Chapter 8- Forgiveness

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Forgiveness doesn't mean forget, it doesn't help the soul that you forgive, it helps yours. There is no such pain as the pain of losing someone without saying goodbye. The guilty will be there until the day you die, and for a vampire it would be an eternity. The worst thing is you can't do anything about it because that person is gone. They always say it's better late than never.

-Did you do what? - Ethan shouted

- I was the one who kiss him - I said

- How you do that to your sister, to me, I was your boyfriend - Ethan said

- I never was your girlfriend, it was just sex for me, but clearly it was something real for you, well that's not my problem - I shouted

I acted without thinking, thinking I would hurt his feeling, but caring about his feeling was never my intentions. I stopped showing my feelings, nothing would change that. He looked at me for a second with rage and walk away. I made my way inside of the house. I sat in front of the TV and Elsa sat by my side asking me happen, but I changed the subject. She understood I didn't want to talk about it. I wanted to know about the boy she was with. She told his name was Ryan Parker, I could tell she was falling in love, but I didn't believe in it, so I told her not to get attached to him or she could lose. We also talk about Daniel's plan, she told she didn't want to kill the witches and I shouldn't either. They balance the earth and do things we can't and we need.

We watched a three horror movies in a row but we couldn't finish the last one because someone knocked at the door. Megan put a foot inside as I opened the door. I presented her my new friend, the one who left us alone seconds later so we could talk.

-I wanted to apologized for how I treated you, and for not looking for you after the fight- I said

- I'm sorry, too, I know you have a strong temper, I should take it easy - I said

- There is nothing you have to apologize for - I said - Hug? - Megan asked

- Hug - I said

We hugged and laugh out loud. I called Elsa and the three of us so the end of the movie. I looked over my shoulder at the end of the movie to find Andrew looking at me again. We decided to go to the bar but my sister behind the door didn't let us go. She was pissed like something got into her and I knew exactly what was that. I was sure Ethan told her about the kiss already, but I was in a mistake. The person who told her I kissed Chester was my best friend Megan. How could she do that to me?

I explained my sister everything, I defended Chester because it was me the one who kissed him, it wasn't his fault, even if didn't do anything to stop, I started and I must finish it. I told her he loved her, that was he told me and she smiled breaking every part of me inside.

-Are you happy now? - I asked

- Yeah, but why do you do it, you have all men at your feet, why my boyfriend - Ruby claimed

- I don't have anybody at my feet, that's you, not me, sex is not love, nobody will love me the way they will love you, now go back to your life, and leave mine alone - I said

Ruby didn't say a word; she just walked out the door leaving me with Elsa and a big mouth friend. I turned to face Megan, she knew exactly I wanted an explanation by my stare. Elsa decided to go to store to buy some groceries, I forgot she is not a vampire and she needed to eat. Megan and I stayed in the living room. She gave me a lame excuse, she was mad at me because of fight. But he didn't have the right to do that to me. I decided to leave that in the past and worry about others things. The store is close to my house and Elsa didn't come back after an hour. I called her and she didn't answer, I was really worried about her. I went to the store and she wasn't there, when I exited the store a necklace of her was in the floor. I called Andrew but he didn't answer either, I think the only thing he did in the house was staring at me. A message from her appeared in the screen of my phone S.O.S. Megan thought on finding her by a spell; I took the necklace with me because she needed something personal from her. The first time I saw the necklace, it looked familiar but I didn't remember where I saw the necklace before, unconsciously I knew the owner very well.

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