Chapter 28: London Calling

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Drowning stopped being an action to become a feeling. You don't need water to drown. Lies and expectations become a weight sometimes you can't handle to the point you are dragged to the sea of your own mind, killing you inside.
I walked toward the car and when I was inside of the car I took a deep breath before starting the car. I put my bag in the passenger seat, so Andrew wouldn't even there to seat there, he liked sitting there.
I drove to Andrew's apartment and as I expected Danielle was with him. They got close to the car and Andrew opened the back door for Danielle, without thinking I rolled my eyes. He opened the passenger's door, took my bag and gave it to Danielle to put it in the back seat next to her. He sat in the passenger's seat, I stared at him and he stared back until I gave up and looked at the road.
-Do you guys have everything?- I asked
-Yeah- Andrew and Danielle said looking at each other
-Well then let's go, I have the tickets, this one is yours.... And this one is yours- I said giving the tickets to them
-Oh there is someone in the middle of us Andy, who could be the bitch- Danielle said
She called him Andy and called me a bitch I officially wanted to kill her
-That will be me, but don't worry we can change them when we are seated in the airplane- I said
-Aww, you being a good sister- Danielle said
-Don't call me that- I said and started the car again
We finally arrived to the airport. I called Daniel, he wanted to know when we would be leaving.
-Need to carry that for you- Andrew said about my bag
-Don't worry I'm stronger, besides I only bring the necessary, unlike your girlfriend that seems like she instead of going to London for a week, looks like she is going to camping for a year- I said and he didn't say anything back
I was the first one to get inside the plane, Andrew followed and then Danielle which was checking herself in her small mirror every three minutes.
Andrew sat in the seat next to the window, he smiled at me because he knew that was my favorite seat. I sat next to him forgetting what I told Danielle, she sat next to me. I never felt more awkward before Danielle didn't stop looking pass me to Andrew, and he sometimes looked back.
-Okay, Andrew let me seat there and you seat here, if you guys are going to look at each other all this time I prefer look outside the window- I said
-Yeah Andrew seat next to me... I wish it was dark, we could do so many things- Danielle smirks
-Okay, gross, just let me take that place- I said
We both stood up to change seats but the space were so limited that our bodies touched and our faces were about to do the same thing, including our mouth but I moved my head to the side. I couldn't look into his eyes and not kiss him. I sat next to the window trying not to look anywhere but outside the window.
The sky looked so peaceful, and I even wished I could fly or even be able to seat in the clouds. It would be so much easier up here.
-I want a soda, I'll be back- Danielle said
She stood up and walked toward the front of the plane.
-Angel?!Andrew said
-What?- I asked
-You haven't say anything- Andrew said
- What do you want?- I asked and looked at him
-For you to say something- Andrew said
-It's not like you will listen- I said and looked at the window again
-I'm still your friend, you can talk to me about anything- Andrew said
-No you're not, the only damn reason you're here is because my father sent you, I'm tired of you pretending, at least show me your true face- I said
He didn't say anything...
-Andrew open your mouth and say something...Hello...-I said
-I'm in love with you!!- Andrew yelled and everyone looked
-Okay you can stay with your mouth shut- I said
-No, I'm not... I love you, I'm not scared to say it like you are- Andrew said
-I'm not in love with you- I said
-Every time I'm with Danielle you start acting like a bitch... Well more than usual...- Andrew said
-Excuse me?!!- I claimed
-And the time you found me in bed with her, it hurt you just as much as it hurt me when I saw you with Chester- Andrew said
-Okay first it didn't hurt me, second of all Ruby turned Chester into a vampire to live together forever in happy ever after, I was just helping him so he could get out while the sun is out- I said
-You didn't sleep with him?- Andrew asked
-No I haven't slept with him... Ever... Happy?- I asked rhetorically
-Yes- Andrew said
-Ugh Asshole- I said and threw him a magazine from the plane
Danielle came back and say next to him.
-Here I brought you a sprite- Danielle said
After a few hours we arrived to London. I missed it, I many memories, some were bad but most of them were good.
-Well let's be British- Andrew said and I rolled my eyes
He was the only one British there. I don't know why but British guys always attracted me. I checked in a hotel, I asked for a room with a queen bed and one person. And while Danielle wanted a room for two, Andrew suggested a room for each one.
I loved my room, TV in front the bed, air conditioning and a precious view.
We decided to wait until tomorrow to look for Charlotte's family. I wanted to go to the beach first, it was close to the the hotel. Even if the hotel had a pool I preferred the beach. I found my bikini and walked outside the room. Andrew was getting out of the room at the same time.
-Hey are you going to the beach?- Andrew asked
-Are you blind?- I asked
-You could be going to the pool- Andrew said
-Whatever- I said
-I'm coming with you- Andrew said
-I don't need a cane, I can walk by myself- I said
-The beach is a public place I can go if I want, besides there will be all those guys in the beach trying to have sex with you, I'm not letting that happen- Andrew said
-Suit yourself- I said and kept walking
I could hear the steps after me, he knew how to be annoying... Or sweet. I was really confused, all my feelings for him were confusing. I can't have him close to me without him driving me crazy, but every time he is away I need him close.
I let my stuff in a beach chair, where Andrew sat. I ran to the water as far as my feet could reach and then I submerged in the water. I wanted to forget everything, I wanted to give up, and I wanted to stay there forever.
The silence of the water, I couldn't hear anything else than echoes. It was serene and relaxing. Doesn't matter how much water get inside my lungs I couldn't die and for once I wished I could. Those who wants to stay longer in this earth, die before time and those who wants to leave if they don't do anything about they'll live almost an eternity. For me eternity was a reality and it sucked. If I was human I would just stay in the water listen to echoes, knowing I was drowning and I wouldn't think about surviving.

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