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"Hey babygirl I have some late night work to finished" Madelaine said walking into the room.

"Came I come?" Vanessa asked getting off the bed and going to the girl.

"Yea of course" Mads smiled.

"EE!" nessa jumped going to put her shoes on. Madelaine chuckled putting her shoes on then her jacket.

"Really looking forward to doing nothing but paperwork"

"At least ill be with you" the brunette gushed looking down then back at Mads.

"Aww" Madelaine said going up to Vanessa and hugging her. "You know what would you like to go on a date with me?"

"Really you wanna go on a date with me?" Vanessa questioned looking up at the girl.

"Yea" the redhead smiled. "You don't have to if you don't want, I can wait until you're ready"


"Come on let's go so we can get back and cuddle"

"Cuddle!!" Vanessa cheered running out the room and to the front door waiting for Mads. "You move too slow"

"Well I'm sorry" Madelaine chuckled opening the door. The two went to Mads car and drove to her building.

After the ride both girls were now in Mads office.

The redhead was doing the paperwork with Vanessa on her lap cuddling up on her.

"Princess are you ok?"


"Ok, just making sure" The girl said going back to doing her work. Vanessa moved a little which made Madelaine stop. "You sure princess? If you're getting tired you can lay on the little couch over there"

"I wanna be in your arms" Vanessa yawned.

"Ok" Madelaine shrugged. Once Vanessa fell asleep she was gonna move her anyways.

After working for a few minutes the redhead heard light snores and stopped what she was doing and went to go lay Nessa on the couch.

"No" Vanessa whispered holding on to Mads as she felt her back hit the couch.

"Princess" Medelaine sighed.

"Noo" The brunette whined. Mads gave up and just held the girl as she gather all the work she needed to finish and left locking up the building.

"I'm just putting you in the car" She said as vans held her tight again. The girl loosen her grip and let Madelaine put her in the car.

She closed the door and went to the driver side and drove the two back home.

Once they made it home Madelaine helped Vanessa out of the car and picked her so she didn't have to walk.

"You're a big baby did you know that" Madelaine chuckled unlocking the front door.

"Your big baby" Vanessa whispered.

Madelaine smiled walking up to their room and tried placing Vanessa on the bed.

"Baby I'm just putting you on the bed"


"Vanessa baby I'm not going anywhere, I'm just gonna change my clothes"

"Fine" the brunette said letting mads go so she can place her on the bed.

Madelaine went to her dresser and pulled out some shorts and changed into those and put a tank top on then got in the bed.

"Good night babes" she whispered cuddling up on Vanessa.

"Good night" Vanessa responded holding her tight.

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