Chapter 5- Double Date

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Sometimes feelings make you weak and that's why some people hide them. You can hide them to others, but you can't hide it to yourself. Even if you try to make them go away, it will be spinning on your head and never going to leave you alone.

It was 3:00 o' clock and I couldn't sleep at all. Ethan was by my side on the bed, I tried not to make sounds so he doesn't wake up. I went outside of the motel to see the first quarter moon. I had to think about my dad, he wanted me to join his team, I had to think whether or not I would join his team, the bad part would be I had to kill, but the good part I would be with him. I thought maybe he is just like me, and spent time together would help us to meet each other.

At 7:00 o' clock in the morning I went to the park because I needed more time to think about it without anybody interrupting me. But I found Chester walking by... again.

-Where are you been? - Chester said

- Here, there, everywhere - I said

- Wow, those are a lot of places - Chester said laughing and I laughed back

- I was with my dad - I said

- So you two are getting along - Chester said

- Surf of, I'm not sure - I said

- I was hoping we can do something together Ruby, Ethan, you and me - Chester said

- Oh, like a double date? - I asked

- Something like that - Chester said

- Ok why do you really want me to go to that thing? - I said

- I want you spend time with your sister - Chester said

- I will go but I don't promise you my sister and I will get close again - I said and then left.

I went back to the motel to see if Ethan was still there, but he wasn't. Then, I went to Ruby's house and he was there waiting for me. Ruby was happy to see me; she hugged me, I don't know what got into her.

-What are you doing? - I asked

I'm just happy to know we going to do something together- Ruby said

- The double date, I don't know what to do there, I don't even know what I supposed to do in a date - I said

- Me either - Ethan said

- Well don't worry, just be yourself - Ruby said

- Trust me you don't want me to be myself - I said

Daniel called me but I didn't anybody about the call, Ruby thought he was a good person and I couldn't tell her the truth. I went outside to answer the call. He wanted me to think about his offer, but I didn't accept it. After hanged up the phone I felt a pain in the chest. I wanted him to be with me, because he wanted to, not because he had to. Ruby appeared behind my back asking me what was wrong; of course I didn't tell her. She told me what I should wear, but I didn't want to put a dress on, so I told her I was going on jeans and t-shirts. She didn't like so much the idea, but she accepted it. When she was about to leave I stopped her with a question.

-If you could see your dad again, even if he did bad things, you leave all his mistakes behind to be with him? - I asked

- Of course, I will do anything to see him again - Ruby said with a little smile on her face and then left.

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