Chapter 31- Always There

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There are two different kinds of parents, those who care and does who don't. No because they are next to you means they care and no because they are not means they don't. After that you can find everything. Parents make mistakes, just as everyone else does, because there's not a manual that tells you how to be one. Even if they do something wrong, or they protect you too much, they still are doing what they think is best for you. Parents sacrifice themselves for us, but we don't see it and it happens every day. Parent love is the most hardest one of all, they give their love to us, take care of us, sacrifice themselves for us and then they have to let us goIt all made sense, she always having my back without knowing me. The relationship that she had with Daniel. Mary wasn't excited to see her daughter again. I thought she just didn't want to show it, but it could be because Danielle is not her daughter, which means she is Ana's biological daughter and Ruby's sister.
-I can't believe this- I yelled
I was pissed, she lied to me many times and somehow I kept trusting her. But this couldn't be forgiven.
-I'm sorry Angel, I didn't want to give you up- Mary said
-But you did... I can't believe how many times I told you how bad I felt because my mother didn't love me, I always thought I did something wrong- I yelled
-There is nothing wrong with you, I made the mistake- Mary said
-My life was a living hell in that house, but I stayed there because that was my family, it wasn't going to get better for me, no else will love me better- I yelled
-I couldn't take you with me, Daniel and my mother would have killed you, I couldn't take that risk- Mary said
-I could have run away with you, I prefer run for my life that live in hell- I lowered my voice tone
-I thought Ana would take care of you thinking you were her daughter, and would live with your father, but everything went wrong and running away wouldn't be leaving- Mary said
-At the end Danielle is happy and I'm messed up- I said
-Just because I sent her somewhere else, Daniel looked for me and for you, he tried to kill you many times, I told him I lost the baby and he didn't believe me so he tried to kill me, he promised me he was going to find you and kill you, I don't know what happened that he changed his mind.... I wasn't happy all these years Angel, I felt miserable, that I had to give you up because I fell for the wrong man, my mother also sent people to kill me, Charlotte told her everything, by that time, I didn't have much control over my powers, I felt incapable of protecting you- Mary said
I was speechless, I couldn't say anything back to that....
-Please say something- Mary said
-I don't know what to say- I said
-I just want you to let me prove you that I love you, more than anything or anyone could- Mary said
My phone rang breaking the conversation, Andrew's name appeared in the screen, and I silenced the phone.
-Who's that?- Mary asked
-Just Andrew... I have to think about this- I said
I started walking but she stopped me by grabbing my arms gently.
-Angel, be careful with him, I always thought Chester was the one that will hurt you, so I told you to stay away, but it could be Andrew- Mary said and let go of my hand
-What are you talking about?- I asked
-In our world, stories end up repeating, my sister and I feel in love with the same man, the difference is I knew what he was capable of, most of his secrets, and I still loved him, that is what is happening to you- Mary said
-I'm not in love with Andrew- I said
-You are scared that he would change his mind someday and try to kill you and yes you are, that's the reason you are scared in the first place, you wouldn't bare the fact he will hate because you love him- Mary said
-It's not like I can get pregnant- I said
-It's not about that, it's about how happy and unhappy he made me at the same time.... Love is the most dangerous feeling, doesn't matter how much you give away, you don't know if you are going to get it in return- Mary said
I walked back to my apartment hoping to find Elsa, but she wasn't there. I got inside the apartment and closed the door behind me. I turned the TV and took out a blood bag from the fridge. The night was coming and I could see outside the window the full moon rising. Well I was alone, it wasn't like I could hurt anyone.
I herd a knock and then Andrew's voice. I walked toward it and opened it.
-Hey bipolar, now that you seem like niece you, can you tell me what happened?- Andrew said
-This is not my nice face, I don't have one, this is I don't give a shit face- I said
-Well at least it's the normal you, that it's not normal at all- Andrew said
-I fell into the lake, the lake reflects your fears like it was a movie, it happened to me even knowing this, because I was curious which it's stupid I know, but it happened, happy?- I asked
He was trying not to laugh...
-Seriously?!!- Andrew asked
-Go to hell- I said
I was going to close the door but he stopped it with his hand.
-I'm sorry, it must have been a terrible moment watching your fears in front of you- Andrew said
-I'm okay, I thought you were going to stay longer- I said
-I wanted to come back to see you... I brought Scott with us- Andrew said
-You did what?!!- I asked
-He wanted to see Mary and meet New York, so I say why not?- Andrew said
-Yeah why not? Just another person we need to keep away from Daniel, idiot- I said
-Stop thanking me for coming back just for you- Andrew trying to be sarcastic
-I have other things to worry about- I said
-Something wrong?- Andrew asked
-Stop acting like you care- I said
-I do care I don't know how many times I'm going to tell you- Andrew said and walked inside
-What are you doing? Out!-I said
He closed the door and walked closer to me. He put me against the wall, I could feel his heart beating faster. My eyes are locked to his. I bit my lips and I could feel the warmth of his body against mine. I stood still, even if I wanted to run, I desired for him to kiss me, I needed his kiss.
His lips touched mine, it started gentle and it became savage that it almost hurt. His tongue played with mine and my hands wrapped around his neck unwillingly and my legs followed wrapping around his waist.
I was dying for this, for his touch. I knew Mary might be right but I didn't care. I knew I was falling for him, I was losing the control, but I couldn't stay away any longer. In that moment there was not Danielle, Mary or Daniel. For the first time it didn't matter if I win or lose the game, I just wanted to play it. I never liked not knowing this, not having things figured out, but maybe that was the beauty of love, you'll never know.

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