Part 22: Clarify

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Katsuki woke up to a cold feeling. Although the plush cushions caressed his skin and his body was covered by a soft blanket, he felt alone and small. His eyes fluttered open and he groggily shifted under the incredibly soft blanket. His body was stiff and he felt uncomfortable. 

He groaned as he got up, the fluffy carpet keeping his feet warm. Yet still, he felt cold and shivered slightly. Where was Izuku? He was sure they had fallen asleep together. Now, the greenette was nowhere to be found. It worried him slightly. What if Izuku left? He didn't waste any time thinking and instead walked to Izuku's room in hopes to find the missing greenette.

Without asking he pushed open the door. It was empty. The shower wasn't running, so he wasn't in there either. Now, he really panicking. He hurriedly walked to the kitchen to find the smaller male. Millions of thoughts buzzed his head. But Izuku wouldn't just leave would he?

Katsuki found his answer in the kitchen, where the greenette was shyly peeping around for food to eat. It looked adorable, but the slight twist in Katsuki's heart didn't let him linger on the thought. 

"O-oh- uh...m-morning..." Izuku muttered, embarrassed that he had been caught. He didn't really want to bother Katsuki to make food, since they weren't on good terms so he just opted to make it himself. But now that Katsuki was here, he was sure the blond wouldn't let him cook.

"What are you doing?" Katsuki mumbled as he rubbed his eyes. 

"I-I was uh- I was gonna make some food..."

"Aren't you sick?" Katsuki grumbled. Why hadn't the greenette asked him to make food for him? He wasn't supposed to be doing any work, and here he was in a kitchen.

"W-well yes but-"

"Go sit down." Katsuki said strictly. For a second his heart fell. It was always so cheerful and fun in the morning time with them. Playing and laughing around, having food fights. Now it was replaced by a glum mood and minimum talking. Izuku wasn't even making eye contact with him.

Katsuki could practically see them play fighting around the house in transparent images. The little giggles from the greenette warming his heart and making his smile fondly. How Izuku squeaked when he was caught or how he always put up a fight if the greenette had somehow managed to put him down. It was all just memories and it was so fucking frustrating. 

"I miss that.." He mumbled, missing the way the greenette looked at him confused. Izuku was in his own dilemma. His mind was still torn apart between his feelings and reality.

"Miss what?"

'Us." Katsuki blatantly spoke, his mind still far off into his memories. The still atmosphere brought him back, his eyes slightly widening at what he just said.

"I-I mean- never mind." Katsuki dismissed the questions.

"No. You said something, what was it?" The greenette prodded. Truth was, he had heard what Katsuki had said. But a part of him wanted him to say it again. At least now he knew he wasn't the only one that questioned his feelings.

But the statement also seemed to worsen his state. Why was Katsuki saying things like this if he was the one to ruin it? If anything, it was only Izuku that was supposed to be feeling this way.

"I said forget it." Katsuki spoke more tightly. He's already said too much. One word, and he could ruin all the progress Izuku had made from the hospital. He couldn't risk telling Izuku the truth. He knew the greenette well enough to know Izuku would most definetely blame himself and it would only stress him out more.

"No I won't. What did you say?"

"Izuku. Drop it." Katsuki was beginning to get annoyed. If the greenette continued to pester him like this, he didn't know how much longer he could take. He was already suffering in silence. His anger was already beginning to show with how he balled his fist and gritted his teeth.

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