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«4 months later(birth time)»

Four months later vanessa is ready to pop. For these last months she never left her house, she's order whatever she needed online.

She was scared someone would recognize her and taking pictures of her and probably announce her pregnancy.

Well the only time Vanessa would leave the house was to go to her baby appointments.

Madelaine on the other hand was almost finished with the movie. She only had just a few more days.

She was over Vanessa now. Every time she seen something on her she'd just scroll on by.

"Fuck" Vanessa groaned grabbing the bottom of her stomach. She didn't waste no time grabbing her keys and other things before going to her car.

Since she didn't have anyone to take her to the hospital she thought of just going now before something bad could happen.

On her way to the hospital she felt another contractions and groaned tightening her grip on the stirring wheel.

Vanessa pulled up at the hospital and parked as close as she could to the entrance.

She put shades on before exiting her car and slowly going into the hospital.

"Hey Ms. how can I help you?" the lady at the desk asked.

"I-I'm have contractions and I wanted to come here before it gets worse"

"Alright a nurse will come an assist you with a stretcher" the lady smiled.

Vanessa nodded looking down a hallway seeing a lady come running with a stretcher.

"Ok Ms. I'm gonna help you into this" a nurse said helping Vanessa on the stretcher as another nurse held it steady. "Tell me what's your name"

"Vanessa Morgan" Vanessa said as they pushed her into a delivery room.

"Alright Ms. Morgan your water hasn't broken yet so you don't have to do anything at the moment" the nurse stated. "I'm Ms. Waves and this here is Ms. Taylor we are going to help you today along with other nurses"

Vanessa nodded as another contraction began to happen, one worse than the others.

"M-my water just broke" Vanessa whined as a bad contractions began to happen.

"Ok hun I'm going to take your bottoms and your underwear off ok, just keep the blanket over yourself"

Vanessa nodded lifting up her body some so the nurse could take her bottom clothes off.

"You aren't at the dilate to push yet" Ms. Taylor stated looking at the computer.  "You have to be at ten and you're only at five"

"O-ok" Vanessa nodded rubbing her stomach trying to make her baby calm down.


"Well guys today is the last day!!" The producer cheered making everyone else do the same. " We finished a month early which is amazing, thank you sooo much for helping with it...we actually thought it was gonna take a few more days but it didn't"

"The movie will not come out just yet, maybe in three to four months...with all the editing and everything and we also want to make the fan beg to watch it" Another producer said laughing at the end. "Well go get some rest now..we also have flights if you are ready to go home"

Everyone nodded and walked to their room. Madelaine gather her things, she rented out an apartment for another month. She wanted to stay down in Vancouver longer since she doesn't really need to go back to L.A.

My savior (madnessa) EDITING Where stories live. Discover now