Chapter 24- Losing my mind

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Every person have a huge amount of problems, but not everybody are capable of getting loose for a moment and relax from so much stress, the people who doesn't like me end up losing their minds. They are so worry of what could happen next that you forget that life is full of obstacles but it's also full of good moments.
Mary and I walked to the nearest cafe from my apartment. We sat down in a table outside of the cafe.
-Madeline hates Daniel to death- I said
-She hates everyone to death- Mary smiled
-Well until now I'm with her, I hate Daniel and Danielle, sorry but your daughter is a bitch- I said
-You haven't even spend that much time with her-Mary asked
-I don't need to spend more time, besides Andrew is doing that right now- I said
-That's why- Mary said
-What?- I asked
-You don't like Danielle because she is with Andrew-Mary smiled
-Why are you smiling? And by the way they are not together... I think- I was annoyed already
-Maybe if you confess him your feelings, everything will be different- Mary said
-What feelings?- I looked behind Mary and before she could answer I continued -Crap!!!-I said
-What happened?-Mary said
-When are the ghost leaving us alone?- I asked
-I forgot about that I should close it- Mary said
-You could have close it before and you didn't do anything- I said
-I need it to talk to my mom- I said
-Well I don't know if you know I have a lot of enemies and right now I'm seeing one- I said and stood up
The guy that used to be with me before I killed him looked at my direction. I told Mary to run after me and we hid behind a wall so she could catch her breath. Ghost maybe couldn't do much against us but they could easily make you lose your mind. And when they are full of revenge, no one can stop them.
-Specie?- Mary asked
-Vampire- I said
-How do you guys end up?- Mary asked
-Not in good terms, ready to go?- I asked
-You can run faster, go ahead- Mary said
-I'm not leaving you behind- I said
-I always let you fly without me- Mary said
I didn't understand a word she said, but I left. I shouldn't have but I did.
I went back to the apartment. I could hear the voices inside the apartment in the moment I turn off the car. Elsa was inside. I didn't have the courage to get in. But I had to, if I wanted to for her to stay I had to talk to her. I went upstairs to the apartment, I opened with my keys. I found Elsa sitting on the bed while Ryan was standing in front of her. They both looked at me as I walked in. Ryan gave a quick look at Elsa before walked pass me to the door. After the door closed behind him, I walked one step forward. I could see the pain and the anger on her eyes toward me.
-Before you say anything I want to say I'm sorry, I know it's late...- I was cut off by her
-Late, you should have never lie me in the first place- Elsa said
-I didn't know it was you that baby or your brother that little boy- I said
-And that makes it right? You killed my family, and who knows how many other people have you killed- Elsa said throwing her hands in the air
-I never lied to you about that, you always knew who I was, I told I wasn't an angel and I had done things I hated- I said
-I just want you away from me and my brother, don't you dare to get close to my brother, he is blind by your outside beauty because in the inside you are nothing more than a monster- Elsa shouted
Elsa walked toward the door, leaving motionless. I closed my eyes for a second trying not to cry. I said I was strong but I wasn't. I just built a wall so no one could hurt me. Letting people in is giving them the key to leave in any moment.
A shadow in the kitchen came closer to me, I could see it wasn't a shadow it was ghost, from someone I killed and I couldn't remember. She was in front of me, I looked left, thinking that it is just an hallucination and it will go away. But from my left the ghost from the cafe came closer. Suddenly the room was full with souls I killed.
I fell to the floor and screamed at them to leave, but they just moved closer. I could hear words I heard before like killer, monster, devil, dawn...
I covered my ears and shut my eyes, hard, it even hurt. I begged them to stop, but they kept getting closer. Between all those voices I could hear my name, someone calling me but unlike the other voices I only heard this from far away.
-Angel!!! Look at me- Someone said to me
-Leave me alone- I shouted
I felt that person's hands on my skin, I jerked away but they kept touching.
-Ahhhhh!!!- I desperately cried
A moment later I recognized the arms that were holding me... Andrew's. I stopped moving when I knew I was safe.
-It's okay, I'm right here baby, everything will be okay- Andrew said still holding me in his arms
We were both on the floor. His hand move my hair from my fave so I could see better. No more ghost around me. I turned around to hug him. I hugged him as tight as I could I even was scared to hurt him. But it was like he didn't mind how hard I was against him. He arms wrapped around me and I could feel his heavy breathing on my ear.
It was so good to hug him, I wished it could last forever.
-Are you okay?- Andrew asked unwrapping his arms from me and I did the same
-Didn't you see them?- I asked
-Who?- Andrew asked
-They were right here, they were haunting me, I hurt a lot of people and they came for me- I stopped to catch my breath
-They are gone now, okay, I'm right her and I'm not leaving- Andrew said
I wiped the tears from my eyes and he kissed me in the forehead.
-Do you want to stay the night? just to make you company, nothing else- Andrew smiled
-If you don't mind- I said
-Great, then- Andrew said and took his shirt off and stood up walking toward the fridge
-What are you doing?- I asked
-Getting comfortable, what?don't tell me you can't resist looking at me without my shirt- Andrew asked
-Get over yourself-I said as I stood up
-Did you talk to Elsa?- Andrew asked and I didn't speak
-I guess that's a yes and it didn't go well- Andrew said
-Do you think she will ever forgive me?- I asked walking toward him
He opened the fridge to find something to eat. I wrapped my arms around his torso, and rested my head in his shoulder.
-She will just give her time, where is she anyways?- Andrew said
-With a friend- I said to hide the obvious
-Ryan right, I should have know she is not a virgin anymore- Andrew said disappointed
-Long time ago... Hungry? I can make you something- I said
He looked at me and smiled
A knocked at the door broke the connection between our eyes. I opened the door to find Daniel.

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