Chapter 3- Full Moon

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Some people say they are afraid to dark of the night, but that is what really scared them? We are afraid of what we can find in the dark, because we can't see it. When I was little I used to be afraid of darkness, because I believed in monsters, then I thought they didn't exist, but now the monster is me.
It was noon, the moon wasn't there, and I had time before everything happened. The night was coming and the worst thing the time was going really fast. I had time for a little talk with a stranger. Ethan knocked at my door, I let him in and we sat in the couch. I told him about what could happen that night; I didn't think that night would be something so bad, after all I was a vampire already, what else could happen. But I was scared of what the woman did to me, and how it could affect my life. I went to the balcony and I looked a t the sun wishing it never leave.
-" I used to love the full moon; actually I wished that someday I could stay all night, lying on the grass, and looking at the full moon with someone I love, stupid right?" - I said
-"No you're wrong, I think it is pretty romantic and fun"- Ethan said
-"I don't think that anymore, if you tell someone I will kill you"- I said
-"All right I won't"- Ethan said
- "Ethan I don't want to hurt but if you think we can have something, you are wrong, I don't want to fall in love right now or never"- I said
-"Don't worry I'll wait"- Ethan said
-"Seat because you going to wait for a long time"- I said smiling
-"Then, I seat as much time as you need"-Ethan said
-"Are you really not scared of me?"-I asked
- "No, I don't think you are a monster, and even if you are when I'll look at you in your monster form I will remember you're an angel like your name says"-Ethan said
-"You're so nice, that why I don't like you"-I said
-Someday you will like that and no matter how many times you push me away I will never leave"- Ethan said

I didn't know why he still was there; it was so hard to believe that someone could love me or at least like me. I didn't want to feel, I was scared of getting hurt. I like to push people away when I feel I don't deserve them, so they will hate me and don't come back to me because if they don't I will hurt them and sometimes without been on purpose.
I looked to the sun, then to the floor and told him to back off. I didn't want to hurt him, or anyone else. I asked him to go, he was trying to stay next to me, but I didn't let him. If he didn't get out I had to, it was the only way to protect him. He didn't want to go, so I got out and went to a park close to the hotel. I sat on a bank, and I saw happy couples passing by, like there is nothing more important than each other. One lonely tear felt out of my eye, and immediately put my head down, so nobody could see me crying, but he saw me. Chester was walking in the park, too. When he saw me cry he got near and asked me what was wrong... I didn't answer to him, and he told me...
-"It's ok have fears, everybody have fears"- Chester said
-"I'm not afraid of anything, what you're doing here anyways?"-I asked
-"Well is a great place to think, I come here since I was a little boy"- Chester said
- "I prefer the cemetery, you have people to talk and they don't judge you because they are dead"- I said
- "Yeah, it is a quiet place, and people will never imagine that you are there when you don't want anybody to find you"- Chester said
"What do you have to think about?"- I asked
-"This whole thing about vampires, I don't know if I want to get in trouble with them, they don't have a heart and they are dead, gross... sorry not offence"- Chester said
-"First of all I know I'm dad and I don't have a heart, but I look normal I'm not gross" - I said laughing
- Sorry about that, it just, all this is new for me I thought vampires only exist in fiction movies and now that I know they are real and my ex-girlfriend is one, it freaks me out" - Chester said
- I know and something else, my sister is more human than vampire or werewolf, she is a great girl, you will be stupid if you let her go"- I said
-"If you love her why do you don't show it to her?"- Chester asked
-"I'm not good in that department"- I said

-"You're not so bad, I think you're just hurt"-Chester said

-"You don't know anything about me, so stop telling me what you think"-I told him angrily. I couldn't let him know how I feel, so I pushed him away. He asked what he did but I didn't answer him.
I left and got inside the car. I didn't know where to go but I drove anyway before he reaches me. I ended up in the cemetery, I sat next to I don't know who's grave, a raven got close to me. I tried to keep him away from me but he always came back. I was so focus thinking about everything who am I, actually what am I that I forgot I have my backpack with me. I took a paper out of it and a pen, you will think I will write a diary, but that is not my style. Instead of a diary I wrote a song. When I finished I closed the notebook and got out my iPod I stared to listen to Dear no one, a song from Tori Kelly. I don't remember how many times I played it, because it's makes me remember how I feel inside. I took out a little mirror, when I looked at myself I couldn't believe what I was looking at, my eyes turned black, like a hole of darkness without a bottom. I get so confused and scared that made me threw the mirror away. I closed my eyes and squeezed them; a lonely tear fell from my left eye. I looked into the mirror and the black was gone and I felt a little of relieve. Even if I didn't want to admit it, I was so scared what would happen that night. Sometimes I was wondering if maybe I could go far away and never come back. That will make a coward but at least everybody else would be safe from me.
Megan called me to ask me where I was and if I were ok. She is the only person I will never lay, so I told her how I really feel also that if she tells somebody I would kill her. I decided to go back to the hotel to see some TV and forget about everything. But when I got inside Chester was there, I asked what he wanted and he just told me we hadn't finish the conversation.
-"You didn't tell me why you're like that, why you don't let anybody see something good on you?"- Chester asked
-Because I don't want to live with anybody's expectations, I always make mistakes and I don't want to let anybody down because of it"- I said
-"So you let them down before?"- Chester asked
-"Look, like this I don't have to care about what other people think about me, it's better this way" - I said
-"Well I don't think as you but is your life you do what you want to, do you want to hang out for a while?" - Chester asked
- Why not?" - I said
We walk for a little while and talk a lot of things. We have things in common but we are more different than equal. He told he's Aquarius and his favorite color is blue. He likes chocolate ice cream and like dogs better than cats like me. I told him I am Aries, also that my favorite color is green, and my favorite dog's breed is Husky. We talk about a lot until my sister called me to tell me to come home because the night was coming. I looked up and saw the moon, beautiful and mysterious, but with that come my dark side.

I didn't pay attention when Chester moved away and when I looked back two men were right in front of him. The turned into werewolves and started to attack him. I don't know what got into me that night; I just couldn't let anything bad happen to him. My body was full of anger and my eyes when black, they thought they had everything in control because the moon came out. But they didn't knew about who I was, or at least that what I thought in that moment. I took the werewolves by their necks and buried my nails in their neck's veins. Poison from my body ran inside their veins until they died. Chester was surprised; he couldn't believe what happened and neither did I. He had blood coming out of his nose and his mouth. I gave him my hand so he could stand up. He was in shock; he couldn't believe what just happened. I wiped his blood from his mouth with my hand and looked into the eyes. With my eyes I was telling him that I was sorry about that. He just was in the wrong place when all this happened, and worst he was with me. I felt like it was my fault even if he tried to deny it millions of times.
-"Are you ok?" - I asked
- "I'm not really sure I feel like a car ran over me" - Chester said
- "I'm sorry it was all my fault" - I said
-"Stop apologizing, you save me" - Chester said
- "No because I save you does it means that was right let you go out with me in full moon when all werewolves are coming from the woods" - I said
-You are right on that one... I'm kidding I'm the one who invite you - Chester said
- I'm the one who says yes - I said
- "Girl, when you have something on mind , no one can take it out of your mind"- He said smiling
- Yeah, that's me what can I do?" - I said
When the sun was coming out I took him to his home and it was really nice. I went there before but I never got inside until today. If it were my apartment, I would decorate it the same way. That's a thought I didn't share with him. Everything was on his place, something that you don't see every day, most of the boys have their places upside down, but Chester is so different. After looking at his place Ethan called me asking me where I was. He told me to meet him in Sarah's bar and I nodded. I told Chester goodbye and left to find Ethan.
-"So how was your night?" - Ethan asked
- "Well it was ok except for the fact I killed two werewolves at the same time" - I said
-"Wow, fun night then"- Ethan said
- "Yeah fun night... listen I don't want you to think I don't like you, but I don't want a relationship, and if you want to walk away I will understand" - I said
-"Me either, I'm good with whatever you want to give me"- Ethan said
- What? Are you crazy? - I said
- Maybe one day you will fall for me - Ethan said. I looked at him for a second and kissed him without think about it.

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