Part 9: Nightmares

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Have you ever felt like you're drowning? And there's nothing for you to grasp to break the surface. Your movements are frantic but slowed due to the current in the water. And slowly but surely you're being pulled down into the endless abyss of the ocean floor. And you can't do anything as you're lungs explode from the pressure of the marine habitat, when your eyes feel hot and are about to pop out. When you're entire body tingles from the slow, draining process of becoming numb from the cold temperatures of the water. And you can't see anything because you're surrounded by darkness. That's how Izuku feels when he's in his nightmares. Nightmares that he can't escape because he lives in them. Nightmares that he begs to be woken up from but can't because he's all alone. No one's with him when he's subconsciously clawing at his sheets, his knuckles white as he tries to wake up but he can't. Dreading the night because of the horrifying faces that's engraved his mind, was something he was used to.

That's exactly what he dreamt on Monday night. After they had returned home, neither of them said anything about the love filled kissed that had occurred at the park. Instead Katsuki made it his duty to take care of Izuku. When they had returned Katsuki drew a bath and laid out clothes for Izuku, then proceeded to the kitchen to whip up lunch. He didn't want to pressure the fragile male so even as his questions weighed down his mind, he pushed them aside and focused on taking care of the greenette.

Walking into the bedroom with a platter in his hand, he smiled sympathetically towards to the small male who was cuddled up in his sheets with his eyes closed. 'That talk must've taken a lot out of him.' Katsuki took the time to set the food on the dresser and walked over to the sleeping male placing a kiss to his forehead and calling out his name in an attempt to wake him up.

"Izuku? Come on beautiful you gotta eat." His voice was soft and soothing as Izuku stirred in his sleep. Blood rushed to Katsuki's face as he received a sleepy smile from the greenette as he sat up groggily and took the platter.

"A-are you not going to eat as well?" Smiling at the concern of the male, he exited the room and returned with a similar lunch in his hand. He plopped down on the bed and signaled for Izuku to eat.

Katsuki gently got up from the bed and took the plates off the dresser, careful not to wake up the resting male from his slumber and went to the kitchen to clean up. There wasn't much mess so after, he took a shower and dressed in his clothes that they had picked up when they were out. He entered the cool room and was about to take off the lights when frantic movements caught his eyes.

Panicking, he rushed over to Izuku as his heart clenched at the sight. Beaded in sweat, Izuku was kicking off the covers and strangling the sheets, his head swaying side to side as he filled the room with yelps and screams. His eyes leaking tears as he continued to thrash in his bed. Katsuki lifted the male by his arms causing him to sit up and hugged him tightly as he yelled his name to try to wake him up. It did, but the way he shouted caused Izuku's eyes to snap open and push Katsuki away as he shuffled to the bedhead, almost like he was scared of the blond.

"P-please don't h-hurt me!" The words went straight to Katsuki heart, piercing it right through. He was scared of him, he was crying profusely as he refused to look at the blond, his eyes frantically searching the room for nothing in particular.

Katsuki put his hand out to touch him, ignoring the pain he felt when Izuku flinched at the action.

"It's okay love. I'm not gonna hurt you, just breathe with me okay. You're alright, you're in your room. Look around, this is your home." Katsuki spoke softly, like how you would speak to scared child and Izuku slowly let his eyes adjust to surroundings. Wailing loudly as he remembered his nightmare. Jumping out of bed, he raced into Katsuki's arm crying loudly as the blond immediately wrapped his hands around him whispering gentle words into his ears.

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