Chapter 10- Love me or love me not

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There is a game that all lovers like to play. You want to find if the person you love the most love you back. Sometimes when the little flower runs out of petals you want to do it again because you didn't like the answer. No one wants to face the ugly and harsh truth. But even if it hurts is better than a lie.

Elsa walked out of the house looking at me, then at Chester. She decided to go back inside but I told her not to. After I told her to stay, I informed both of them I was staying but I was getting a new apartment. Chester was trying to figure things out; I wasn't in the mood to get hurt. There is also my sister; I didn't want to hurt her either.

I looked around the city for apartment, I let Elsa decided what she wanted, something I never did before, I always like to have the control. When we finally found the one we were looking for, we received an unexpected guest.

-Hello guys , I'm next door if you need anything- Ethan said walking back to his apartment

-Do you think he came for you?- Elsa asked

-Are you kidding, of course not, he just likes to play, besides we are the last to move in- I said

- Yeah you're right - Elsa said walking inside.

I got inside sitting on the couch; I looked at the wall and realize I was actually thinking that he could choose me. I had the stupid feeling that something was going to happy, it was like my heart was beating without actually doing it, I was trying to turn it off, but nothing happened. The worst thing was I was feeling guilty because my sister was in the middle, something that does not happen.

I called Ruby without even thinking about it once, I didn't know what to say, I just dialed her number, but she didn't answer. I dialed like six times after that, I know you maybe think I was obsessed calling her like that, like if she thought about me been in the middle of her relationship. But after six times she would at least answer to yell at me. I went with the only person who could know something about her; he should know where she was.

He was there cleaning the tables, he stopped what he was doing when he saw me giving me a big smile; it disappeared when I asked him for Ruby. His expression changed immediately, something was wrong, so I asked him again this time informing him I wanted the truth, he repeated the same answer. I turned my back to him making my way out and she stood in front of me. I followed Mary after she asked me to. She told two important things. One was Chester was lying to me, of course I believed her because she is a witch. The last important thing that got my eye and let me very confused about her intentions, she wanted me to train me but Daniel couldn't know. She looked at my confused face and tells me the next part; she wanted to rule the world like everyone else but then she started yelling how much she hates him, it made me realized she didn't want to rule the world, she wanted to destroyed him.

-So why exactly do you hate him so much? - I asked looking anywhere but her ... awkwardly -

You're smart - Mary said -

That has nothing to do with been smart or not, it's kinda obvious, did he do something for you? - I asked

- No we are just frenemies, like you guys now in this century - Mary said with a fake smile

- You realized I'm not from this century either - I said

- I mean you're a teenager you catch up fast - Mary said

-I'm not a teenager, can we train now? - I kinda yelled

- Nineteen ends in teen, it means teenage, and don't make me feel old - Mary said

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