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Madelaine and Vanessa are now home. They just got finished eating dinner with Vanessa's family.

"Thanks for washing the plates" Clarissa said standing beside Madelaine.

"It's no problem Ms.."


"Ms. Mziray its no problem" Madelaine smiled.

"Vanessa come here my little one" Clarissa said going over in the living room area.

"Ok mama" Vanessa said getting off the couch. She went to her mother and Clarissa grabbed her hand and walked them to the dining area.

"Have you ever thought about dating a girl?"

"Uh I- um"

"Madelaine is a representation of a loyal person. I can tell she cares about you"

"Mom she's just helping me, I don't think she's into me" Vanessa whispered.

"But are you into her?" Clarissa asked placing her hand on her daughter's shoulder.

"I don't know mama" Vanessa shrugged looking down. "I feel like there's something there"

"Just wait some time k, I don't want you stressing over some feelings"

"Ok" vanessa nodded. They walked out the dining area and saw Madelaine playing with Vanessa's sister.

"Vanessa get her!!" Celina said running to her sisters.

"I'm not gonna hurt you!" Mads laughed going to them. Celina ran behind the counter catching her breath.

"So how's it going" Madelaine smiled at vanessa catching her own breath.

"What are you two doing?" Vanessa asked looking at both the girls.

"I'm just chasing her around the house" mads said as Celina came and jumped on her back.

"I win!"

"No, I won"

"No I did" the girl frowned.

"Vanessa tell her I won"

"Mom tell her I won!"

"How about you both win" Clarissa laughed. "Now get down, I'm pretty sure Madelaine and Vanessa would like to go home"

"No I could say a little longer" Madelaine said putting Celina down. "If Nessa is ok with that"

"Yea I'm fine with that" Vanessa smiled.

"Great! Come to my room I Wanna show you something!"

"Ok" mads shrugged follow Celina to her room.

"I like her, you should definitely ask her out"Clarissa whispered to Vanessa.

"Mom for the last time I don't think she likes me"

"Fine fine, I'll be in my room"

"Ok" vanessa nodded. She went to the living room and laid on the couch and turned to some cartoons.

After some time Madelaine came down from Celina room from her showing all the clothes she bought that she had something to do with.

"You ok?" She asked Vanessa kneeling in front of her.

"Yea, just looking at cartoons" vanessa said with a light smile.

"Well we can leave and you can watch cartoons in my room with me" mad said grabbing Nessa hand.

"Ok" the brunette said getting up.

"Piggy back ride?"

"Sure" Vanessa said with a light giggle. Madelaine turned her back to the girl and she jump up on her.

My savior (madnessa) EDITING Where stories live. Discover now