Chapter 13- Expectations

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There is something called expectation, everybody has at least one time in their lives. Like parents have expectations on how their kids should be when they grow up. Kids have expectations about how perfect life would be when they leave home and their parents. Teenagers have expectations on how the person they love should treat them. Everybody have expectations but what happens when those expectations doesn't turn out how you expect it.

I found myself sitting next to Megan and Elsa in the sauna of the spa I asked them to meet me. I wanted to know about the picture, why they didn't say anything to me? I needed to find out. I made myself the innocent who didn't have seen the picture yet making her tell me about it by herself.

-So Megan San Valentine is coming up what about if you and I instead of look for a date we look for a sex machine I mean we are both single and I really don't want to be walking and looking to all those lame hearts around the city, what you think? - I asked

-I don't know why you don't ask Elsa - Megan said

- She can't she has a date with Ryan, why can't you come? Do you have plans with someone? - I asked

-No... I mean yes there is something I want to talk to you about - Megan said -What's that? - I asked knowing what she would say next

-I'd been dating with someone and you know him- Megan said

-Who's the guy? -Elsa asked

-Ethan, I hope you don't mind, I didn't tell you before because I wasn't sure how you'll react - Megan said

- I knew it already I just wanted to take it out of your mouth, next time you want to keep a secret make sure not to publish it in a public website like Instagram - I smirked

-Oh you're right I don't know what I was thinking, but what do you think? - Megan said

- I'm mad... because you didn't tell me, you should know me by now, Ethan and I ended up things in good terms, he has every right to start over- I said

I was planning stay all day long until an annoying person called me to bug me. Andrew called to meet me in Mary's house in an hour, and then he hanged up like he didn't want to talk me. I told my friends about it and Elsa told me he might like me according what he yelled at me the previous day and then he avoided me so he didn't have to talk about it and because she is his sister and know him pretty well.

After an hour I decided to go because it might be something important if it was in Mary's house. I knocked at the door and he was the one who opened it, we both rolled our eyes before I got inside. Mary was in the kitchen making some coffee when she saw me and she made her way where I was. Mary asked us to fight against each other for practice, it better if we had an actual person to fight with. Andrew didn't want to do it at first because he didn't want to hurt me physically but I convinced him to fight. He was going to punch me in my jaw but I stopped his arm with my right one putting it in his back, he tried to punch in the same place again but I turned my back and it missed. I tried to punch him in the face two times but I missed it when he moved his head sideways. I made him fall on the floor with my foot, I put my arm between his chin and his chest, I thought I got him so I told him so but I didn't count he would use his forehead to hit mine letting him have the control of the unconscious me.

-Got ya- Andrew said

Mary offered us her bathroom to take a shower. Andrew let me go first because I still was mad that he won. I was taking the shower thinking about it, they are two proverbs I always keep in mind when it comes to enemies. The first one "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" is better to know what they do to beat them. The other one is "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" in my case seduction replaced the word join. I finish in the bathroom and let myself to go back in the living room where I found Mary sitting on the couch with the TV on. I waited for him to get in the bathroom and a little while after that to make my move. I opened the bathroom door, I waited leaning against the wall. I heard when he turned off the water and he moved the curtains after that. I let the bathrobe on me fall to the floor leaving me completely naked. He looked at me at the same time he was getting close to me. He looked me in the eyes then he kissed me. The thing I didn't expect was when he removed the bathrobe from the floor putting it back on me. He whispered to my ear "I don't want just sex" and then he walked out of the room leaving me even more furious about him. I exited the bathroom 3 minutes after him. I went back to my apartment where I found Elsa. She knew something was going on with me, so when she asked I didn't know if I should tell her I mean it was about her brother. So I backed up myself before telling her.

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