Part 19: Memories

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Why? Why did life hate him so much? Why was it that whenever he made himself vulnerable, it always kicked him in the face? Why was it that whenever he settled down, everything around him crashed? Why it that whenever he experienced even the tiniest piece of happiness and bliss, life seemed to take a complete 360 degree turn? Did God like seeing him suffer? Did he like it when Izuku silently screamed for help? Did he find pleasure in making Izuku drop to his knees and become numb?

Izuku froze. His heart thumping wildly in his chest as he stared at the two people in the office. Was this real? Was he really seeing things? His throat bobbed as he swallowed deeply, too shocked to even move as he looked at the individuals in the office.

"K-kat?" He stopped all movements. The blond looked like a deer frozen in headlights in the middle of the road. He looked panicked.

Katsuki's hand was wrapped around a fawn-haired woman's waist. The hand that caressed and comforted him was now wrapped around some woman's waist like it was nothing. The lady was seated comfortably in his lap as they paused their intimate session to look at the now pale greenette by the door. She was in his lap, the lap that Izuku had done so many things on. She was all over Katsuki, just like Izuku had been. 

"B-baby!" Katsuki frantically pushed the woman off and ran to Izuku's side. 

Izuku was shaking as Katsuki tried to gain his attention, his eye sight blurred and his head throbbed. He could feel all sensations in his body become numb as he tried his best to comprehend the situation. But he couldn't, he didn't want to. He wanted to leave the room and pretend that he didn't see that, that he didn't just walk in on the love of his life making out with some random model. 

His eyes drooped, his breathing slowed and his headache ceased.

Darkness swallowed him whole.

All he wanted was some love. Some peace and happiness. Was that too much to ask for? Is this what his life had come to? A constant series of hurt and pain? Is that what he has to endure everyday? 

Black. That was all he could see. He could hear the beeping a machine, he felt the rough bedsheets under him. He could hear the little bustling in whatever place he was in. But most importantly, he could hear the little snores that seemed to emanate from the side of him.

He couldn't move. It was too painful to even think as a ringing sensation filled him head. The high pitched sound causing him to furrow his brows and sway his head as the frequency increased. What had happened? Why couldn't he see? Why couldn't he move? The beeping sensation increased, his head pounding as he endured the painfully high beeping. He couldn't take it anymore.

His eyes flung open as his loud scream echoed through the room. Tears leaked down his face as he frantically looked around the room, the loud beeping sound still persistent in his ears. 

Nurses flooded the room and hurriedly rushed to his side, speaking words that Izuku couldn't hear over the mass headache he was receiving. He could make out a voice however, it was rough and harsh as he spoke. He recognized that voice easily.

A stinging sensation pricked his arm as he sluggishly looked around the room. Why was everything so slow? 


Izuku giggled as he reached for Katsuki, almost losing his balance when he tried to steal a kiss from the blond. He loosely draped his hand around Katsuki neck and pouted when Katsuki laughed at him.

"Shorty~" Katsuki teased as he lifted Izuku's chin up to look into his eyes. Izuku could get lost in those red pools. He'd always found himself drowning in them. They took his breath away every time he even glanced at them. They were beautiful.

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