Part 10: Triple Date

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As if Izuku wasn't already uncomfortable with talking to them as is, they brought up relationships. Which was enough to make Izuku more nervous than he already was. The group of people were closer to the door while he was near Katsuki's desk, completely oblivious to the male being him. A hand snaked around his waist causing him to turn and be met with red fiery eyes staring at him. Flipping them over, Izuku's back was now pressed against the desk, Katsuki caging the smaller male.

"M-mr. Bakugou, the-"

"Have I ever told you how gorgeous you are?" Izuku's breath caught in his throat at the look Katsuki was giving him. Love filled red eyes bore into his green emeralds. 

Forgetting that they had company, the two were being lifted of into their own world. One where it was only them, no one else. As Katsuki drowned into beautiful green pools, Izuku lost himself in the red swirls of Katsuki's eyes. Staring into each others eyes they couldn't help but be mesmerized. Katsuki took account of all Izuku's features, gliding his hand subconsciously along Izuku's side as Izuku shivered from the intimate contact. However the moment was interrupted by someone clearing their throats.

Surprised at the intrusion Izuku pushed Katsuki off him and frantically walked out of the room squeaking a 'sorry' and 'goodbye' as Katsuki stared daggers at Kirishima for ruining their moment. He could still feel it though, the soft skin underneath the clothing, his shivers felt absolutely wonderful on his hands, and the red color that latched on his cheeks made Katsuki smile to himself.

"Oh my God, guys! He's smiling!"

"Your assistant? Really Kat?"

"Bakubro, an employee? Oh God, you got it bad!"

"Shut the fuck up! And get out!" Okay, maybe now he was angry. Can you blame him though? They had ruined an absolutely perfect moment for him with Izuku. They were all in a relationship so everyone knew what Katsuki felt like, still, they stayed, just to piss him off.

"Sooo? When did you two get together?"

"Hah? What the fuck are you talking about pink shit?!" That was enough for everyone to start laughing at him, which only fueled him more. But why would she ask that? It wasn't everyday that Katsuki showed interest in someone, but when he did, he didn't really hide it, so it was quite obvious to the whole group that Katsuki had fallen for the greenette. Everyone besides Katsuki.



And that's how Katsuki ended up spending his Tuesday night at a restaurant with all his friends and Izuku. Don't get him wrong, he loved the idea of carrying Izuku on a date, but the problem was that his friends were there. The real problem was that he would have to control himself because his friends were there, and that wasn't easy seeing the outfit Izuku was wearing. It wasn't a restaurant per say, more like an diner, so everyone dressed casually. Katsuki only saw Izuku in work clothes and baggy clothing when he was home, he never saw Izuku in casual clothing. So when Izuku walked into the dinner with black ripped jeans and an orange cropped hoodie, you could say that his little 'area' got a little excited.

You really couldn't blame him though, the jeans wrapped around him perfectly, showing of his bubble butt and thick things, silver jewelry complimented the look and his face? That alone made Katsuki's night.

Izuku sat down at the booth nervously, looking at the individuals it held. Anxiety slowly crept up his neck as he panicked out of his own thoughts. It was situations like these that he needed Uraraka, she was the only one who knew how to calm him down, but she wasn't here. 

As if Katsuki sensed the male's discomfort, he slowly took his hand and intertwined it with his, squeezing it reassuringly, a smile on his lips as he met shy green eyes swallowing him up whole. 'God, his eyes are gorgeous.' Katsuki stared, to his desire, into the enchanted green eyes and Izuku, stared right back. They didn't look away, not when the awkwardness of the room settled in, not when Kirishima, very subtly kicked Katsuki under the table, not when Mina's phone clicked loudly as she took a picture. It was interrupted however, by a kind waiter who was asking for their orders.

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