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This story will be cut short, maybe three or four more chapters then next book will be published with a 3 year time jump😗✌🏽 don't hate me plz

Vanessa finally got herself her own house. She lives in a nice three story house. House above^

She wanted to get her mom and sister a new house but they declined and stayed in the same house. She just gave them a lot of money to save.

Vanessa fixed up a nursery room for her baby ordering gender neutral clothes and blankets.

She actually wanted to wait until the baby was born to know the gender but she decided to just go ahead and know the gender next appointment.

Neither her nor Madelaine talked to each other. They actually blocked each other's phone numbers and unfollowed each other on social media.

Vanessa didn't want to see pictures of mads with other women even if they were just friends and Madelaine didn't want to see Vanessa and remember what she did.

"Hey mads zip up the back of my dress, I did some but I can do the rest" Selena asked turning her back to Madelaine.

She did and Selena thanked her before walking away.

"Still think of her Huh?" Zendaya asked standing beside mads.

"Nah I'm over her now" Madelaine said shaking her head. "I'm done with her, she has her own place now"

"And how would you know that" Zendaya smirked.

"E! News of course"

"You miss her, you just won't admit it" Zendaya said before walking off to someone who was calling her name.

Madelaine rolled her eyes and went to go sit on the couch by the set. Yea mads missed Vanessa I mean who couldn't but she wanted to move on.

"Madelaine come tell me if this looks right" Harry said fanning her over. Mads got up and went to the boy.

"What it it"

"Alright should I button up my shirt or keep two unbuttoned? And does this outfit look nice?"

"Yea pink looks good on you" Madelaine complimented. "And keep two unbutton"

"Aww thanks..now white pants or red ones"


"Ok, thanks for the help" he smiled. Madelaine nodded before going to talk to Sarah.
"Well little one you'll be loved to death by me" vanessa chuckled rubbing her stomach as she looked for something to eat.

She just got done putting clothes on a shelf along with teddy bears. She really wanted someone to go on the journey with her..she didn't want to tell her mother because she'd be screaming and hollering everyday, same with her sister, she can't trust anyone else now because of the trust issues Madelaine gave her.

She was lonely now, the girl she thought she'd spend her life with accused her of cheating.

Vanessa sat at her dining table eating something she decided to order from Wendy's.

She watched videos on her phone as she ate and also thinking how life would've been if she knew that she was having a baby four months ago.

Vanessa sighed as she got finished eating. She went to go throw her trash away then clean up the table along with the house.


"Hey MP what you wanna eat?" 6lack asked coming up to Madelaine.

"I'm gonna go out and eat with Zendaya since she has something's to tell me but thanks though"

"Mhm" he nodded before walking away. Madelaine went to her room and got ready to go eat out with zendaya.

It wasn't anything fancy they were gonna go to a restaurant order food then go to the park and eat.

She texted zendaya that she was on her way down to the lobby to wait for her.

As she sat down in the lobby she scroll through her Twitter seeing something about Vanessa.

"Hey Ms. im over my ex" zendaya said coming up to Madelaine.

"I am over her"

"Then why are you reading something about her. People who's over their ex doesn't do that" she pointed out.

"I just saw it"

"Lies now come on we're going to subway"

"Fine" Madelaine groaned getting up. They left out and went to subway.

Once they got there Madelaine got a DrayPotle steak sub, chocolate chip cookies, and a large lemonade. Zendaya got a meatball sub with peanut butter cookies and a large Mountain Dew.

"Alright let's go" Madelaine said grabbing the food. Zendaya grabbed the drinks.

They walked across the street and sat in the park.

"If you're going to keep looking at stuff that's dealing with Vanessa you mind as well get back with her" zendaya suggested taking out her sub.

"I don't get back with cheaters"

"Well do you have proof that she cheated?"

"Yes" Madelaine nodded eating some of her sub. Zendaya nodded eating some over her cookies.

"You know she's very pretty"

"That's what I said once I met her"

"Still think she's pretty?"

"I mean yea..I'll always think she's pretty" Madelaine shrugged.

"When you two came out as a couple I thought you two were cute and perfect for each other" zendaya smiled.

"Everyone did"

"Not everyone some people were jealous and sent hate"

"Well fuck those guys" Madelaine said rolling her eyes.


"Yes mom I'm ok" Vanessa said to her mom on the phone.

"Ok just making sure"

"Yea, how are you and Celina?"

"We're ok"

"Thats good, I love you both"

"We love you more, I'm gonna let you go. I have something I gotta do"

"Ok, call me whenever"

"Alright talk to you later" Vanessa's mom said before hanging up. Vanessa sighed putting her phone down. She laid back in bed and turned to some cartoons.

«1 months later»

It's finally time for Vanessa to find out the gender of her baby.

She was outside putting some shades and a hat on before exiting her car and going inside the building. 

"Hey Im set for you Vanessa" Mrs. Michelle smiled seeing Vanessa walk in.

Vanessa walk in the room and laid down and pulled her shirt up. She watched as her nurse put the gel on her stomach then looked at the monitor to see her baby.

"Look a there" Mrs. Michelle smiled. "Health like always..is someone suppose to come so I can tell them the gender or do you just wanna know on your own?"

"On my own please"

"Well Ms. Morgan you are having a-"

Find out next chapter which will be the birth and drama


Love ya♥️

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