Chapter 2- New Guy in The City

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A world full with actions and consequences doesn't stop us from doing things that people will judge, if you don't want people to know, do it with strangers, the act always have a witness, it's better if the witness doesn't know you or anyone around you.

-"Who are you?" - I asked

-Well I really not good in this, so I just going to tell you the truth, I saw you from the bar and I wanted to meet you but I didn't have an excuse, so I try to be a seductive guy"- He said while he sat in our table

-"Honest guy, I like it, if you have been like those guy who think the world in front of his feet, I wouldn't let you seat in this table"-I said. He gave me a short smile.

-"Well I have a lot of things to do, have a good night"- Megan said

She wanted me to find Mr. Right, so she left me alone with him. I told him if he wanted a girlfriend he had to look to other direction. But without saying a word I understood he wasn't really looking for a girlfriend. We looked at each other and we had in our minds the same dirty thoughts. We slept together in a motel room, and before the sun woke up I wasn't there. I thought I would never see him again.

I went to Ruby's home; Megan, Ruby and Chester were waiting for me. Megan was anxious to know what happen with Ethan, but Ruby weren't so happy. Instead of be my little sister it's looked like Ruby was the elder one. She thought something happened to me because I didn't return her calls. Megan wanted to know everything; she knew me so well and what I was capable of ... everything... anytime... anywhere. Ruby was like she was waiting for an explanation. I asked her what happened; she told that they were worry about me, but I never nice to anyone, so I told them with a rude tone that I could take care of myself. They left, Ruby was really mad at me by I didn't care. I sat with Megan to tell her everything, of course, it wasn't a love story. I used to be a girl who only talks about love, long time ago when I was still human. But I realized when you give everything you probably won't get it a lot of that back or worst nothing at all. I wasn't ready to let anybody in and let my feelings come out either. The only person I really talked was Megan and maybe Chester, but he was dating my sister of course he would choose her over me.

October 3rd, I wake up with the sunlight through my window; I went out for breakfast and Ethan was in the table in front of me. I guess I was wrong, sometimes the stranger comes back. He moved to my table and started to make me questions, he was the type of guy that liked to talk and know the other person. I started to let out my thoughts and opinions, it felt good, I laughed and I had a lot of fun. But it was time to come back to reality, more than reality was the past, long time ago, I didn't even recognized him. A man came near to me and told me he was looking for someone... me.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for somebody, her name is Angel Black, do you know her?"- He asked

- "I'm her, can I do something for you?" - I asked ironically

- "Don't you remember me? I'm your father"- He said

- "Good one, but my father died long time ago, so if you excuse me" - I said and went back into my conversation

-"Wait, so you didn't tell all about your past" -Ethan said

- Why would I?"- I said sarcastically

"Aggressive, of course you are my daughter, I never died, I just left"- He said

- "Leave and die is the same thing to me"- I said sarcastically

- "Well sorry but I can't never die I'm a vampire, I born as one"- He said

- "One what is your name? Two how is that you born as a vampire and then you had a child?" - I asked

-"I see your mother didn't tell you anything about me, my name is Daniel Black and you born as a vampire too" - Daniel said

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