Chapter 18- Left outside in the Cold

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The bad thing about being alone is that you start thinking about all you are ashamed of. And when you have a lot to be ashamed of your demons make it really hard for you to stay strong. When loneliness and guilt combine it can destroy you. The worst part of it it's you can't run because it's inside you.
I had lied to you before, after Jake I fell in love with someone but as always the story ended in bad shape. I didn't know the damage I could cause.
15 years ago....London, England
- I hate winter- Logan says
-Why? Winter is my favorite season- I say
-It's always too cold-Logan says
-You know I don't like the sun-I say
-Right why is that again?- Logan asks
-It's a secret- I smile
-My mom is waiting for us, we should hurry, beside it's full moon and it looks beautiful from my backyard- Logan says
-Tell me why your mom wants to meet me?, I'm not the kind of girl you take to meet your parents, trust me I'm not the definition of a good person- I say
-C'mon give yourself a shot- Logan says opening his house door
We enter the house and the first thing I see is a kids running toward me. Logan looks at me because he knows I don't like kids, and he takes the kid into his arms.
-I'm 6 years old- the kid says really excited
-My little brother Andy turned 6 on December 9th that's why he is so excited- Logan says
-Good for you- I fake a smile to the kid
I'm not good at the kid thing. Even if I try it's just not me, well I actually never try.
Her mother walks into the room with a baby girl on her arms. The little girl has blonde hair like her mother but Logan and Andy's hair is brown, maybe because of their dad.
-This is Elsa, my little sister and this is my mom Ella- Logan says
-Nice to finally meet you, I hope you'll come more often- Ella says with a warm smile
Logan and Ella look at each other and Ella asks me to hold the baby for a moment, Shit Happens doesn't give me time to answer, the baby is already in my arms without even noticing.
Ella and Logan leave the room. The kid is sitting in the couch staring at me with a smile on his face, so creepy. I don't like kids why do they have to like me?
No matter how far are they away from me I still can hear Logan and his mother talking
-How could you bring her today?-Ella asks in a low voice
-Mom it's Christmas and I want to be with my family and with her- Logan says with a higher voice than his mom
-Can you keep your voice down? You know today it's also full moon and we could kill her, we can't control ourselves- Ella whispers
-I know mom we just leave her here with my siblings and we go outside- Logan whispers
-Good luck with that don't you think she'll want to know where you're going, does she even know we are werewolves- Ella asks
-I'm going to tell her now- Logan whispers
-Go, tell her and you won't see her again - Ella whispers
-She loves me mom and nothing is going to change that- Logan whispers
In the living room I'm still holding the baby and the kid wants to play a game with me and I'm tired of saying no.
Logan comes into the room, I give him the baby as soon as I see him and ask him when are we starting.
-Change of plans, I'll take you home- Logan says
-Why? What happened?- I ask
-Okay, if I ask you to take care of my siblings what would you say?-Logan asks
-No- I say without thinking it twice
-I seriously need it-Logan says inside the house through the window
-Okay fine but this is not going to be for free- I say
-Take them to the hotel, I see you tomorrow- Logan says looking through the window again
-Tomorrow no way- I say
-I love you- Logan says and walks me to the car with the kids
-You gonna pay for this- I say
-By the way I'm a werewolf, and my whole family- Logan says and look at the kids
I open my eyes wide.
-You're leaving me with wolves, I can't-I say
- They're still young they're no going to hurt you- Logan says
-I'm a vampire- I say
His expression changed completely, now he looks mad, his eyes tell me he hates me, but he lied to me,too. Werewolves and vampires hate each other since I can remember, but I don't care what he is, why can't he do the same?
In that moment he forgets he loves me. I thought he will never hurt me but once again I'm wrong. He turns into a werewolf and attacks me. I can feel his claws in my skin but I escape from him. I run through the woods behind his house trying to get away from him. I know the scratches will kill me soon or later, either way I am dead. Somehow I end where I started in front of his house, he's still after me but I stop running. I look at him as he comes to me. Suddenly my scarfs are gone and I feel stronger. I don't think twice before breaking his bones. Already dead he turns into a person again, I can't deny I'm feeling guilty for killing the man I loved. He was going to hurt me, I didn't know what to do.
His mother comes out of the house and I kill her, breaking her neck before she turns.
I look what I did for a moment and cry, I cry as loud as I can. But I stop when I realize the kids are inside the car and they look at me with so much fear in their eyes, but I can't hurt them, they are just kids and I know what it feels when you can't defend yourself because you're just a kid. I left as fast as I could and I lock up myself in the hotel room. I look at the mirror and hate the person I see in it, I break the glass and fall to the floor crying.

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