Chapter 14- Behind the Mask

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Love is a complicated feeling, sometimes people say they love a person because is hot not because there are real feelings. There is a big different of what you see outside and what you see inside. That's why in the worst moments in our lives is when we find out who really love us. There are also moments when you love someone who doesn't love you back and you do anything to get that person. Sometimes the only way is putting a mask on.

It all started at 6:00 am, I woke up and I saw Elsa in the kitchen with Ryan. She was in his t-shirt and he had only shorts, thanks God, last time he was just in his boxers. My head was spinning after the hangover of last night. Elsa and Ryan were making breakfast while someone knocked at the door; I had to open even if I wasn't in the mood. As soon as I opened the door Andrew was standing in front of me, I almost jump because he was so protective over Elsa that he wouldn't understand she has a boy in the apartment. I took him outside saying his name out loud so Elsa could hear. Before I walked outside I saw Elsa taking his t-shirt off I giving it back to Ryan and then she put her clothes on. Andrew wanted to go inside because he heard a male's voice. I couldn't stop him so I had to think an excuse fast. Then it hit me, I could save Elsa's ass and show Andrew I didn't care what he did in the shower, I pretended Ryan was with me. I told him it was just a night stand because if he would be in the party and sees me with Chester, he could tell him something. Andrew acted like he didn't care about I just told him but I know he didn't like, he wasn't a good liar. Megan opened the door because she had a key that I shouldn't give it to her. Even if sometimes she could be annoying I still love her. She was picking Elsa and I up to go shopping for a dress and a mask, and why not lingerie for the after party. Elsa kissed her brother goodbye and Ryan kissed me in the cheek before he left.

-What? Not because we slept together means he has to kiss me in the mouth, he's a gentleman, not like others who act like a caveman - I told Andrew

-Nothing, and not because I didn't want to have sex with you means I'm a caveman, it means I'm not attract to you - Andrew said

Megan and Elsa looked at each other without saying a word.

- I really don't care I have taste better- I said

- I don't think so, besides how do you know we haven't kiss yet- Andrew said

- I don't want to do it either- I said walking to the door

- It didn't seem like it in the shower- Andrew said

It made me stop and look at him for a moment; I was this close to kill him. He clearly pushes me to the limit. I calmed myself I walked away. He left before Elsa closed the door. Elsa, Megan and I got inside the car, and he took his.

We ran to the store and we went directly to the dresses even if I wasn't a fan of them I couldn't go to the party without one. Elsa and Megan screamed when they saw the dresses, the almost break my ears; I could hear at long distance, so I felt like I had speakers in my ears. They tried on a lot of dresses from different colors. Elsa fell in love with a blue one and blue shoes to combine with the dress. Megan wanted a black dress and shoes that matched with it. Megan and Elsa looked up at me, I didn't like their face, they were planning something I wouldn't like. They took a dress they liked and dragged me into the dressing room. I tried the dress on and I looked myself in the mirror, the dress didn't look bad, it was nice just for once wear something different, they found for me matching pair of shoes. After we bought what we needed to buy there, we went to a costume store to find masks for the party. I looked the choices but I didn't want any of it, but then I looked over my right shoulder. I saw a mask of a fox in a crystal box, I asked the cashier if I could take that one and she nodded. She took a key out of her pocket, and then opened the crystal box and I took the mask out.

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