Part 3: The Office

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Today was Izuku's first day at the Bakugou Corp. He lazily got out of bed, not before smashing his overly annoying alarm clock on the floor and made his way to his bathroom. He hummed softly while showering. He decided on black long, flare pants that hugged his waist along with a green shirt that was neatly tucked in. He pierced the hole of his ear with a silver stud that chained itself into two other hoops while a dangling silver chain dressed his neck. Normal black shoes went with the outfit and he confidently strutted out of his house and into his car. This was going to work out, he knew it.

This wasn't working out. He was stressed and frustrated as he sat in his own office engrossed in his computer. There was so much paperwork to be done, Katsuki still hadn't gone through the contract with the Todoroki's, he didn't account for the financial report and on top of everything, he wasn't even here. So Izuku made it his duty to summarize the Todoroki's contract, he collected all the financial report and was buried under the weight of it, the paper stacked close to the height of his head. His hand was stiff from typing for so long and he rolled back his chair checking the time. It was almost twelve and no sign of Katsuki, he cracked his fingers and went back to work when his computer dinged. Katsuki had a meeting at three, one more thing to add to his stress. How perfect.

It was currently one, Izuku had finally finished the paperwork and was now starving. He stacked up the financial paper and printed the report he had typed out topping off the pile of work with the contracts by the Todoroki's. He made his way to Katsuki office, wobbling slightly as he knocked the door but go no answer. He pushed it open and saw Katsuki there, his computer screen still on, his head was tucked into his arms on the chair and he was dozing off on himself. Izuku didn't want to wake him so he gently rested down the papers sorting them out on the table. He opened his diary and wrote down the meeting details. He slightly bent over the desk to grab a post-it for the meeting to set it as a reminder to the blond but was pulled down by the blond in the process. He nuzzled into Izuku's curly hair while wrapping his hands around his waist making Izuku hands go to Katsuki's shoulder.

"M-mr. Bakugou? Mr. Bakugou!" He lightly slapped his shoulder making the taller male jump which in turn made Izuku slip off the chair and fall on his ass, the fall making Izuku's head hit the underneath of the desk.

"I-I am so sorry! Are you okay?!" He helped Izuku up, a small blush illuminated Katsuki's face as Izuku rubbed his head and assured the blond he was okay. Reluctantly, the blond let Izuku go and leave his office. What the fuck is wrong with me? Katsuki hardly had any sleep last night, hence the reason he fell asleep. Now he stretched his hands, his back cracking at the movement and plopped down on his desk covering his face with his hands. Embarrassed, that's what he was. He literally tried to cuddle with his assistant, who he slept with, in his office. God, what was happening to him? He removed his hands from his face and focused his attention of the neat and clean piles in front of him. It had three piles, each had a sticky note explaining the contents.

"He did the paperwork? And the financial report? Even the contract? What the fuck? He even got time to set my meeting in my schedule." To Izuku it mightn't have meant much but Katsuki felt his shoulders loosen as he realized just how little work he had to do now. None of his secretaries had done this, they were too busy either gawking at him or being yelled at for being reckless. It was Izuku's first day and he had already cleared out Katsuki's schedule by doing his work and managed to get him ready for the meeting. 

Katsuki's head shifted towards the door as he heard it open to reveal a shy greenette holding a black coffee mug, the signature X on it's surface as it represented the corporation. The greenette slowly closed the door and sat down the coffee on the desk and looking up at the blond sheepishly.

"Y-you were falling asleep. I-I thought this would've helped..." Katsuki smiled at the greenette's shyness and held the cup taking a sip of the coffee, he wasn't gonna lie it tasted good but he was very specific about his coffee.

"One scoop of sugar, two scoops of cinnamon and next time use the almond milk. It tastes good, I'm just picky." Katsuki was shocked at how calm his voice was, normally he'd have thrown the coffee away and yell at them for being forgetful but something about the way Izuku averted his eyes to the floor while Katsuki was drinking the coffee made something sparked inside him.

"O-okay! B-by the way, the papers-"

"Thank you. For the papers, I have a meeting at three correct? You'll have to come and take down any important notes in regards to the company. What're the meeting details?"

"O-oh! I-it's no problem! The meeting is with Mr. Yagi and he's trying to get some models from our company and yes it's at three in staff room #4 on the 2nd floor. I think that should be it, you're schedule is clear after the meeting. You still have to go through the contract with the Todoroki's, they want a Collab with our newest set of clothing and plan on mixing our models with theirs if the partnership is improved. You have to respond to them. The financial report is done, you can check it over if you'd like but that's it."

Katsuki stared in awe at his newest assistant. He did most of the things that took Katsuki days, in a few hours. However the amazement turned into worry when he realized what time it was.

"Have you eaten?"

"Huh? N-no sir, I still have to clear some things w-"

"Come on lets go."

"E-excuse me?"

"You heard me. You haven't eaten. It's past lunch and you're going to pass out form overexertion. Lets go." Izuku quietly followed the blond into his black car and stared out the window as he pulled out of the company and headed towards what he assumed a good restaurant.

They pulled up at a medium sized restaurant and Izuku blushed slightly when Katsuki opened the door and helped him out of the car. They walked in and immediately went to order their lunch. Izuku ordered chicken Katsudon while Katsuki ordered spicy noodles. They both decided on a strawberry lemonade.

"Y-you have a little s-something on the corner of you mouth."

"Huh? Oh where?" Katsuki took up a napkin trying to wipe his mouth when warm hands brushed against his and dusted his face with soft fingers. He felt the warm breath of Izuku blow on his face and looked at his emerald orbs as they sparkled. Izuku sat down back abruptly, covering his mouth in an attempt to hide the blush. Heat rushed to Katsuki's face as he held the napkin close to him to hide his red face.

Katsuki payed, much to Izuku's protest, and they exited the restaurant and headed back to the company where they separated once again. Izuku went to his office burying his face in his hands as he let out an exaggerated sigh. 'You're not supposed to do this. He's your boss. And besides, feelings are a waste off time.' Izuku concluded as he calmed himself and went back to clear the rest of his assignments as well as the room for the meeting.

Time passed quickly and it was now the end of the day and Izuku had now logged out of his system after printing his analyzed notes from the meeting. Mr. Yagi had some good clothing lines and their models were more than fit for the position, it also had a reasonable profit for both companies so the deal should be sealed. He dropped of the papers avoiding eye contact as he squeaked out a goodbye and rushed to his car.

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