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Both Madelaine and Vanessa sat back secretly watching Vanessa ex get mad at the worker when they started hearing sirens.

"They're here" Madelaine said getting up.

"Madelaine what are you doing" Vanessa said grabbing her arm.

"Going outside where the cops are, the workers are looking at you" She said pointing at the three workers watching Vanessa.

"Here taking my phone for evidence" the girl said unlocking her phone and giving it to Madelaine.

"Thanks" Mads said taking the phone from her and going outside.

"Are you the one that called?" A man asked.

"No one of the workers did for me. Theres an abuser in there and heres the proof" The redhead said showing the man the video.

"Alright show him to me please"

"Ok but the girl is in there as well but she's with me"

"Alright" The man nodded. They both went in the restaurant and madelaine pointed to the blonde boy.

"You're under arrest for abusing a women" The officer said putting the blonde boy in cuff.

"What! I haven't put my hands on anyone" the boy lied.

"Video says other way" Madelaine said taking her glasses off and calling Vanessa over.

The brunette did the same and looking down.

"I hope you burn in hell" she said looking at him then back down.

"Fuck you and the slut you're with" Michael spat at Vanessa.

"Alright lets go" the cop said shoving micheal to the exit.

"Thank you so much" Vanessa said hugging Madelaine tightly.

"I told you I was going to protect you and that's what I did" she smiled. She looked at the workers and seem most of them was recording them. She sighed knowing this was gonna be on the internet.

"H-here's your food" one of the works said coming up to Madelaine and Vanessa.

"Thanks" Madelaine said taking the bag from him. "Come on let's eat"

"Wait we have to get the drinks" vanessa said showing her the cups in her shaking hands.

"Yea that's right and no need to be scared, he's gone"

"I know, the situation just scared me, felt like I was in a movie" vanessa said going to the soda fountain machine. "What would you like to drink?"

"Uhh fruit punch please" mads said politely.

"Ok" Vanessa nodded. Still shaking the girl put the cup under the fruit punch and watched as it fill up all the way to the top.

"Baby stop shaking, you're safe"

"Its a habit im sorry" Vanessa whispered.

"Oh its fine...I just don't like to see you shaking so bad" Madelaine said as she grabbed her cup from Vanessa.

"Im sorry" The brunette whispered as they sat at their table.

"Its nothing to be sorry for" Madelaine said taking the food out the bag. Both girls talked to each other as they ate their food.

"Heyy!" Vanessa said as mads took one of her fries.

"What" she laughed. "Im still hungry and your fries look good"

"You can have them, im full" Vanessa said wiping her face with a napkin.

"Are you sure? I don't want to eat them if you're still hungry"

"Im sure, you can have them" the girl said sliding the container of fries to the redhead.

Madelaine smiled and ate the rest of the fries. Vanessa acted like she was on her phone and snuck a picture of her new friend.

"Ok now im full" Mads giggled. "Ready to go?"

"Yes" The brunette nodded. They cleaned off the table then threw away their trash.

"Oh boy there's a crowed out there. Put your shades on, paparazzi are going to start taking photo" Mads said looking at Vanessa. "On second thought i'll just carry you" she said with her arms out.

Vanessa gladly jumped in mads arms. She hid her face in the crook of the girls neck as she walked out the building.

She heard everyone screaming out Madelaine's name and lightly seen the flashing lights.

The redhead unlocked her doors and opened the passenger seat door and put Vanessa in the car then quickly closed the door. Madelaine did take a few pictures with her fans before getting in the car.

"So glad these windows are tented"

"I wonder how long they've been out here" Vanessa said looking at all the fans waving at the car.

"Probably for ten minutes" Madelaine shrugged. "You'll hear about us in the next fifteen minutes watch"

"I hope they didn't get my face"

"The people in the restaurant probably did but if they were my real fans they should know that I like to keep my family related things private" Madelaine said driving home.

"You think I'm family" vanessa said with a light blush.

"Yes I do, everyone I meet I think is family...well if I know you for more than a week or so"

"I'm glad I'm family to you" vanessa whispered.

"Me too" Madelaine said grabbing Vanessa's hands as she drove home.

After the ride the redhead pulled up at her house and parked her car in the garage.

She cut it off then got out and quickly went to Vanessa's side and opened the door for her.

"Thank you" Vanessa said as she got out. Mads shot her a smile as she closed the door.

They both went inside and up to Madelaine's room.

"I'm going to take a shower" Mads said going to her closet and picking out some pajamas.

"Ok" Vanessa said sitting on the bed and turning on the tv. She watched as Madelaine went in the bathroom.

She smiled to herself rethinking when the redhead said she was family.

Vanessa got up from the bed and went into Madelaine's closet looked at all the nice clothes she has.

She went through them liking all the designs that was on them. She stayed in there for a few just looking around when she felt hands on her waist.

"Do you like my clothes" Madelaine said laying her head on Vanessa's shoulder.

"Yes, the designs are cool"

"I can get you some made if you want"

"Really" vanessa said turning around to look at the redhead who nodded. "You don't have to"

"I'm going to, now.." mads said picking Vanessa up. "Let's cuddle up together"

"Ok" the brunette said wrapping her arms around her. They went to the bed and mads laid down with Vanessa on top of her.

The brunette sat up to look at the girl underneath her.

"What's wrong?" The redhead questioned. Nessa said nothing and leaned down to kiss mads.

She loves the feeling of Madelaine lips. Vanessa deepen the kiss which made Madelaine flip them over.

She pulled away and looked down at the girl.

"I-I want to try again" vanessa whispered playing with her hands.

"Are you sure on this vanessa"

"Yes, I won't chicken out"

"You didn't chicken out so don't say that. You didn't want it because it was painful. If you do want this I'll be very gentle"

"I-I really want it"

"Ok princess" Madelaine said kissing on Nessa's neck.

My savior (madnessa) EDITING Where stories live. Discover now