Chapter 29- Into the Deep

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We worry about our thoughts, the way they affect our lives. But everyone forgets how the thoughts were created. Deep inside our minds, the roots of every thought hides. We just need to look deep back to find the true beginning of them.
I felt a hand pulling me out the water. I tried to find my way out from Andrew's arms as he carried me to the beach.
-What did you do that for?- I asked and sat on the sand next to Andrew
-You were drowning- Andrew said
-To drown, I need to breathe first, I'm dead remember- I said
-I got scared you were so long in the water I thought something happened to you- Andrew said
-What do you care?- I said
-I do care, I told you I love you- Andrew said
-But you're still with Danielle- I said
-She is here because Daniel wanted to and I told her to sleep in separate rooms- Andrew said
-It's not like she can't go to your room anytime- I said
-Jealous?- Andrew smiled
-Of course not, I'm just saying you are a liar- I said
-No, you are, you have feelings for me, too, but you are scared I could hurt you and I get it, but I can't make sure you I won't hurt you because I make mistakes but I promise you that I will always choose you above everything else in heartbeat- Andrew said
I didn't have words
-Aren't you going to say something?- Andrew asked
-I want to be alone- I said and stood up
-Angel why you complicate things all the time?- Andrew asked
-Because that's who I am, and if you stay longer bad things are going to happen to you, I always end up destroying what I love the most- I said and walked away from him
After I walked a while on the beach and went back to my hotel room. I turned the TV on to watch anything and forget what I said to Andrew. Did I actually told him I love him? I was going crazy. I needed to get him out of my head. After the movie I closed my eyes for a little while.
It was already the next morning when my phone rang. I picked up to hear Andrew's voice in the other side of the line.
-What?- I asked half asleep
-Did you forget? We need to find Charlotte's family, Mary told me they lived and we need to get moving- Andrew said
-Okay, give me five minutes- I said
I took a quick shower before heading to the lobby where Andrew and Danielle were waiting for me. Andrew set up the GPS while I drove. Meanwhile, Danielle was turning the music louder from the car we rented.
-So the guy name is Scott Foster- Andrew said
-Danielle, darling, I'm so hungry can you bring me something from the hotel restaurant?- I asked
-Why don't you get it yourself?- Danielle asked
I was about to turn around but Andrew asked her the same thing and she went for it.
I let out a scream of frustration...
-I can't stand her no more- I said
-We all can see that- Andrew said
-Well, now that she is gone, why the hell we are going to ask Scott for the dagger, if we know exactly where it is?- I asked
-Because we need to find out what he knows and we need to look clueless in front of Danielle, we all know that the only reason why she is here is because she is the eyes of Daniel- Andrew said
-Or she could just have come because of you- I said
-Daniel wouldn't let her come, he knows I have feelings for you and he wants to know if my plans changed- Andrew said
Before I could say anything, Danielle came back in and gave us the food.
I drove until we arrived to the address. The house looked simple from the outside, but you could also see the warmth of it. I knocked at the door and a guy probably my age opens the door. We didn't know what he knows about the supernatural world.
-Can I help you with something?- the guy asked
-It depends on your name- I said
-Scott....- Scott said
-Then you can.... Do you know anything about witches, are you?- I asked
-What?!!- Scott looked confused
-Excuse her for a second- Andrew said
He grabbed my hand and we walked far enough for Scott to hear us.
-Are you lost your mind?- Andrew whispered
-You told me to go straight to the point- I whispered
-Yeah but not like that- Andrew whispered
-Then you have to be more specific- I whispered
We walked back to the front of the house....
-So... I'm a vampire, we know about Charlotte, your ancestor, which was witch and a friend's sister, and she also slept with Daniel, my father....- I said
I could see Andrew covering his face in annoyance with the corner of my eye, and I tried not to laugh, it's not like I would listen to him, I don't listen to anyone else but me.
Scott still looked confused but I could see he knew something about it.
-Get it now? I need you to let us in, well me, Danielle can stay outside- I said
-Hey why?- Danielle asked
-Because you're not welcome- I said
She was about to say something but Andrew stopped her.
-Why I should let you in? Vampires are not invited in here- Scott said
-Because I can easily kill you without going inside- I said
-Prove it- Scott said
I concentrated on his neck and suddenly he was drowning out of nowhere....
-Do you believe me now?- I asked
-How can she do that?- Danielle asked surprised
-I do, stop it please!!!!- Scott almost couldn't speak
I stopped...
-Now can I come in?- I sarcastically asked
-You may come in- Scott said and opened the door wider
I stepped in and Andrew followed, Danielle couldn't go in.
-Don't let her in- I told Scott
-Andrew?!!- Danielle said from the outside
-Just let her in- Andrew told me
-Fine, but she can't talk, her voice is annoying- I said
Scott invited her to come in...
-What do you need exactly?- Scott asked
-We are looking for an artifact named Master Dagger, what do you know about it?- Andrew asked
-I don't have it, I know it can take away the powers of a a great witch but Mary's daughter has it- Scott said
-I'm..- I cut off Danielle
-I said quiet- I said
-Danielle is Mary's daughter, she doesn't have it- Andrew said
-Why does Daniel want the dagger for? To take away Mary's powers?- I pretended to be confused, just in case Danielle was actually spying on us
-Must be- Andrew said
-Can I...?- Danielle was cut off by me
-But I need to go to the bathroom- Danielle said
-Just go- I said
-First door in the right- Scott said
-This house was constructed over Charlotte and Mary's house- Scott said
-The lake must be close- I said
-Lake?- Andrew asked
-The lake Mary told me about- I said
I was actually excited to see it even if it showed your fears.
-Wait, Mary is with you?- Scott asked
-She is not here in London, Mary is in New York- I said
-How's that possible?- Scott asked
-When you live in the supernatural side of the world everything is possible- I said
-I really want to go to New York-Scott said
-Well I wish I could stay in London, but you don't always get what you want.... I going to look for the lake- I told the last part to Andrew
-Do you want me to come?- Andrew asked
-No, I'm good- I said
I walked outside and looked around through the bushes. I walked deeper inside the woods. When I looked back I lost the sight of the house. I kept walking until I finally so the lake, I wasn't sure it was it, so I just put my hand inside. It was not like I was afraid of anything...was I?

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