Part 25: A New Beginning

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Shindo tapped his steering wheel along to the beat of the music, his A/C chilling the air of the car as he pulled up to the house he had been visiting for three days straight. As he pulled up to the house, a car was parked out to his surprise. In the three days he had been here, there was not a single soul in sight. He could tell the person that lived here hadn't been to the house in a few days so it was a bit of a shocker to the see a car there.

His shock, however, was short lived as excited quickly overtook his nerves. If a car was here then that had meant that the person who lived there was also in the house. He had spent all his time to gather information on the house. Countless hours was spent pulling strings in order to find the address of this person that he wanted to see so badly.

Yet all his hard work came to a halt when no one seemed to be living in the house when he first visited. He was a bit mad at first as he had spent all his time trying to reach this house only for it to be vacant. But he still kept hoping that the person would arrive which was why he was consecutively visiting the house. It was so convenient because he even walked with flowers today to put outside the house.

He smiled as he saw the car, his smiled stretched wider as he saw the door slightly open by a little less than an inch. This was it. He was finally going to meet the person he had been dying to meet forever. Although he was excited, he was still a bit nervous as their last encounter hadn't been so good and they had ended on bad terms. But he wasted no time as he stepped up to the porch.

He pushed open the door lightly and stepped instead. What he was not expecting was a greenette on the floor, unconscious. All excited immediately vanished, instead turning into worry as he saw the male sprawled out on the floor, a steady steam of blood gushing down his forehead. 

He immediately dropped to his knees, his hand searching for a heart beat as the greenette was unusually still. Tears brimmed his eyes, his heart beat was there but it was faint. He had wondered just how long the greenette was passed out. His breathing was slow and Yo felt uneasy. 

He kicked open the door, stumbling slightly as he carried the greenette to his car. The small male was rested in his back seat and adjusted securely as Yo paused to rub his eyes as he began to tear up. He placed a kiss to his forehead, "Don't worry Zuzu, I'm gonna get you to the hospital."

Yo hurriedly sat in his car and raced towards the hospital, mindlessly driving down lanes as he kept glancing back at Izuku to make sure he was okay. His heart was going a mile an hour as his heart. His breathing was jagged, he just hoped Izuku was okay. The male looked a bit too pale.

He pulled up to the hospital, wasting no time to scoop the still male in his arms and ran into the entrance. He went up to the nurse and breathlessly explained the situation, his horror showing in his eyes as he spoke. It didn't take long before a stretcher arrived and he reluctantly put Izuku on the stretcher.

As soon as Izuku was taken into a room, Yo immediately broke down. Tears spilled down his eyes, his worry getting the best of him as he imagined every scenario that happened to the greenette. He paced up the hall, chewing on his nails, his eyes frantic as he tried his hardest to calm his breathing and shut down his brain. 

Finally he sat down and started to bounce his feet. He had been here for almost an hour now. What was taking them so long? As if the nurse heard him, she exited while fixing the white gloves on her hand. She smiled softly and walked up to the nervous male. He shot up from his seat, his eyes searching her face for nay sort of clue as to what had happened.

"Calm down sir. He's perfectly fine just a little stressed. He hit his head pretty hard though so some parts of his memory will be a bit clogged. He may show signs of confusion upon waking up, its just because of the fall. Once he takes his medicine, he should be fine as well his memory. Are you a relative of some sort?" Yo didn't think to reply at all and mindlessly answered.

"No I'm on his emergency contact," which was true. It had been a while since they parted but he doubted Izuku would change his emergency contact, he didn't have anyone to change it to anyways. The nurse nodded, not bothering to question him further and led him to the room where Izuku was.

Yo inhaled as he heard the door close and looked at the greenette. He didn't look good but he did look better than before. Yo ran a hand through his hair and stepped up to Izuku and took his hand in his own. He ran a thumb along his knuckles and kissed it softly as he moved a stray curl away from the resting male's hair.

He sighed and sat down, recalling what the nurse said. He had been trying to get into contact with the greenette for years. After Izuku had left him, Yo had hoped that he would've came back after a day or two. But two days quickly turned into weeks, then months and then years passed as he received no word from the greenette. 

He had become worried and was stuck in a bad place. His drinking habit had increased along with his cigar intake. His days were blurred into one as his alcoholic state continued. He didn't have a care in the world. Izuku had left, what else did he have to work for? 

He was trying to visit the greenette's house to patch things up. Maybe they could've continued where they left off. He would make sure Izuku never left again. But when the nurse told him that, his brain churned.

It may seem a little far fetched, psychotic even but he didn't care. He loved Izuku and he was going to get him back no matter what. He laughed out loud, ideas popping out of his head as he eyes the greenette. He got up and walked over to the bed, pressing a kiss to the greenette's lip before going out the door.  "Don't worry Zuzu, we'll be together again." 

Yo walked out the hospital and to his car. Maybe he shouldn't meet up with him but he needed this, needed Izuku and he was going to be damned if he didn't get him. His engine roared and he took off. He pulled out his phone, hitting the call button under someone's name. With each ring, his heart sped up more and  more until the line was picked up. He didn't waste time on greetings, instead getting straight to the point. Buildings faded into trees as he got farther and farther away from the city. He breathed out, he was really doing this.

His car stopped outside a building, the small structure could've fooled anyone. It was disgusting, vines and algae covered the rickety house, cracks varying from size and shape in the walls. He walked up to the door and pushed it open, eyeing the blue haired male in front of him.

"Do you have it?" Yo spoke lowly and quickly snatched the packet from the male. He pulled out a stack of money and handed it to the male before walking out. He didn't want to stay their any longer, it made the pores in his skin raise. 

He sat in his car and looked at the contents of the bag, small pills filling the packet. He was really doing this. He started his engine, if it was for Izuku he would anything. The pills weren't dangerous, it would just hinder the progress that Izuku's medicine would make which would result in Izuku to slowly recover. He would take advantage of that.

He drove back to the hospital with his nerves on edge and sat down. His acting skills would come in hand right now.


Katsuki thrashed his house for what felt like the hundredth time that day. He felt like he was going crazy. He needed Izuku, needed to know where the greenette was and if he was okay. He had no clue of his whereabouts and his insecurities were feeding of his current state.

He blamed himself for the greenette's disappearance. Izuku had left his house because he overreacted. For all he knew Izuku could be dead or in a hospital. Maybe Izuku just didn't want to be with him anymore so he left. The thought alone made his stomach churn and heart heart dropped.

"Where are you, my love?"

A/N: Woah this late ._. Sorry my motivation died. Updated will come a little slow maybe every two weeks I don't know but this story will be continued. It's almost finished. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a good day :)

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