Part 8: The Past

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-Warning: This chapter contains mention of physical, mental and verbal abuse. It also contains mild sexual intercourse. It also has the use of homophobic slurs. If you are sensitive with these topics, please don't read-


In the midst of Izuku panicking he failed to acknowledge that the blond had woken up and was confused as ever when Izuku tumbled out the bed, stumbling to find his feet on the floor. Izuku had done it again, he had let his guard down again. He had learnt in the past that not everyone was who they said they were. There's always a second side to someone. Always. Izuku had learnt that the hard way. He had lost everything because he trusted the wrong people, he gave himself to the wrong person. There was a reason he was neglecting the feelings he felt towards the blond. He couldn't let himself get swallowed up again, he had dug his own grave from the time he had felt his heart flutter at the sight of the blond. His brain was telling him to run away from his problems, to disregard his feelings or he would get hurt again. But his heart wasn't allowing it, he had finally built himself back up, he couldn't let his feelings get in the way.

"Hey,'s okay. What's wrong?" Izuku could hear the silent plea in his voice. The blond wanted to be there for him, he wanted him to open up to him, he wanted to know what was wrong, he wanted him to stop hurting. But...could he do that? He felt calloused hands caress his cheek, wiping a stray tear from the soft skin. He didn't even realize he was crying. Hesitantly looking up, Izuku was met with sorrow-filled eyes. A mixture of hurt and sadness swirled in the eyes of the blond. What was he going to do now? Izuku was so confused, his mind tearing apart as his brain said to swat the taller male's hand away and kick him out while his heart was telling him to break down and show his vulnerability, to trust the male in front of him.

Izuku was forced to look at the bigger male as his hands cupped Izuku's cheeks, more tears flooded his eyes as his brain was being racked by thoughts he couldn't comprehend. The intensity of the situation making more tears escape his eyes.

"Please...tell me what's wrong. I-I can't see you like this..." Izuku's heart broke at the chocked out words of the blond. But he still hadn't come to a conclusion, his brain was scattered with the thoughts that filled it. He could only clutch onto the blond as he let his frustration out. He hated that he was crying in front of him. He looked so pathetic and weak. Thankfully, the blond hugged back wrapping Izuku in a warm embrace. A grumbling sound filled the room, Izuku turned red at the realization that was his stomach, a smile placed on his lips as he heard a small chuckle from the blond.

Prying himself away from Izuku, he ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead before walking out to the kitchen. Izuku followed wiping away any lingering tears in his face and sat down on the chair near the counter watching as Katsuki searched through his cabinets for something to make, and that was it for the sadness that Izuku had felt earlier. Now being replaced by warmth at the sight of the blond preparing food.

Izuku stared at the plate of food in front of him. It smelled delicious but he had lost his appetite after his brain continued its fight with his heart. He pierced his eggs bringing it to his mouth but set it down as he found himself talking without his permission.

"If I tell you, will you leave?" The words had barely came out his mouth before tears crept up in his eyes.

"Huh? Tell me what?" Izuku looked up to see the blond looking back at him, a confused look painting his face. Looking directly into the piercing red eyes he repeated what he said, more tightly.

"If I tell you what's wrong, will you leave?" Izuku forced himself to keep looking at Katsuki, even when his eyes burned and his tears flowed down his cheeks, he still looked at him. Izuku had to know, if he was going to trust Katsuki, he needed to know how Katsuki felt. And the only way was to intercept his eyes, anyone can lie through their mouth, but their eyes? They give away anything, Izuku learnt that too, the hard way once again. The greenette watched as Katsuki walked up the him and lifted his chin with his fingers and stared into his eyes.

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