Chapter 35- While I'm Dying

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Some of us think the worst thing that could happen to us is death. Death is the end of our lives and it is scary to think we haven't live enough. But the worst of all is torture, the pain felt before the slowly and bitter death, the attempt to keep pointlessly fighting for our lives. In these cases death could be the solution and the end of that painful torture.
I slowly opened my eyes trying to focus on something, it was all blurry, I couldn't see anything clearly. My head felt dizzy and my whole body felt tired. I tried to move my arms but I couldn't feel them. I moved my head to look up with the little strength that I had to see my arms tied up to the roof and my feet didn't touch the ground. The room was quiet, I was wondering where Daniel was, he must had taken the dagger with him. I knew it was matter of time before I die.
Mary told me to be strong, to not give up, but I didn't believe in future, I ran away from my problems and I easily gave up, I didn't feel good enough, never in my life, questioning every little move I made, afraid to let someone down or don't have another chance to fix it. I wasn't alone because I liked it, I was alone because I didn't want people to see how weak I was, how small I felt. But being alone is one of the worst things we can do, every regret that you have comes back to your mind, all your demons drive you crazy and makes you which you were dead. That's how I felt, I was more afraid to live than to die. In that moment, tied up to the roof, I got my chance to give up and die, but as my head told me to give up, every other part of my body was asking me to fight back.
I heard someone coming, I stopped moving to look at the door.
-You're awake, just when we are getting started- Daniel said after he came in
-Trust me the last thing I want to hear before I die is your voice- I said
-Well you don't have another choice... You know I was thinking on how to kill you... I need your powers of I want to make all my dreams come true.... But then I thought I don't want my only alive daughter... I just saw Danielle's dead body outside the house, don't worry for me, I didn't care about her that much either... But you are different, you are the daughter I was waiting for... But then you fell in love with Andrew, and started wanting family and friends and you destroyed all my hopes on you, if you had been different I'll probably will consider to join me but now is too late- Daniel said
-I'm so tired of you making false promises, I knew from the start you weren't thinking about sharing, I have made so many mistakes in the past but the worst of all was to help you without trusting you- I said
-You did because blood called you, you knew I was the only one who understand your nature because you are just like me- Daniel said
-Probably the reason why we always end together- I said
-I thought I might just kill you but I have something else in mind- Daniel said
He took a wooden stake and passed it through my belly, all the way to my back, I stayed immobile. He took the stake out, then he scraped the object all over my back. I didn't move, I didn't scream, but I felt one lonely tear coming down from my eye. I couldn't let myself to cry or feel the pain, I was too proud to let him see my pain, and I knew the injuries would go away sooner or later, the ones that stayed were made by Robert, when I was still human.
After a long time, I couldn't figure out if they were hours or minutes, but they felt the longest time of all, he gave me a break. He left the room and once again I tried to untied myself of, I had lose most of my force, I felt weak, I needed blood to regain that force, but he wouldn't be so nice to give me some. I had to find another way to be stronger than him. I looked for the dagger but nowhere to be seen. I heard steps of someone who is getting closer, I stopped moving with my head down to look weaker than I was, if that was possible.
-Angel? What are you doing here?- I remembered the voice but I couldn't quite believe it
I looked up to see his face and find out the truth
-Andrew?... I thought... I thought you were dead... I saw you in the floor- I said
He ran toward the table where Daniel had all his torture weapons and chose the knife to cut the rope, which was covered in verbena, it made him jump at the touch and step back .
-That freaking burned!!!- Andrew yelled
-If you came to rescue me, you should keep your voice down or your whole crazy plan will be the one going down- I said
-But why is burning me, doesn't it burn you?- Andrew asked
-Of course it is, now can you man up and cut the dawn rope already!- I said
He cut the rope and I fell to the floor making every single part of my body hurt even more. Andrew helped me to stand up as he apologized for letting me fall.
-Don't worry about it, let's find Daniel he must be around somewhere- I sat on the first chair I saw because I couldn't feel any part of my body
Andrew looked at the blood coming out of my shirt, he tried to move it so he could see better but I stopped him.
-Angel... You're not fine, you need to recover- Andrew said
-I don't have time for recovery, I need to find that son of bitch- I said
-Then drink from me you need the blood- Andrew said
-No, I can't, a vampire can't drink werewolf's blood, it just makes it worst- I said
-Seems like I can't help you in anything, I thought coming here was a way of helping you, I made it worst- Andrew said
-It doesn't matter now, we need to find him... Let's go- I said
I walked out of the room but I could hear Andrew said-Not even a kiss-
He then followed me as I looked around the house. No one was there, I couldn't feel the presence of nobody. It was dark outside and Ethan was still waiting inside the car.
-Ethan did you see Daniel getting out of the house?- I asked as I got closer to the car
-No, I thought he was inside the house, with you- Ethan bends down the window to talk to me
-Well, it's 11 pm, still one hour left of your birthday so Happy Birthday!!- Andrew said
-Seriously?!! Now!!!- I said
-It's better late than never- Andrew said
-You don't look so good and wait... How is it that you are alive?- Ethan asked
- I have no idea, he did kill me- Andrew said
-We need to go now- I said
-Where? We don't know where he is- Andrew said
-I might know, you two go to Ryan's place, Megan and Elsa are both there- I said
-No way, we are coming with you- Andrew said
-Andrew, I'm not a princess, I don't need a charming prince and a knight in shining armor- I said
-No, but you still need help woman who can against all... And for the record I'm the prince right?- Andrew smiled
-After I kill Daniel, I'm going to kill you- I said
Ethan drove us to the bar, the place where "we met". I looked the place around, then I looked toward the bar. Daniel was seated with a bottle of whiskey.
-I knew you would know where I would be- Daniel said
-I can see your boyfriend woke up and freed you- Daniel said
-What I don't understand is why you let me think he was dead but then you let him to untied me?- I asked
-To answer your first question, he was the only reason why you didn't want to give me the dagger, if you thought he was dead, I knew you would come here now that you lost everything.... For the second question, he is technically really dead, if you or him haven't notice yet, I turned him in what he hates the most, which is going to makes him hate you even more, but don't worry daughter, you won't live for long to see it- Daniel said
Andrew stayed quite, he knew what Daniel was talking about.
-I got some news, too, probably not that important, but Mary played a bigger move on you in the past, when you were trying to kill Danielle when she was a child, thinking she would have the most dangerous powers, powers that will ruin your plans to rule the world, you were actually killing Anna's daughter, I'm Mary's daughter, she knew what you planned, and she decided to change the babies so you would kill the wrong one- I said
-Well, it's not like that matters anymore, you still are going to die- Daniel said
-No, it actually does matter, while you were trying to kill Danielle, it gave me time to grow up and for Mary to unlock my powers, before you could figure out why I had these powers if I wasn't Danielle- I said
I looked for the dagger, after I located it in Daniel's pocket, I used the power of air to bring it to my hand.
-How did you...?- Daniel sked
-Guess my powers are magnifying- I said
-The best part is that, I don't have to be close to you to kill you- I said
I sent the dagger back to him but this time right in his chest, the force was so strong and it took his heart out through his back. I saw him fall to the ground, and I felt nothing, I didn't care.
We got out of the house and handed over to Ethan a box.
-What is in here?- Ethan asked
-Daniel's heart- Andrew said
Ethan looked at the box disgusted and put it in the passenger seat, while he seats in the driver one. Andrew and me seated in the back. While Ethan started driving to Ryan's place, Andrew took my hand and looked at me.
-What are you going to do now that everything is... Over?- Andrew asked
-What are you going to do now you are vampire?- I asked
-I asked you first- Andrew said
-Honestly, I don't know... I don't feel like coming back to my old life- I said
-Then stay with me, now we can actually live together for an eternity- Andrew said
-Trust me, it's not as romantic as it sounds, you're gonna get bored... I'd been around for a quite while and it's not that fun to know time passes by you and you still look the same, feel the same, act the same, think the same- I said
-We will figure out a way- Andrew said
-I'm not sure of that- I said
I let go of his hand and looked at the window. The rest of ride was silence. Ethan could hear everything but he preferred to keep his opinions for himself.
We got to Ryan's place and knocked. Ryan opened and let us in.
-Elsa- Andrew said when he saw his sister crying next to Megan. Elsa moved her head up when he heard his voice and ran toward him. Then she noticed me and hugged me with the same intensity.
-Be careful, my back still hurts- I said
-What happened?- Elsa asked
-Everything is over, Daniel is finally dead.... I have to call my mom... I mean Mary to let her know- I said
-I'll stay here with my sister, I think you need to talk to her- Andrew said
-Yeah with do- I said
-But then we have to talk about us- Andrew said
-Oh, I completely forgot!!! Megan Andrew is a vampire he needs a tattoo or maybe you can do something with the one he has- I said changing the subject
-Oh yeah leave it to me- Megan said
-Wait!! You are a vampire?- Elsa asked
-I just love how everyone is talking about murder and supernatural stuff in front of me, I think you all forgot I'm human- Ryan said
Everybody in the room realize he was right. Elsa smiled and hugged him, then Andrew held her arm and separated them.
I walked out there door and used the car to go to my apartment. When I got there, Mary was waiting on the couch.
-I thought something happened to you- Mary stood up when she saw me walking through the door
-No I'm better, and I got good news- I said
-Good news? That's definitely something new- Mary said
-Well, I don't know how you will take it... Daniel is dead- I said
She stayed silence for a moment, just looking at me with no expression on her face.
-I can't explain you how you feel right now...- Mary said and sat on the couch
-You don't need to, you can love someone as much as you can hate them- I said
-But it's over now, that's what matters...I'm sorry Andrew had to die- Mary said
-Oh he didn't, he is a werewolf-vampire now- I said
-What?!- Mary asked
-Yeah Daniel turned him, just for fun, but I think he is taking well, I mean he is not happy but he is seeing the positive side of it- I said
-Which is?- Mary asked
-Like being together for eternity... I know it's crazy, I have never been in an actual relationship and literary forever scares me- I said
-Look I know I told you it was the best he died because I thought he would turn out to be like Daniel, if our history was going to repeat itself, he would be the one that would hurt you the most...but I was wrong, he seems like he really cares and he is not Daniel which is even better- Mary said
-I'm glad that we found each other mom, I thought no one was ever going to love me and now I have you, Elsa, Megan, Ethan...- I cut myself off
-And Andrew, I know it's scary to trust someone else and more if you have trust before and they have fail you, but the thing is we never know, and we can always start from zero again, but take the shot, you only regret of the things you didn't do- Mary said
-I have to go, I'll call you later- I said
I walked out of my apartment and waited for the sun to go out. I drove back to Ryan's place. I knocked the door and Andrew was the one who opened it.
-Hey, did you talk to Mary?- Andrew asked
-I did, she gave a really good advice- I said
-What was it?- Andrew asked
-Can you come outside? I owe you something- I said
-I don't think so, not that I remember- Andrew said
-Just come outside- I said
He walked outside and closed the door behind him. I surprised him by kissing him but he didn't stop me.
I did trust and people had fail me. I did love and they didn't love me back. They promised me to stay but then they left me. The worst part is for vampires forever does exist but that doesn't mean happiness is forever, eternity just gives you more chances to believe many times more just to watch as those hopes go down each time. That's why I don't believe in forever, but I believe in now and in doing everything in my power to get where I want to go. I chose to trust one more time, it might be the same situation but not the same person. What matters is that even if I was scared, I did what I felt.

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