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Smut (towards the end)

Madelaine and Vanessa was getting ready to go to the store for some sex toys.

"Baby what are you wearing" Madelaine said as Vanessa came out the bathroom. She had on some nice red pant with a red lace shirt and a jacket that went with it.

(Vanessa's outfit)

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(Vanessa's outfit)

"What's wrong with it" Vanessa asked checking herself out.

"You have on a lace shirt that shows you chest"

"No one's gonna look" Vanessa shrugged.

"Everyone gonna look the fuck do you mean" Madelaine said standing up.

"I'll cover myself with the jacket mads that's why I'm wearing it" Vanessa explained putting the jacket on. "I mean look at your outfit people are going to look at you"

"Not how they are going to look at you, my outfit is casual yours it....I don't know what"

(Madelaine outfit Minus tattoos)

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(Madelaine outfit Minus tattoos)


"Forget out it V" Madelaine said going into the bathroom putting her hair into a bun. Vanessa walked in and wrapping her arms around Madelaine waist placing her forehead on her back.

"I-ll go change if you want me to"

"Fuck it vanessa if you want to wear the outfit and let people see how much of a slut you are then so be it" Madelaine stated putting lotion on her face.

"I'm only your slut mads I promise" the brunette whispered rubbing her hands on Madelaine's abs.

The redhead turned around and looked Vanessa up and down.

"You better be" she whispered choking her. She gave her a sloppy kiss before walking out the bathroom. "Don't take to long, I'll be downstairs"

"Ok daddy" Vanessa said whispering the last word. She didn't know what Madelaine was doing to her. She was so shy and scared with Michael, didn't want to try this or that. But with Madelaine it was something different. She wanted to trying everything in the book.

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