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Vanessa was just about to leave the hospital. The nurses that helped her congratulated her one last time before she left.

Nessa deactivated her social media account because of all the hate she was getting about her son. She did cry a lot last night from all the comments.

She was walking to her car and put River in before getting into the drive seat.

Vanessa looked back at her son and smiled. She thought of texting Madelaine and asking her to do the dna test since she was denying her kid.


Once Vanessa made it home she laid down with river laying on her chest.

She grab her phone and decided to text Madelaine.

Vanessa: I know I'm the last person you want to hear from but your son was born yesterday and I was wondering if you wanted to do a dna test since you're denying him

Mad: Vanessa I'm not getting a dna test. We both know that child isn't mind and you are just trying to trap me😒

Vanessa: alright Madelaine just text me when you come to your senses that river is yours😒

Vanessa placed her phone down and let out a sigh fighting the urge to cry.

"Guess it's just you and me now"


"No she's asking to get a dna test" Madelaine sighed as she was on the phone with Chloe.

"Well you should" Chloe mention. 

"I already know that child isn't mine. I was gone for four month and she tells me she's four months pregnant"

"But you don't know the date she had sex IF she had sex with someone else"

"I'm over this Chloe"

"You just don't want to admit the truth Madelaine...have you seen the hate your fans are giving her?"

"It's not my fault, I said not to send any hate. That's all on Vanessa for even posting about it"

"Do you hear yourself Madelaine..just because that child MIGHT not be yours doesn't mean you have to be a complete asshole towards her. She needed you, you were the only person she trusted and you're deny your own child"

"End this conversation or you're fired"

"Fire me then Madelaine...she has no one but her mom and sister..and well she had you...and now you go and do some shit like this. During something she needed you for and you're treating her like shit and it's wrong"

"You're fired" Madelaine said before hanging up. She threw her phone at the wall breaking it. "Why won't people shut the fuck up some times" she groaned to herself.

She got up from her bed and went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of whiskey pouring herself a glass and downing it. Mads poured another and down that before putting the glass in the skink and the bottle in the fridge.

Madelaine went back into her room and laid down to watch tv.


"River!" Vanessa giggled kissing her son on the cheek over and over making a smile quickly appear on his face. "Momma can't wait till you grow up and become a big boy"

Even though it's only been a day Vanessa was soo connect with Riv. Who isn't connected with their baby like that.

But the sad thing is the other parent isn't here to see their child grow and become a man. That's the only think Vanessa wished for, for Madelaine to do a dna test to realize that river is hers.

Vanessa let out a sigh as she picked river up and swayed side to side as she went to get a pacifier to give to him.

She went into the bathroom to wash it off before putting it in Rivers mouth.

"Nap time" she whispered placing her son in his rocker.  Nessa grabbed the baby monitor then went to the kitchen to fix a little snack...pb & j at that along with some chips.

She went back in the room and sat on the floor beside river and ate her snack.

"I just wish your other mom was here"

Bad ending I know 😬
See you in the new book🙋🏽

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