Part 2: Assistant

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Katsuki finished buckling his pants as he glanced at the greenette sound asleep on the bed. Now that Katsuki could've really gotten a look at him, he was absolutely speechless. Messy, green curls were attached to his head, thick, long eyelashes protecting his eyes, red plump lips in a set expression and coal-like freckles dotted his face evenly. He was breathtaking, how did Katsuki not notice this before? He let his eyes take in the adorable sight in front of him, monitoring the greenette's breathing, his cute button nose inhaling and soft snores erupted from the smaller male's lips. Katsuki shaked his head and went out the door. It was currently midnight, he had to be awake in less than seven hours and here he was leaving a stranger's house. A very beautiful stranger at that. 

He called a cab and went to the club to pick up his car and headed straight home where he was greeted with a worried and angry mother.

"I'm fine you hag!" he shouted as he stepped out the kitchen. He heard her yell something but was too tired to acknowledge what it was and groggily made his way up to his bed in his oversized home. 

His face met with his pillow and he was out like a light. It felt like mere minutes that he had been asleep before his alarm went off telling him it was six o' clock. He reluctantly got up and showered trying his best not to pay attention to his throbbing headache. Dressed in his normal work clothing that consisted of formal dress pants with a red shirt, a black tie in the middle, he  unified the look with a black blazer. Gelling his hair, he slipped on his black shoes and grabbed his phone.

He arrived on time. Barely. He had a meeting today with a new recruit. Well that's if they got the job. This was literally the twelfth assistant that Katsuki had since the beginning of the month. You couldn't blame him though, he had a tight schedule and most of the assistants were stupid and couldn't do anything right. Although that wasn't the full reason, Katsuki had a tendency to be very loud and harsh towards people he didn't know and because of his fiery attitude some of the assistants he had actually quit. He didn't care though, he was the owner of the Japan's biggest fashion institute, like hell he was going to let some idiotic assistants make him lose his head. He hadn't reviewed the file, he was so fed up with everything he had just told Ashido to send whoever the person was in. 

He wouldn't admit it, but he needed an assistant. He needed someone to organize his work schedule, keep account of his tasks, make sure his reports were up to date, he needed an assistant. Yes, he was a neat freak as in he believed everything was meant to be in a certain place so his office was very clean and tidy but that wasn't the problem. The problem was when his schedule got too busy because he didn't have an assistant to fill him in on meetings he needed to attend, offers his company had received, paperwork he needed to fill out. Even with the assistants, sometimes they would forget certain tasks and there were a few times some had even tried to sexually interfere with him so even though he needed an assistant, he couldn't get the right one. It had been one week since he had fired his last assistant and he had become slightly worried at the fact that no one was signing up. But that was until Ashido had informed him of the new recruit. Part of him wanted to just hire the worker and see where it takes him but his logical part was telling him to interview him so he wouldn't end up hiring a pervert.

He was now on his computer reading a contract from the Todoroki Institute when the buzzer rang on his desk. He sighed as he heard Ashido's voice.

"Send him up Mina."

Katsuki was actually nervous, he prayed this assistant would be good, he didn't want to have to go looking for an assistant himself. He was in dire need of an extra hand. Not that he would say that out loud. A knock at the door sounded. He said a firm 'come in' and tore his eyes away from the bright screen.

'Fuck. Oh shit. No. You have to be shitting me.' Katsuki was now staring at the smaller male, black dress pants hugged his curves delicately as it opened out at the bottom, a white button up shirt showed up a built chest with a gold chain hidden within the shirt. Big, green eyes stared widely into his, his familiar curly, green hair shifting slightly as he abruptly stopped at the door.

"Y-you?" It came out more like a whisper. Of all the males he slept with, he just had to be his boss. God, Izuku really fucked up now. He wouldn't lie, Katsuki looked much more handsome in a suit, especially since it fitted him perfectly, showing of all his muscles underneath. His eyes were wide with shock as he sat on his chair, his hands still out the mouse of his computer. Izuku felt the heat rush to it face. 'Oh my God! I slept with my boss!' He was still standing by the door, waiting for another reaction.

"C-come in." He hesitantly walked into the orange and black themed office making his way up to the desk where the dazed blond was still recovering from the shock. He gingerly sat down and looked at Katsuki, his shy eyes making contact with the red eyed male. His cleared his throat and looked at Izuku before turning his attention back to his computer screen to try and recover from his shock. He slept with his assistant. He didn't want to make it awkward so he just asked him basic questions about the job. Katsuki found himself listening to Izuku's soft voice, it sounded so sweet and pure, he didn't realize he was staring.

"I-I am so sorry!" What the fuck was wrong with him. This is going to be a interesting experience. He mentally winced when he realized that Izuku was an ideal assistant. God, he didn't have a choice. He had to hire him. This was going to be a weird job.

Izuku was freaking out. What if he didn't get the job? What if the boss thought that he's not professional enough? What if he ruins his reputation to ever get a job again? Oh God, he really screwed this up. 'Nice going, Izuku. Sleeping with your boss. Lovely move.' He sarcastically stated in his head. God, this was a disaster.

"You're hired." What? Had he heard that right? He whipped his head up to be met with an awkward look as he stared in shook.

"T-thank you. W-when do I start?" 'I really got the job...I got the job! Oh my God I got the job.'

"Tomorrow, seven in the morning sharp. The lady you passed at the front desk will give you the outline of you're duties and more details of your pay and work. That's it."

"Thank you!" He walked out of the office, he got the job. He was so relieved but that came crashing down when he remembered that he had slept with his boss. Oh God, it's going to be weird. Maybe if Izuku doesn't say anything, then Katsuki wouldn't say anything either. Maybe. This could work out, he could make it work. Yeah, it'll work out. 'Positive mindset, Izuku. Be optimistic!'

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