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«2 months later»

"Baby" Vanessa giggled as mads showered her in kisses.  "Stop it!"

"Never" Madelaine whispered still kissing Vanessa all over her face.

Vanessa tried getting the girl off her and succeed.

"Why can't I show my girlfriend how much I adore her"

"You do it everyday" Vanessa giggled.

"I love doing it like that"

"We'll do it every two days k"

"Fineee" Madelaine whined.

"You'll be ok" Vanessa giggled. Madelaine kept whining but once Vanessa kissed her on the forehead she stopped.

"Kiss" Madelaine said pointing to her lips. Vanessa giggled giving her a kiss on the lips.


"Very much" the redhead smiled.

"Good" Vanessa said before getting off the bed.

"Where are you going?"

"Somewhere away from you" Vanessa grinned running out the room once she seen Madelaine get up.

"Where did you go!!" Madelaine yelled walking around the house. She heard some noises behind her so she instantly turned around and went in the closes room. "I know you're in here"

Vanessa was behind the dresser trying to hold in her laugh.

Madelaine checked everywhere but behind the dresser because she didn't think Vanessa could fix back there.

"Well I guess you aren't in here" Madelaine chuckled walking to the door. She opened and closed the door pretending like she left.

Vanessa groaned trying to get from behind the dress but screamed once she seen Madelaine.

"I got you" mads cheered picked Vanessa up and spinning around.

"You also scared the shit out of me"

"Sorry" the redhead apologized as she sat on the bed. "What would you like to do this evening?"

"Nothing really"

"There has to be something you'd like to do"

"No, I just want to be near you" Vanessa whispered laying her head on Madelaine's shoulder.

"Ok, let's get in the pool then"

"Pool time!!" Vanessa cheered getting off mads and going to the bedroom. Madelaine was very glad that Vanessa was showing her true colors.

She wasn't the quiet little one like she used to be. She was open to her.

"Come on baby" Vanessa said coming back in the room with a swim suit on.

"Wow you changed quick" Madelaine chuckled. "You go ahead outside I'll be there in a few"

"Ok" Vanessa smiled walking out the room. She went to the pool and sat on the step.

I almost forgot Vanessa is expecting something don't know what but she's expecting something.

As she sat on the steps she let the sun hit her in the face.

"I'm here baby" Madelaine cheered getting in the pool and sitting beside Vanessa. "Your skin looks amazing in the sun"

"Thanks" Vanessa smiled looking at her.

She got into the pool and held her hands out for Madelaine to take.

"Wait do you want to get any pool toys before I get in?" Madelaine asked.

My savior (madnessa) EDITING Where stories live. Discover now