not pretty- I said
-Angel, they came from your imagination, they don't express what they think of you, they reflex what you think of yourself in the very inside- Mary said
-Everyone think I'm strong, but then why I feel so weak?- I asked
-Because, it doesn't matter how much independent a person can be, you still need to depend on someone else once in a while- Mary said
-I also saw you, changing babies, Danielle is not your real daughter, isn't she?, you changed her with your real baby- I said
-What did you exactly see?- Mary asked
-Just you putting your baby in a basket, and taking someone else's in your arms and leaving- I said
-Well that actually happened here, that's why I came here, away from my family, but just in case I needed to protect my child- Mary said
-Where is she or he right now?- I asked
Mary stood up from the couch and looked around
- I thought giving her another family will help her, but I just made it worst, the mother somehow knew she wasn't her daughter and pushed her away, but I couldn't go back for her, she wouldn't forgive me, not then not now- Mary said
-But you know who she is? Does Daniel knows?- I asked
-Daniel doesn't know about the change, he thought he was the smart one, but that was me, and yes I know who she is- Mary said
-Why don't you tell her now?- I asked
-Because, we are building a relationship, I know if she finds out she will hate me and I need her in my life- Mary said
-Wait what?! You talked to her- I asked
-Everyday, every time she feels insecure, she comes to me for help- Mary said
I looked at her eyes and finally saw the truth.

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