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It's nighttime. Vanessa and Madelaine decided to watch a movie.

Vanessa was snuggled up on mads fighting her sleep.

"Hey baby if you're tired just go to sleep, we can want the last twenty minutes tomorrow" Madelaine whispered tucking some of Vanessa hair behind her ear.

"Let's finish it" vanessa said with her eyes close.

"Vanessa I can tell you're tired just go to sleep. It's going to be ok" Madelaine said rubbing her hand on the girls arm. "I'm not going anywhere..maybe to the bathroom and to the kitchen for a snack but other than that I'll be right beside you"

The redhead smiled hearing vanessa snore lightly.

She paused the movie then went to watch something else.

Mads heard her phone buzzed and reached over for it seeing it was a text from Chloe. She seen it was a YouTube link and she didn't pay it any mind and sat her phone on the nightstand then went to sleep.

«morning time»

It's morning! Madelaine woke up before vanessa did and got the chance to look at the girls features.

Her plum lips, her beautiful wavy hair, her curves, everything. Madelaine really liked everything about her but her past and how she was treated.

"Good morning" Vanessa said in a raspy voice sitting up.

"Good morning" Madelaine smiled. "Did you sleep good"

"Mhm you were very comfortable to sleep on"

"I'm glad. What would you like for breakfast?"

"I don't know actually, I'm not hungry at the moment" vanessa said laying back down on mads.

"Ok just let me know when you are" Madelaine said reaching for her ringing phone. "Good morning chloe"

"Good morning Madelaine. Did you watch the video I sent you last night? It had you in it"

"No. I didn't pay it any mind and went to sleep"

"Well you should watch it"

"Ok, have a good day today"

"You too boss" Chloe said before hanging up. Madelaine moved the phone from her ear and went to the messages between her and her assistant.

She click the link and seen how her face was on the thumbnail.

"What are you watching?" Vanessa said looking up at Madelaine.

"A video my assistant sent me that talks about me" mads said as she played the video.

"Hello guys and welco-"

"Skipp" the redhead said double tapping the screen until she saw herself.

"Now on to Madelaine. The owner of pinktopic. The beautiful redhead we all love....photographers found her leaving her job with a girl.." the girl said.

"What if it's her new girlfriend!! Will we see a fandom of them together?" A man questioned.

"Possibly. The girl looks very beautiful....we found some tweets about it like this one..'@/ItsMeMadelaine is that your girlfriend cause she's very hot'....and other says 'dude seeing Madelaine with another woman is amazing and I can't wait for her to announce the engagement!'"

"Engagement?!" The man questioned laughing. 

"We don't know how long they've been dating we don't know if they are even dating. But if they are it could've been years and we didn't know...some folks actually FOUND pictures of the girl even though you can't really see her"

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