Chapter 7- Not exactly a Halloween party

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You can't predict what will happen in the day. You can plan what you want to happen, but even like that you always going to find some unexpected things. Supposedly you have fun at parties, but those unexpected things could make it better or it could make worst.

-What are you doing here, I thought you will never come back?-Ruby said

- Well, I'm unpredictable, sometimes I don't even know what I'm going to do next, but seems like you're not happy to see me... sister - I said sarcastically

-No, I'm really happy to see you- Ruby said

- What about you Ethan are you going to talk to me or not?, I don't have time to worry about people who is ignoring me, I busy worrying about people who doesn't care I existed because here is absolutely nobody who love me - I said

I don't have any problems showing how I feel specially my ex-boy- friends (or friends with benefits) but definably no boyfriends. I waited for an answer but everybody was worry about how to learn to close their big mouths, except for Ethan, who actually looked at me and said...

-Sorry, I don't have time for cheaters - Ethan said, wow, that's a direct quote

- I don't have time for jealousy boyfriend, one I didn't cheat on you and two if I did what you going to do? - I asked

- You're right we don't have to do this, you're not my girlfriend and you can be with whomever you want, I have to go - Ethan said

- Run away, that will take you to big places - I said and he left


What? You never seen a word fight - I said

-Actually a have one, I wish you were there so I cloud win it - Ruby said

- Changing subject, there is a Halloween party tonight, high schoolers will come too, so there won't be alcoholic drinks, are you coming? - Megan asked me -

Are you kidding? I'm not going to that lame party with lame teenagers, maybe I look like one but I am 281 old without counting my lame 19 years of human life - I said

- You could only say no - Megan said

-Excuse us for a minute - Daniel said

- Meet Elsa - I said as I walked to the corner with Daniel

- What's wrong? - I asked

- You are going to go to that party - Daniel said -

No!-I said - There will be young witches who don't even know what they are, we can kill them easily - Daniel said

- And how we know they are witches? - I asked

- Leave it to my friends werewolves - Daniel said with a big smile

I got closed to Megan, Ruby, Chester, and Elsa I told them I had changed my mind; I was going to that lame party. Of course I didn't tell her what my real reason was, they wouldn't understand it. I presented them Elsa, who charmed everyone.

I went back to the car with Elsa; Daniel chose to stay in the bar. I let out a deep breath and start the car. Elsa looked at me and then asks me about the party, she wanted to go. I thought it was a good chance for her to make new friends, so I said yes.

We went back to the house, it was mid-day and we had to do lot of stuffs... actually she had to do it. She looked for something to put on in her closet but nothing convinced her so we went to the mall. She tried almost every dress there, I don't get why some girls like to buy dresses with short and with sparkles, and they even compete who wear the best one. She chose a pink one with a loop and short, it was pretty but I prefer my jeans, my leather jacket and my Jordan shoes. After that we went for a pair of pink shoes. Then we ate pizza and soda, it was delicious, I don't care how many calories has it , it's my body I do what I want with it, besides I'm dead. She went to a beauty salon, I just waited outside. She took a manicure and pedicure. I'm not against make up but I think is better natural beauty, what you got it's what matters. She actually listened to my advice and put just a little make up.

I told her I had to go to the gym and she decided to come with me. She wanted to learn martial arts, but it wasn't a good time, she was getting ready for a party. I told her that even if I knew about martial arts I wasn't the best at it. I needed to improve because I always want more, that's why I keep practicing. I promised her I would teach her after the party.

Before we left Daniel told me his plan without Elsa hearing it. Two werewolves were going to help me but they would go inside he bar 30 minutes after me. He showed me an invisible wireless earpiece, so I could be connect with him and the guys. I put it I my ear.

After looking for Elsa we got inside the bar. Everybody was dress casual, but all were dresses, I was the only one in jeans. Ruby and Chester were dancing and Ethan and Megan were sitting down. I got close to them and Ethan asked me to dance but I wouldn't make it easy for him. I preferred to talk to Megan alone while Elsa makes new friends. I kept an eye on the crowd to check for witches. Two young girls showing one another what they can do with their powers. They were beginners; they didn't notice the people watching them, people I had to kill discretely. The witches saw me and tried to run away but my friends stopped them. I looked eye to eye to one of them and without thinking I ripped her heart out while in the other girl's eyes were anger and hate. I looked at the dead body and then to her and take her heart out in a second. I thanked the guys and they left.

I didn't expect the witches after me; I was unaware when they used their powers against me making me weak, without knowing it I was in the floor already. I don't know how many hours, minutes or seconds I was unconscious. I opened my eyes, everything was dark, just a simple light coming from a bulb illuminated the place. I was tied with strong chains full of verbena that made me weak, my vision was blurred and my wrists bleeding. They broke every bone in my body to make suffer. They knew it's better for a vampire die than been weak. Vampires can connect with each other by a dream make up by them. I talked with Daniel by one showing him where I was so he could help me get out. Mary was with him and she recognized the place immediately. When they got there Mary freed me and cut the chains off. I fell to the floor on knees but stand up really quick, everything but accept I was feeling weak. Mary put her hands on my head and with a spell made all my weakness turned to anger and my eyes got black again. I killed all the witches at once feeling free after that, no weakness, no humanity and free to do whatever I wanted.

Mary told me she would teach me how to use my abilities. She also told me I was invincible, nothing could kill me, nothing but her.

I went back to the party to look for Elsa and take her home. But she was with a boy, I was happy for her, so I left without her. I sent her a text whatever she needed she could call me.

At that time I was in front of a close dog shop and a little cute puppy wanted to play with me but the glass didn't allow him. I wished I could take him home but it wasn't the time for a dog, even if they are really smart and the best friends you could find. I made my way to my home; Ethan was sitting in the doorstep waiting for me.

-What are you doing here? - I asked -

I came to see you - Ethan said

- I thought you didn't want to see me again - I said

- Well, you always can change your mind right? - Ethan asked

- Yeah, but sometimes it's too late - I said

- I just came to say I'm sorry because of my jealousy, I know Chester and you are just friends, you will never kiss him, besides he's your sister's boyfriend - Ethan said

- I did - I said

- You're kidding right? - Ethan said

- I did kiss him - I said and the smile in his face disappeared.

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