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Short chapter

"That was fun" Madelaine said opening the car door for Vanessa.

"Except for the personal questions"

"Yea except for that. But would you do it with me again?" madelaine asked getting in the driver seat.

"Yea but not with that guy, he gave me the creeps. I felt like he was looking at me funny"

"Alright, want me to go tell him not to do that anymore?"

"I mean I won't be going with you to his interviews"

"I'm still going to confront him next time I go" Madelaine said driving back home. "Do you want anything to eat?"


"You sure? I can take you anywhere"

"I'm fine" vanessa assured.

Madelaine didn't buy it and took her to this Chinese place to order takeout.

«Madelaine's place»

"Well I can see that you were hungry" mads smirked watching Vanessa eat the food.

"I didn't want to waste what you bought" Vanessa whispered.

"Could've saved it for later" Madelaine pointed out putting the rest of her food in the fridge. "If you were hungry Nessa you could've told me, I won't get mad or anything"

"Ok" Vanessa nodded eating the last bit of her food. "Cuddles?"

"Yes we can cuddle" mads teased wiping Vanessa mouth with a napkin. She then picked her up and carried her to the bedroom where they started to cuddle.

"Thank you for everything"

"You're welcome love"

"I think I'd be dead if you didn't find me" Vanessa said hugging mads tightly.

"I'm glad it was me and not some creep. Even though I probably seemed like a creep to you" Madelaine said moving Vanessa's hair out her face.

"I promise once I get the courage to trust people again I'll be out of your hair"

"Oh no baby you can stay with me forever. I don't mind it at all, I need company here"


"Quick question what's your dream car?" Mads asked rubbing Vanessa's back.

"A Audi and a g wagon..the Mercedes truck"

"Ok" Madelaine nodded knowing what she was gonna do later. "Vanessa...Vanessa"

When the girl didn't answer mads only had one thought and that she was asleep.

She rubbed her back as she looked at tv falling asleep minutes later.


Few hours went by. Vanessa woke up to a empty bed.

"Madelaine" she called out.

"I'm right here beautiful" Madelaine said walking in the room. "Come with me, I have a surprise for you"

"Ok" Vanessa said getting out of bed. She went up to mads and grabbed her hand.

They both walked to the front door but mads stopped.

"Close your eyes"

"Do I have to" Nessa pouted.

"Yes or you won't see the surprise" Madelaine said standing in front of the door.

"Fine" the brunette said covering her eyes with her hands.

The redhead opened the door and guided Vanessa out and to her two dream cars.

"Ok open them" mads smiled. Vanessa did and gasped.

"Are these for me!"

"Mhm" mads nodded showing her the keys to both the cars.

"Thank you!" Vanessa happily said hugging mads.

"You're welcome princess" the redhead smiled rubbing her back. "Go check them out"

"Ok" Vanessa said taking the keys from Madelaine. She went to the g wagon first and was amazed.

"Also I didn't know what color to get you so I just go pink" Madelaine said going to the driver side with Vanessa. "Kinda thought that was your favorite color since you have a lot of pink items"

"Yea pinks my favorite color" the brunette smiled looking at mads.

"If you didn't like the color I could always get it redone to another color you want"

"No no I like the colors" Vanessa quickly said getting out the car. "Thank you M. This means a lot"

"Anything for you" Madelaine said kissing her on the forehead.

Vanessa looked up at mads then down not wanting her to see that she was blushing.

"Something wrong?" The redhead questioned lifting up her head seeing the blush. "Ah you were just trying to hide the fact that you are blushing"

"No" Vanessa said turning her head away from mads.

The girl chuckled pulling her into a hug.

"It's ok to admit you are blushing babygirl"

"I'm not" Vanessa pouted moving out of Madelaine arms and going back in the house.

Mads laughed as she watched her walk away.

"Little baby"

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