Chapter 33- Strength

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There are times that we ask ourselves what went wrong, what we did to deserve bad things happening to us. But maybe if we weren't strong enough to handle it, it won't be placed on our path.
I stood still, I didn't know how to react or what to say. I just felt a hole inside of me, I felt weak and more broken than ever. I never thought it would hurt so much.
-You have no idea how much pain you are going to feel now- I said
-You won't hurt me because you can't, do you know where is Danielle right now?... With Elsa, if you don't want to lose her, too, you will go now and leave him behind- Daniel said
-I'm not moving!!!-I said
-It's not like you have a choice Angel, Danielle has a poisonous drink that kills werewolves.... You more than anyone should know that love is just a big obstacle in our plans, we have to be partners, not daughter and father... And you should never never fall for that boy!!!-Daniel yelled
-You don't get to tell me what to do!!!- I yelled back
-Well, time is running, just one call and Danielle will make her move- Daniel said
-What do you want for Andrew? I'll give you whatever you want- I ask
-I can't believe you are willing to give everything up for him, you lost your touch Angel, you don't look like my daughter anymore... But now that you insist I want the dagger- Daniel said
-I'll bring it to you- I said and walked out the door
After I closed the door behind me I looked up to not cry. I was ready to give myself of, I didn't care. I thought I would never see him again but then Mary came to my mind, maybe she could do something to help.
I called Elsa and asked her where she was, I also told her not to drink anything or eat anything and not to trust Danielle.
Elsa was in the bar where we always reunite. I drove to there and found Elsa seated in a table with Danielle, she didn't look comfortable.
-Elsa, let's go- I told Elsa while looking at Danielle
Elsa stood up behind me
-She is talking to me don't you see?- Danielle said
-Elsa why don't you go to my car and stay there until I finish here- I told Elsa without taking my eyes away from Danielle
-What's going on?- Elsa asked
-I would explain to you later, please just get in the car- I said and she walked out the bar
I waited for it to happen and then I started talking to Danielle
-I can't believe you did this, not to me because we are nothing, but to him...- I walked away just so she wouldn't see me cry or so I wouldn't kill her
I kept looking up to hold the tears.
-Wait, who are talking about?- Danielle ran toward me and asked me
-Daniel killed Andrew.... He is not coming back Danielle!!!! You didn't do anything to stop it- I yelled
She stood still probably she felt guilty, but I wasn't going to feel sorry for her. I ran out the door and drove to my apartment with Elsa. She didn't ask anything, but as soon as we got home, she asked the question I was more afraid of to answer.
-Where is Andrew?- Elsa asked
-He is not coming back Elsa, go to Ryan and stay there, I want to be alone- I said
-But tomorrow is your birthday, he can't just leave- Elsa said
-It wasn't his choice- I said
-Where Daniel sent him? You can go look for him- Elsa said
-I'll have to be dead for that- I said
I turned my emotions off and suddenly all the pain went away, I felt nothing, no pain, and no sorry for anyone.
-You can't be serious, how could you let this happen?- Elsa yelled
-Stop blaming me, it was his fault for going by himself, or for make deals with the devil in the first place... Goodbye Elsa, now that he is dead, there is nothing that keep us together- I said looking at her coldly
-I can't believe you said that, I know you're hurt because he died, but we need each other- Elsa said
-I need no one, disappear before I kill you- I said
Elsa took her stuff and walked out the door, I went to sleep waiting for a long next day.
A knock at the door wakes me up, I stood up to see who it was. When I opened the door I found Mary standing with a cupcake that had a little candle on top of it.
-Happy birthday my little girl!!- Mary said
-Who cares about birthday?, I will live for an eternity- I said
-Why did you turn your emotions off this time?- Mary asked
-Because I can- I said
-Where is Andrew?- Mary asked
-Why everyone assumes I'm sad because he died, or that I loved him, that's ridiculous, love is weakness and weakness kills you- I said
-Andrew died? How? When?- Mary asked
-Where have you been? Well just so don't you are left behind on news the how is Daniel killed him, the when was yesterday... anything else?- I asked
-Can I come in?- Mary asked
-I don't have him here- I said
-But you need someone to talk- Mary said
I rolled my eyes an opened the door wider so she could come in.
-I'm actually glad he died- Mary said
-I thought you had feelings...- I made fun of her
-I do, but history in this family always repeat itself, at first I thought Chester will be the one who would make you lose your mine and hurt you but Andrew is... was the one, in the moment you fall in love you're giving all of you to that person, and you are capable of doing anything for them, I saw the way you looked at Andrew, the same way I looked at Daniel, the same way my mother looked at my father, which it wasn't the man she married, and so on- Mary said
-That's really beautiful but as I said, I don't feel, so it seems like the history ends now- I said
-Come with me, I'm taking to meet someone, she is not my friend but we are kind of related- Mary said
-In what way?- I asked
-She was a witch once, but now she is something else- Mary said
-What is she now?- I asked
-You'll see, they are many of them, but we only going to need one she hides in the woods- Mary said
I decided to go with her, there was nothing else to do, besides I wanted to see who or what she is. We walked deep inside the woods. We looked around and there was nothing, not even a sound.
-Stay quiet, she is coming- Mary said
-Ohh, I'm so afraid that I don't care- I said
Suddenly I heard a loud scream, capable of breaking your ears.

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