Part 5: The Date

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-Warning: This chapter contains sexual description. If you are uncomfortable with this please don't read-

Izuku was now clearing the room as the individuals exited. He was picking up the glasses left and making arrangements with the janitor to disinfect the room. He picked up his clipboard which was on the wooden table but dropped it as soon as he turned around to meet lustful red eyes. He could feel his hot breath on his face as the taller male trailed his eyesight to the pair of pink soft lips.

"S-sir? I-I have to w-write the r-report." Ignoring the comment, he straightened himself.

"8 p.m. be ready. I'm picking you up. Dress formally." And he left leaving Izuku flustered and confused. Was it a date? Izuku didn't know but he slowly made his way out of the room clutching his clipboard to his chest and looking at the floor. He safely made it to his office and sucked in a breath. He gathered his things and went to his car.

Katsuki watched from his office, which was at the top of the building, as the greenette exited the building. The sight making a smile form at his face however it disappeared when he saw a brown haired girl run and hug Izuku from behind. His fists tightened as he gritted his teeth at the two, they were laughing and soon headed to his car. Why was he jealous? He didn't know. He just knew that he didn't like that girl around Izuku. At all.

Izuku had arrived home with Ochako, the girl more happy than usual. He was told that her and Asui had a date later to which he abruptly stopped causing Ochako to bump into him.

"I have a date! I don't even know if it's a date but I'm going out with my boss. What am I gonna wear!? Raka, help me!"

"You? Y-you have date? Oh my God, I'm so proud! Come on, we have to get ready!"

"B-but it's only six!"

"Exactly, let's get ready."

Izuku looked in the mirror finding a million things wrong, a frown present on his face. He was getting fat, his eyes looked dull, his skin was pale, he looked disgusting. Well, that's what he saw. But that's not what Ochako saw, he was too skinny for the clothing choice and she said and I quote, "Man, you don't even need makeup. Uwaah! You're so pretty!" To which Izuku heavily protested but it fell to deaf ears as she pulled out her final piece.

Izuku tugged at the collar of his clothing, he was wearing normal black dress pants, with a green button up shirt, a black blazer than reached under his ass but it wasn't buttoned up. A sole gold chain clung to his neck and gold chained hoops decorated his ears. He was uncomfortable and hated how he looked. Once again, Ochako was speechless. Her eyes sparkled as she beheld her creation, Izuku looked amazing. There was a ring at the door and Ochako practically flew off the bed to get it while Izuku was having a mini panic.

Katsuki dressed in a black flat front pants, a red shirt tucked in with the buttons at the top loose showing off his build chest, knitted his brows together as he was greeted by a beaming Ochako at the door.

"You're hear for Zuki, right?" Before he could reply he was cut off by the presence of the greenette. His mouth slightly agape as he say the saw in front of him. He looked perfect, his normal messy curls fell perfectly above his eyes which were more noticeable as the suit enhanced their color. And the suit, oh Gods, the suit hugged his curves perfectly, showing off the right dips and curves of his physique.

"H-hi." Izuku could barely speak at the incredibly handsome man at the doorstep. His suit fitted perfectly on his body, showing off the right muscles and toned skin. In the natural light, his eyes glowed a dark red that captivated Izuku.

"H-hey, you ready to go?" Mentally cursing himself for stuttering, he held a hand out for Izuku smiling as the greenette shyly took his hand, bending his head a little to cover the blush on his face. He led Izuku to the car and opened the door, like a gentleman, and proceeded to his side of the car to drive.

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