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Bare with me here alright😅

It's the next morning. Vanessa woke up alone in a room. She closed her eyes and opened them again thinking Madelaine would appear.

She grabbed phone and called Madelaine.

"Good morning baby" Madelaine said as she answered the phone.

"W-where are you?"

"I'm um....I'm back in Vancouver"

"But you said you'd stay with me" Vanessa said as tears formed in her eyes.

"I'm sorry V. I could've lost everything"

"M-my safety and my life means nothing to you is what I'm getting"

"You mean the world to me baby"

"Clear I don't" Vanessa said as her voice cracked. "You promised me"

"I'm sorry baby"

"No you aren't" Vanessa sobbed. "I-I want you to know t-that I'm four m-months pregnant" she said before hanging up.

Madelaine tried calling back as soon as a nurse walked in. Vanessa declined it but mads called right back so V put her phone on silents.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" The lady asked.

"My head hurts a little but I'm ok"

"Ok, I'll get someone to bring some medicine for that" the nurse stated checking the cords that were hooked to Vanessa. "Also your breakfast is on the way, is there anything else you need"

"M-my baby is it ok?"

"Your baby is doing just fine. We had a nurse last night come in and check but I can get them back in here to check so you can see"

"No I trust your words" Vanessa whispered rubbing her stomach.

"I'll be back in a few to check back on you"

"Ok" Vanessa nodded watching as she left. Vanessa grabbed her phone seeing 12 miss calls from mads and 9 messages.

Baby❤️: answer the fuckin phone
Baby❤️: answer me
Baby❤️: after everything I've done for you
Baby❤️: you don't know how fuckin hurt I am
Baby❤️: and to think I said I love you before leaving
Baby❤️: why would you do this to me?

Butterfly🦋: the baby is yours Madelaine
Butterfly🦋: you think I'd go out and fuckin cheat? You know how terrified I am to be near a man

Baby❤️: could've gotten a donor

Butterfly🦋: why the fuck would I get a donor if I have you?

Baby❤️: idk Vanessa you tell me...last time I check I never came in you

Butterfly🦋: well you did
Butterfly🦋: if you don't wanna be in YOUR child's life so be it...I don't need your help
Butterfly🦋: once I get out of the hospital you don't have to worry about me anymore. Everything you got me will still be at your house I don't need it.
Butterfly🦋: if you want to deny your own child then what's the point of us still being together? I'm tired of being hurt and for you to say all this..

Baby❤️: well why the hell are you just telling me this shit now?

Butterfly🦋: because I found out yesterday Madelaine..if I would've know four months ago I would've told you but I didn't
Butterfly🦋: but don't worry about me I'll be moving back to my old house with my mom and sister

Once Vanessa sent that she put the phone down and wiped away a tear that fell.

A nurse walked in with food and medication.

"Here you go Ms. Morgan they said you could leave in a week, we want to make sure your wounds are all healed"

"Ok" Vanessa nodded rubbing her stomach. The nurse walked out and Vanessa took the medication she left then started eating.


"Madelaine what's up?" Zendaya said sitting beside the sad girl.

"My girl and I just broke up"

"I'm sorry to hear that" zendaya frowned. "What was the cause if you don't mind me asking"

"Cheating" mads whispered. "I'm gonna go take a nap, wake me if they need me" Madelaine said getting up and going to her room.

She fell face first on the bed and let out a loud sigh.

"Why does this have to happen to me"

«1 week later»

Vanessa was out of the hospital. She did exactly what she texted Madelaine. The only thing she took for the house was her phone and wallet leaving behind everything Madelaine got her and the card.

Micheal was pronounced dead on the spot which made vanessa super happy. She told her mother and sister what happen between her and mads and why they had to leave the houses.

They weren't upset or anything...I mean Vanessa left out the fact that she was pregnant and just told them they couldn't work on the long distance relationship.

All three of them are back at the old house.

The brunette was saving up money to get herself her own place, she was a stylist putting her talent to work. She learned that she could earned a couple hundred thousand a week for it.

Madelaine on the other hand was forgetting all about Vanessa well trying to.

She did try talking to someone but that flopped when she found out the girl was just trynna use her for money.

The movie she was helping with was going ok. The clothing line was good along with helping the crew with the directing.

Madelaine did everything she could to get Nessa off her mind, from partying, drink till she got drunk, designing clothes for her line but nothing help.

Vanessa cheating was something she couldn't get over. She never thought Vanessa would cheat on her.

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