Part 17: Measurements

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Tuesday passed like any other day. With Izuku and Katsuki planning out the different types of material and clothing for the hero outfits, the day flew over quickly. Soon enough, Katsuki was once again in the same meeting room he was Monday. However, today he was surrounded by different people. Along with Shoto, four different individuals had accompanied him. And from the look on Shoto's face Katsuki knew the outfits were a success. 

Izuku's eyes sparkled as they beheld what was in front of him. Displayed on the projector, four different hero outfits were shown, all of different hues and designs. The designs weren't made yet, as the meeting was going to decide that, but Izuku knew that these designs were perfect. With the outfit being shown, little notes of materials and patterns were scribbled at the side to show what the outfits had entailed.

One outfit was a dark blue jacket with sleeves ending at the elbows. The collar was joined together by a grey neck piece with baggy pants of the same color. A metal-plated combat vest was put together by white boots, completing the look.  Although it was rather plain-looking, it was subtle and fashionable. 

Another costume was a full black body suit with a pale pink design running down her torso. A rectangular base around her waist and thick metallic boots going up until her knees. The colors were beautifully wielded together and Izuku had to admit, it was probably his favorite outfit. Well second to the his own hero costume.

The third one was a bit too revealing for Izuku's liking, but it was still fierce and chique with all the cuts and designs. The costume consisted of a high-collared, sleeveless, dark red leotard with a beautiful silver color lining the waist and around the arms, which was open to expose her skin from the neck to just in above her navel. Around her waist was a thick lined cloth of yellow that wrapped loosely around it. And with a red boots, the look was completed.

The last one was a of male designs. With loose black pants and a normal white t-shirt, the look was dressed by a cropped black jacket with lightening bolts over the arms, around the collar and at the bottom of the jacket. Paired with a black choker, the look was unified by black shoes and glasses. That one was casual and calm, but still unique and stylish in its own sense.

With a smirk on his face, Katsuki looked at Shoto. It was clear that the designs were of Shoto's choice as shown by the subtle colours and mixed patterns and designs. These clothing lines were gonna be a hit. Katsuki could see the little merch already at shopping centers.

"Gotta hand it to ya halfie, you passed my expectations." Katsuki said as he eyed the designs. They had already finalized Katsuki's part of the partnership. Now, all they had to do was set out orders to start producing the clothing. The fashion show that was being hosted to actually model the clothes was only three weeks away. Meaning they had only limited amount of time to produce, measure and train the models. Not to mention that Katsuki didn't choose his models yet. Well, he chose one, he wasn't sure about the rest. They weren't exactly up to model standards.

The partnership was that either of companies had to switch at least one of their model and Katsuki had an idea of who he was going to chose as he walked to his office, Izuku in tow. They weren't professional models, but the designs Katsuki had made fit them perfectly. They already worked at a fashion institute, getting them to model would be a piece of cake, at least that's what he thought.

"What?! Hell no! Absolutely not!" Mina exclaimed. She came here as an assistant. Not to be some model to walk on stage with ogling eyes on her. She wasn't going to do it, even if the outfit was nice. Not that she had seen the outfit yet anyway.

Kirishima on the other had was beaming. He was excited, unlike Mina, he had actually gotten a sneak peak of the outfits and it was, I quote, 'So manly!'. He knew getting Mina to model would be a problem, until she knew what costume she was wearing. 

"Listen pink shit, you'll change your mind after you see the fucking outfit." Katsuki said, his red eyes boring into Mina's. Pulling up the designs, Mina's eyes immediately sparkled as she caught a view of her would be outfit although she quickly covered it up by hiding her face. The colors represented her perfectly, along with the actual design. With a huff and a pout, she couldn't exactly pass up the offer.

"Told you." Katsuki smirked at Izuku as Mina squealed to Kirishima about her costume. As the two left the room, Katsuki waisted no time to hook his arms around Izuku's waist and stare at him.

Resting his forehead against Izuku, he heard Izuku hum in response as the greenette trailed his hands to wrap it around Katsuki's neck loosely. 

No words were said as Katsuki swayed a little with Izuku, a little giggle formed on the smaller males lips at the action. A laugh emitted from Katsuki as he twirled the greenette in his arms and brought him back to his chest. With Izuku's back against Katsuki's chest, he shifted his head slightly as Katsuki peppered little butterfly kisses along his neck and tightened his grip on Izuku's waist a little.

However, their little moment was ruined by a very excited Denki and an extremely angry Katsuki. Denki was one of the models that Katsuki was trading, although he doesn't work here, Katsuki knew from the way Denki walked and carried himself, that he would make a great model. Not that he would say that out loud.

Wiggling out of Katsuki's grip, Izuku made his way to the door, blowing a kiss to the blond before exiting. He had office work to do, more specifically, measurements. They had limited time on their hands and Izuku was going to be damned if they had to postpone even the slightest bit events during the production of the clothes, of anything regarding the company.

Making his way towards the elevator, he rode in comfortable silence. As the elevator dinged, he stepped out in the familiar pale orange hallway and made his way to the assigned rooms. He wasn't working alone though, various individuals from both Katsuki's and Shoto's company were assisting him.

As he pushed open the door, all eyes were immediately on him. He shifted uncomfortably under the nerve-wracking gazes of the models before entering the room fully and mustering up his brightest smile.

"Hello there." In a shy and soft voice, he spoke. Surprisingly, everyone greeted him politely and shared basic conversations with him as an ice-breaker. He was going to measure and coach them after all, they should be comfortable with each other. As expected of the models, all were gorgeous and stood confidently with their natural beauty radiating off them.

He discovered some names along the way. From the Todoroki Institute, there was Momo Yaoyorozu, Shoto Todoroki himself, Camie Utsushimi, all kind and encouraging individuals. There was one he didn't know, but he didn't show up yet so Izuku was unware of the person's name. The model was supposed to be a trade model for the company, he was not setting a good example for himself by being late. Katsuki hated tardiness. 

As if on time, someone knocked on the door. Izuku was not prepared for what hit him next. He stared at the male as his breathing quickened to uneven breaths, his chest rising and falling at a fast rate. He felt his stomach twist into knots and a sharpened pain cut through his heart as he looked closely the person. Time stilled, his thoughts racing a mile an hour.

Tall and muscular with black unruly hair, wide black eyes and pale skin, Yo Shindo stood with his eyes widened as he beheld the sight in front of him. Unbelievable feelings pouring out of him as he watched his love stare at him, unmoving.


A/N: Hello beautiful people! I'm very sorry for my late update, school is being a dick :) ANYWAYS, I adjusted my update schedule. I used to update or try to, at least every three days however now I'm going to be updating once a week. Every Sunday to be specific. Now enough with the boring shit, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Enjoy your day lovies! <3

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