Chapter 17- Lovely Revenge

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Confucius, a Chinese philosopher quote once "When you embark a journey of revenge, start by digging two graves" but there's people who live for revenge and at the end of the path they won't have anything to live for. They say love runs the world but for some of us, revenge and hate run our world. And what happens when you fall in love in with the person you want to hurt the most.
I took a shower before going to Mary's place. I needed to exercise, I had to look for Daniel but I didn't know what I would actually find.
-Hey, can I come in?- I asked
-Sure, I need to talk to you- Mary said
-What's going on?- I said stepping inside and closing the door behind me
-Today we're doing another kinda of training, you will learn how to use your dark side in your favor- Mary said
-But that only happens during full moon- I said
-You strongest moment is during full moon, but you can use it anytime- Mary said
-Then what are we doing?- I asked
She looked at me with a smirk on her face. She walked to her room and asked me to follow her.
-The four most important elements Fire, Water, Earth and Air, you can control them- Mary said
-No I can't, only witches can- I said
-You definitely can, oh just so you know witches are kinda of humans, not to say completely because we are supernatural beings, in the moment a dead being has a child with a a human being, the strongest gene takes over the weaker one, just like everything else in life- Mary said
-I thought witches were even more powerful than vampires- I said
-Okay, the four elements- Mary changed the subject
- You have the power over all of them, let's start with fire- Mary said and brought a candle
-Focus on the candle and think of fire- Mary said
I did as she said and within seconds the candle was on fire like literally, the fire goes all the way down to the table.
-Okay we still need to work on that!- Mary said removing the fire with her hands
- Let's continue with air, make a windstorm- Mary said and we went outside
I focused on the image in front of me and without doing anything, just thinking about it the wind blowed stronger than before, I could see the leafs falling and the trees about to fall. I closed my eyes and opened them again, it stopped. I didn't know what was happening.
-How are you feeling?- Mary asked
-I don't know, I can't explain, but I like it- I said
-Powerful is the word you are looking for- Mary said
Mary saw a girl walking in front of her house.
-Drown her- Mary said
-What? How?- I asked
-The element water gives you the power to drown people and other things, take control, wish for it and you'll see- Mary said
I did what she said, suddenly the girl couldn't breathe, and water was coming out of her mouth but it didn't seem to stop. I lost the concentration when my phone rang. The girl started breathing again and we hid behind a tree before she could see us. Elsa was the one calling me, but I chose not to answer it yet, I had to know what I can do with earth.
-Now make an earthquake, usually you don't need to concentrate in any of them but you have to be angry or exited, strong emotions in general- Mary said
We stood on her porch, I concentrated in the floor of her garden in front of us and it started cracking and moving, even the porch was shaking. I smiled at the thought of power, I was more than a vampire, I knew that already but I didn't know I also had powers.
When I finished in Mary's place I went to Andrew's apartment. When he opened the door..
-You know we all should move to a big house, driving from here to there and from there to here is consuming a lot of gasoline- I said
-I thought you didn't want to see me again- Andrew said holding the door
-Well I changed my mind, can I come in?- I asked and he did
You're the only one I know who doesn't have any plants for Christmas- I said
-How do you know that? I could have some... never mind, I don't- Andrew said
-It's not like want to be here, Megan is with Ethan I don't remember where, your sister is with his boyfriend, mine is in her house maybe with Chester, he says he likes me but I know he's in love with Ruby, so- I said
-If you don't want to be here why don't you go find a place which fit your expectations princess?- Andrew said
-No, I'm staying and I'm not a princess- I said
-Just for that I will call you princess everyday- Andrew said
-Don't - I said
-Make me- Andrew said
He was really close to me. I felt the need to kiss him and you know when I feel something I do it. I couldn't help it, my arms around his neck, his on my waist and his body pressed to mine. I helped him to take his shirt off. One of his hands went up to my back pushing me closer to him, like that would be possible. My legs wrapped around his waist and he put me against the wall. I took my top off and then my bra. Everything else is kinda of private.
When I finally woke up, I looked at him sleeping next to me. I couldn't believe what I had just done. I looked at his back and saw something I was too distracted to notice before. A werewolf tattoo on his back the scared part was the key on the werewolf's mouth.
I stood up, confused because of what I just saw. It couldn't be him, not a werewolf,even if he was a vampire, it can't be him. Elsa called me again, I muted the call, so I wouldn't wake him. I put his t-shirt on, which fits me perfectly. I went outside and answered Elsa's call.
-What happened?- I asked
-I was calling you earlier- Elsa said
-Yeah I was busy, I tell you about later because I'm busy right now, too- I said without saying her brother's name
-We are making a surprise party do you want to come?- Elsa asked
-For who?- I asked
-Andrew, today is his birthday, December 9, I thought I told you- Elsa said
-No you didn't- I said
I heard Andrew waking up so I told Elsa I was going to call her later because I was busy.
I walked inside to find Andrew standing next to the bed.
-Hey I thought you left- Andrew said
-I actually have to, so I just change clothes and I'm gone- I said walking toward my clothes
-You can stay with my shirt, looks good on you- Andrew smiled
-Not it doesn't I just had to go outside- I said
Okay I have to be honest, it did look good on me, I really liked it but I wouldn't admit it.
-Why do you have to go?- Andrew asked
-The rules- I said
-What rules?- Andrew asked confused
-Something I'm the only one who understand- I said
-Let me just go to the bathroom and I'm coming with you- Andrew said walked toward the bathroom
-I'm not waiting for you- I yelled
I looked at the nightstand to take my top, but it was stuck in one of drawers, so I opened, I found a picture of someone I knew, someone I killed, it came from a file inside the drawer, too. I also opened just to take a quick look, there were photos of me and what I was doing in my recently past years. Andrew was watching me all this time, and I knew why.

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