I Built a Home

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I once sought to build a home,

A green solemn hut with mud and straw,

And the world asked, "Whom do you toil for to make this heaven in woods?"

"My parents," I said..."who at their sunset awaited the night."

"So there shall be peace in their dignity, and poise in their age."

"Why not let things be, and continue to flow in thy own rivers...why toil in the dark?" they asked.

I pondered ...the river must flow its course, occasionally in drought and angered in flood...

But then it reaches the heavenly ocean, without ends...as river, and yet river no more.

"I build for my ocean...'cause my end is the ocean..."

"I build not for my tired folks...I build for my very own infinite ocean."

"And whom for thy lay this flower beds?
'Cause times shall trample and none shall stay.
What hope lies in these colourful dreams,
when today's lost, and tomorrow's never been!"

Raising my arms out and skywards I looked.
It's for my dream that is growing still,
my soul's laughter my daydreams fill,
my morrows breathe the fragrance still.

"I lay the beds for my child's tide,
where innocent cries and laughters hide."
"Here my unlived dreams shall live again;
his cries shall forgive my laughter and pain,
where...I shall be myself and sane."

They all laughed aloud, and called me insane...
They cried within, as none built for them.

They cried within, as none built for them

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