Part 11: Feelings

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-Warning: This chapter contains sexual intercourse. If you feel uncomfortable with reading the said description, please don't read-


Izuku woke up due the golden light that peeked from the curtains. Flinching at the bright intrusion he closed his eyes tightly, rubbing the water from them that had collected from the bright light. Slowly opening his eyes, he let them adjust to the overly shining light that had evaded the room. Shifting, he felt a rough grip on his waist holding him in place. As he looked up, he stared at the resting blond, mere centimeters away from him. The light illuminating his hair as his chest rose and fell silently, little snores emanating from his lips which were slightly parted. His hands wrapped securely along the greenette, making it hard to move. Izuku didn't want to, but they had work today.

Izuku shifted slightly so he had better access and parted his lips, tilting his head to the side as he softly kissed Katsuki. He smiled into the kiss as he felt a hand run up his spine and land on his head, holding him a place. A laugh escaped his lips as Katsuki playfully flipped them over so he was straddling Izuku and interlocked their lips once again. Lowering his head, Katsuki sucked on the subtle skin on Izuku's neck.

"K-katsuki! N-no marks! W-we have w-work!" Izuku couldn't really saying anything as Katsuki nibbled on his neck, surely leaving a mark. Katsuki pulled away, a pout present amongst his features.

"Why not? People need to know who you belong to." Katsuki playfully puffed out his lower lips as Izuku gave him a quick kiss and wiggled out of his grip and raced outside the room, instigating Katsuki to chase after him, which he did.

Izuku didn't know where he was, he assumed it was Katsuki's house from the many pictures along the walls he had ran. He knew that Katsuki would catch him, that didn't stop him from taking sharp turns along random corridors. One in particular caught his eye though, it had Katsuki's name on it.

He furiously turned the door handle and slammed it shut when he was inside, giggling loudly. The contents of the room were organized, a sliver desk holding neatly placed books, papers, diaries. A black carpet hid the floor and pictures of contracts and photo albums lined the pale orange walls. He walked towards the stack of books, trailing a finger over the writing at the side. From what he read, it was past diaries from different years. Engrossed in the contents of the room he didn't hear Katsuki enter until a husky voice sounded in his ear.

"Found you." Flipping them over Katsuki trailed his hands to Izuku's side playfully tickling him until Izuku was a laughing mess. Caged between the desk and Katsuki, he had no choice but to endure the tickling sensation as his eyes prickled with tears from laughing too much.

"S-st- hahaha- stop-please hahaha!" Doubling over he tried to push Katsuki away which resulted in Katsuki tickling him even more. Katsuki only stopped to lift Izuku up with his hands under his thighs and Izuku's hand wrapped around his neck. With Izuku's head rested on the crook of his neck, they made their way to the kitchen where Katsuki rested the smaller male on the counter while he heated up the stove.

"Ow!" Izuku exclaimed as Katsuki swatted his hand away from the eggs. Izuku was trying to help but Katsuki wasn't having it. He didn't get why though, he only wanted to help. After all, he had already imposed on Katsuki last night, the least he could do was help around the house.

A piece of food was shoved into his mouth, snapping him out of his thoughts. His taste buds sang at the immaculate flavor the food held. Starry eyes looked up to red swirls are he exclaimed his love for the food. Katsuki sat right beside him with a plate of fried eggs and bacon. His curious eyes wondered. 'Wait, why weren't there two plates?'

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