Part 24: Hospital

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Izuku's vision spotted as the familiar setting settled in his mind. The annoying bright line hit directly on face his making him wince as he took in his surrounding. It was a hospital, to his dismay. The details on how he got here were blurred into one and he was scared. He didn't remember anything at all. All he knew was that he left Katsuki's house then everything was black. He just remembered standing outside Katsuki's house, listening to him scream.

He scanned the room, normal apparatus and charts lined the walls, its sickening off white color making Izuku want to gag. The room was empty, save for a single individual on a chair to the farther wall of the room. He looked stressed as he chewed on his nail, his eyes frantic and breathing heavy as if he were panicked. His feet bounced against the tiles as he breathed in deeply. It took a while for Izuku to actually figure out who the person was.

"Y-Yo?" Izuku asked hesitantly. He watched as the male froze, his eyes widening as his head snapped towards Izuku. It wasn't long before a breathy laugh sounded and Yo was watching towards the greenette and pulling him into a hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay, baby," Yo breathed out as he tightened his grip over Izuku. The action made Izuku tense up. It felt disgusting and wrong. He felt something wet on his shoulder, it took a few seconds to comprehend what was happening. Sniffles sounded from near him and Izuku was left confused.

"G-get off me!" Izuku shrugged and pushed him of, a glare on his features. The last person he wanted to see was Yo and he thought he made it clear the day of the meeting. He couldn't remember jack shit and now his ex was here, hugging him and calling him his ridiculous pet names. 

"L-look, I-I know you're mad but I won't do it again. I was just angry!" Yo defended which only cause more confusion to raise in his mind. The last time they had met he'd specifically told to black haired male he didn't want to see him again and left. How did Yo even find him? He passed out in his home.

"H-how did you find me?" He asked as he brought a hand to his head. He could already feel a headache approach. He looked at Yo expecting an answer, only to find his brows creased and Yo looking at him like he had three heads.

"What do you 'find you'? Y-you blacked out at home because I-I...b-because I hit you..." That caught Izuku's attention. He looked at Yo up and down before looking back into his eyes.

"What? No- we broke up- w-what are you talking about? Where's Katsuki?" Izuku questioned, his eyes frantic as he stared into Yo's brown eyes. This isn't happening. Yo was just playing with his head.

Just as Yo was about to reply, a nurse stepped in with a pleasant smile on her face.

"Mr. Midoriya. I'm glad you're awake. From what I've understood you fainted. You head your head pretty hard. You've been out for over a week." She laughed out, a perplexed face still morphing the greenette's features.

"Y-yeah! H-he blacked out after, I don't know what happened..." Yo nervously stuttered out. Anyone would see right through his obvious lie, however the nurse remained oblivious and turned her attention back to Izuku.

"N-nurse, can you call the person under my emergency contact?" Izuku asked, his heart beat increasing as the beeps on the heart monitor raised. His forehead glistened over with sweat as his mind tried his best to sort through his memory fragments. 

"I would, but he's already here." The nurse chuckled and Izuku was immediately at ease. Until, she pointed towards Yo and he smiled at him with his furrowed brows, confused as to why Izuku had just asked that.

"Looks like we underestimated your fall. Midoriya, do you know who this is?" She asked as she pointed to Yo who was looking genuinely concerned at the greenette's lack of knowledge on the situation.

"Of course he does! I'm his boyfriend! Is he alright?" Yo asked as he looked at Izuku, his hands reaching out to caress Izuku's cheek. The flinch at the unexpected action went unnoticed by both individuals.

"He should be. Just let him take this medicine and he can leave." She stated with a smile. Yo breathed out a sigh of relief.

As the nurse left the room, Izuku glared at the black haired male. He refused to believe what was going on. He knew that he didn't just make up Katsuki. All the moments were real. If he could just figure out what happened after he left Katsuki's house.

Yo said that he hit him, he even called him 'baby'. That only confused the greenette more. What was more worrying was that Katsuki wasn't listened next to his emergency contact, it was Yo. 

Yo appeared next to him again with a pill in hand and some water, breaking him out of his thoughts. His hands pushing to pill towards the greenette, urging him to take it. Izuku swatted his hand away, his teeth gritted as anger boiled in him.

"Where is he Yo?" Izuku asked lowly, his eyes staring daggers at Yo's perplexed features.

"Zuzu, I don't know who you're talking about. Are you feeling okay?" Yo asked as he reached out a hand to feel the smaller male's head. Once again, his hand was swatted away.

"Don't fuck with me Yo. Where is Katsuki?" Izuku asked, his voice dangerously calm and steady. Yo furrowed his brows and gaped at him, completely confused.

"Katsuki? Zuzu, I've never heard that name in my life. Are you sure you're okay? Maybe its because you need to take you're medicine." Yo stated and once again made a move to coax the greenette into taking his medicine. Izuku didn't comply.


Katsuki creased his brows, an angry scream falling from his lips as he yanked off all the papers off his desk. They might very well be important documents but at the moment he couldn't care less. He was angry and frustrated and was close to giving up. Pens were thrown and scattered the floor. If you weren't careful, you could easily slip on this. Unused stables and post it notes could be seen everywhere. His office was a mess.

He clutched at his hair, another scream ringing through the halls of his office as he slammed his hands on the now empty desk and dug his nails into the polished wood. His fingers ached and his nails were bent and bleeding. However, it did nothing but fuel his anger even more.

Eijirou busted through the door and ran to his best friend, his features holding pure shook at the mess of the office and state of his best friend. Fat tears rolled down Katsuki's cheeks, his face flushed red as choked breaths came out from his mouth. He clutched onto his best friend's shoulder, shaking him.

"Where is he Eijirou?" He asked, almost pleading for Eijirou to give him an answer.

"Where's Izuku?"

A/N: Hello! MAJOR writer's block for this chapter but I pulled through! I hope you enjoyed it. Also, if you're confused with the little lie that Yo made up in the front of the nurse. Remember, Yo said he lashed Izuku, he couldn't tell the nurse that ._.

As always, thank you for reading sweethearts. Have a great day! <3

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