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Alright so...I had a fellow reader ask for more intersex story's and I'm going to let you decide on this. Intersex Madelaine or no intersex Madelaine. You have time, I'm not updating this book for a while.

Madelaine was glad to get off of work. She owns a business and is a fashion designer.

She pulled up in her driveway and cut her car off then went in her house.

Mads went to her kitchen and heated up the food she made the other night.

"Mmm this is good" she said as she ate some. She then groaned as she got a call. "Madelaine"

"Hey um...Gucci called and they want a collaboration" her assistant Chloe said.

"When do they want this?"

"Next week"

"Fine, I'll see if I can do Wednesday or Thursday" mads sighed.

"Ok, see you tomorrow"

"Bye chlo" the redhead said before hanging up. Mads was so stressed, she had a Collaboration with two YouTuber and two clothing brands.

She took her food up to her office upstairs and came up with some idea for the designs.

Madelaine drew a design for each collab then ate her food and called it a night.

The redhead took a shower then went to sleep.


"Please I'm sorry" vanessa cried as she tried getting away from her abusive boyfriend.

"Clean this shit up then go wash my clothes" he said pushing her on the ground.

Vanessa cried getting up and clean the mess she accidentally made.

When she got done with that she went to get all of Michaels clothes and went to wash them.

She looked at the time and it was 1:05 in the morning. Vanessa cried in the corner once she was done putting the clothes in the washing machine.

"I h-hate it here" she cried.

«morning time»

Vanessa quickly got up. She went to Michael room to see if he was up and he was.

"They fuck are you looking at, go cook me some breakfast"

"Yes sir" she said going to the kitchen. She got out everything she need and started cooking.

There relationship wasn't always like this. It was a happy one, a healthy one actually.

Just a year ago it started going down hill when one of Michael friends started flirting with vanessa but she didn't and it got Michael mad for some odd reason.

Instead of bashing his friend he started hitting vanessa. He took her phone so she couldn't contact family. They were worried and went to the house but they had moved and Michael only told his friends.

Vanessa did try to escape but she got caught and got a beaten for it and her abuse boyfriend cuffed her in the bathroom and didn't make her eat for two days.

She plans on running away tonight even thought she couldn't go to family due to the fact that they probably live in the same spot and Michael could easily find her there. Plus she was scared to even come in contact with any other human being.

Vanessa wanted to skip town and go off the radar for a few months or years.

"Bitch I said it the food ready"

"Uhh sorry it is" Vanessa said cutting the stove off and grabbing Michael a plate and put the food on it.

"Here go take a shower and put these on" the boys said throwing the clothes at vanessa then taking the plate and going back in his room.

My savior (madnessa) EDITING Where stories live. Discover now