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"Ready to get you some clothes?" Madelaine said looking over at Vanessa who nodded. Mads grabbed her stuff and put it in her bag then got up.

Vanessa got up as well and waited by the door.

"I just have to tell my assistant I'm leaving" the redhead said opening the door letting Vanessa walk out first.


Mads held out her open hand for vanessa seeing that she was frightened. The girl grabbed it and stood very close to her.

"Hey Chloe I'm about to go and get this little one some accessories" Madelaine said walking into her assistants office.

"Ok, I'll text you details if I get any" she smiled.

"Ok" the redhead nodded closing the door back. Mads looked at vanessa seeing as she watched every person walk past her. "It's ok they aren't going to hurt you"


Both girl walked to the elevator and waited for it to open. When it did they both walked in and Madelaine pressed the first floor button.

After waiting for the elevator to reach the first floor the girls went to Madelaines car.

«at the mall»

So vanessa stole one of Madelaine's shades so if her ex was here he wouldn't recognize her.

"Anything you like you grab k?" Mads said looking a Nessa.


"No buts, whatever you like" Madelaine smiled.

They went into one clothing store and Vanessa went to her sizes and looked at the clothes.

She picked out one cute shirt she like but when she saw the price she put it back.

Madelaine rolled her eyes and grabbed the shirt.

It was like that in every store. Vanessa grabbed something she like then put it back because it was expensive in her eyes.

"Vanessa it doesn't matter what the price is I don't care"

"I don't want you spending a lot" Vanessa whispered.

"It's fine I promise. You like you grab don't look at the price"


The girl did just that, she grabbed something she like and didn't look at the price.

"I-I'm done now" Nessa said turning to face Madelaine.

"You sure?"


"Ok let's go check out" the redhead said taking the clothes away from Vanessa.

She bought everything then they went to Madelaines car.

"So next is to get you body accessories" the redhead said putting everything in the trunk.


Madelaine went and opened the door for vanessa watching as she got in. She closed it once she sat down and went to the driver side.

"Thank you for all the stuff" Vanessa said looking at Madelaine then at her hands that was on her thighs. "No one has done that for me"

"Well I'm glad I was the first" mads smiled as she drove off.

They went to Walmart and got Vanessa body accessories then went to Madelaines house.

Mads carried all the bags. She only wanted vanessa to unlock the door.

My savior (madnessa) EDITING Where stories live. Discover now