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«next day»

"Madelaine" Vanessa whispered going into the bedroom.

"Yes babygirl?" Mads asked placing her phone down. Vanessa said nothing and went to the girl and laid on top of her. "Everything ok baby?"

"I'm stomach hurts" Vanessa whined.

"Is your period on?"


"You take any medicine?"


"Why not baby. I want you to take some medicine before it gets worse" Madelaine stated getting from under Vanessa. "Stay right here I'm going to get something for you to take"

"Ok" Vanessa whispered placing her hand on her stomach.

Madelaine went to the kitchen for some medicine as Vanessa started twisting and turning in the bed.

"Ok baby I'm back...I have midol, Advil, and aleve which one do you prefer?"

"Midol please" Vanessa said with her hand out.

"Ok, if that doesn't work you have these" Madelaine said handing Nessa the pills she asked for along with a bottle of water.

"Thank you"

"Mhm, is there anything else you need?"

"Just cuddles" Vanessa said with a soft smile.

"Ok" Madelaine smiled back getting on the bed. She scooted closer to Vanessa and snuggle her on top of her. "How long does it take for the pill to work?"

"Thirty minutes" Vanessa whined.

"I have a heating pad if you need that to ease the pain as well"


Madelaine got off the bed and went to her closet for the pad then went back to Vanessa and plugged it up for her.

"Here you go" she said handing the pad to Vanessa.

"Thank you"

"No problem baby" mads smiled laying back down and scooting back close to Vanessa and snuggle up on her. "Are you comfortable?"

"Mhm" vanessa nodded.

"Ok, just wanted to make sure"

After a couple minutes Madelaine looked down seeing Vanessa asleep. She smiled moving Vanessa's hair out of her face.

"Hope you feel better once you wake up" mad whispered kissing her on the forehead.

«2 hours later»

Vanessa woke up with her stomach hurting just a little bit. She was still laying on Madelaine.

"Hey babygirl how are you feeling?"

"I'm ok, my stomach hurts just a little bit"

"Are you hungry?"

"Mhm I want zaxbys"

"What would you like?" Madelaine asked grabbed for her phone.

"Umm...the kickin chicken sandwich please and some cheddar bites" Vanessa stated watching as Madelaine went to Grubhub to order the food.

"Anything else?"

"No that's all"

"Ok, I just ordered it so it should be here soon"

"Ok, thank you" Vanessa said getting up to use the bathroom. Madelaine got up and stood at the door. "What?"

"Nothing nothing" Madelaine said shaking her head.

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