Part 15: Stress

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-Warning: This chapter contains sexual description. If you are uncomfortable with the said description, please refrain from reading this chapter-


After the horrible meeting and a waste of lunch, Katsuki and Izuku relaxed for the rest of the day by going home. There wasn't much that needed to be done in the company. Since the Collab was taking place this week, work was kept to a minimum in order for the company to manage daily work as well as preparations for the new clothing line. This was the Bakugou Corporation, when a new clothing line was coming out, they spent every minute of the day directed towards the clothing line. Popular brand-named clothes aren't brand-named for nothing.

Work wasn't piled up and the company was fairly quiet, aside from the clicking of the keyboards and the A/C, the place was relatively ghostly. That was mostly because the Bakugou's themselves had to design the clothing, which took a lot of time and inspiration. You don't just come up with designs of the top of your head. Katsuki wished it were that easy.

Sitting on his desk in the dark, Katsuki growled in frustration as he once again crumbled up a paper and stuffed it into the pile of rubbish that was overflowing the plastic bin. It was currently eleven in the night and here he was feeling utterly demotivated to even start a sketch. This was bad, he needed a to start sketching ideas fast otherwise he would've ran out of the time. 

When Todoroki called for an earlier date, Katsuki didn't mind, seeing as to they had to actually plan out the outfits together before they could've started to actually manufacture the clothing. However, when he saw the clothing they had started to make, he needed to make something that wasn't total trash. To be honest, he was looking forward to the meeting because of the clothes he had seen prior, but the clothes he saw at the meeting were absolute garbage.

He knew who had came up with the designs. It was Todoroki's father, Enji Todoroki, however, the designs that Katsuki really wanted to see, were Shoto's alone. Shoto had good style in fashion however him and his father had varying interests which is why the clothing Katsuki had liked weren't the ones he received. It was because Enji had rejected Todoroki's line and sent his own, even though Shoto was going to take over the business. Katsuki wasn't worried much about Shoto, he knew bicolored male was a bit rebellious and would eventually bring Katsuki what he wanted.

Small, dainty hands cupped Katsuki face, breaking him out of his thoughts.

"What're you doing up, sweetheart?" Katsuki asked, a hand going up to brush away a stray curl from the greenette's face.

"Kinda hard to sleep with you're grumbling so much." The greenette mumbled as he easily slid onto the blond's lap, playing the gold chain around Katsuki's neck. Katsuki chuckled a little before going back to his work, ignoring the greenette in his lap. Izuku huffed. He wanted attention.

Peppering little kisses along Katsuki's jaw, he slid his hands along Katsuki chest while centering himself on Katsuki's lap. He had noticed the blond was stressed. Who wouldn't be? So while turning and twisting in the bed, he came up with an idea.

"Izuku. I need to work." Katsuki's voice was stern as he spoke. The greenette paid no attention. Carefully his hands inched lower, palming Katsuki length through the joggers he had on. A groan made Izuku press harder. A rough hand gripped Izuku's  face.

"Stop. I have work." Izuku pouted and still continued. Katsuki needed some release. Luckily, he had Izuku, and Izuku was going to be the one to take control tonight.

With one hand fiddling with Katsuki waistband, he stared into the menacing gaze of Katsuki. A glare sending shivers up his spine. Sliding down on the floor, he propped himself between Katsuki's leg and pulled down his joggers, freeing the semi-hard length from its confinements. Keeping eye contact with the blond, he placed a kiss to the tip of his length before sliding his tongue along the shaft, watching as Katsuki sucked in a breath.

Taking the tip into his mouth, he swirled his tongue across the slit and inched down, engulfing Katsuki throbbing member into his warm mouth. A groan escaped Katsuki as Izuku sucked in his cheeks and glided his tongue along a vein. Bracing his hands on the blond's thighs, his eye sight became blurry as tears formed from the burning in his throat. Katsuki length bobbed past the ring in Izuku's tight throat, moans sending vibration along the shaft as Katsuki dug his nails into the arms rest of the chair.

A pit gathered in his stomach as the greenette continued the blow job, speeding up his pace as Katsuki's length twitched, the salty taste of precum gathered in Izuku's mouth indicating he was close. Swirling his tongue along the shaft and bobbing his head, Izuku felt the warmth of Katsuki's cum as Katsuki groaned from his orgasm. With his breathing ragged, Izuku moved away and wiped his mouth of the excess spit. 

Climbing onto the blond's lap once again, he captured the blond's lips as he discreetly slid off his shorts and positioned himself over Katsuki's shaft. Moaning into the kiss, he abruptly sat down, immediately taking Katsuki member in one go. Katsuki moaned at the sudden feeling.

"Oh? Are you going to ride me baby?" Katsuki asked, a smirk present amongst his features. Izuku threw his head back as he pulled out until only the tip was sheathed and dropped down again. A loud moan escaping his lips as he found the abrupt rhythm quite pleasurable. With an angled thrust, Katsuki's member brushed against his prostate.

"Angh! Hah- ngh!" Katsuki groaned as he felt Izuku clench around, the warm heat making his member throb as he felt it drag against Izuku's inner walls. Putting his hands on Izuku's waist, he lifted him and guided him back down at a faster paste. With his prostate being perfectly stimulated, Izuku went limp in Katsuki hands.

"K-katsuki! Awnh! Ah!" As he bounced on Katsuki's length, Katsuki leaned up and bit down on the soft skin near his neck, increasing his pace. 

Pounding into the greenette, they could both feel their climax approaching, Katsuki tightened his grip around Izuku's waist as Izuku suddenly cried out, a sticky, white substance shooting at Katsuki chest.

With a low moan, Katsuki couldn't hold back. Izuku clenched around his as he squirted his load into the greenette. Izuku let his head fall on Katsuki's shoulder as they both calmed down from their high. It had been a while since they had done something like this, so the intensity of the orgasm buzzed their heads.

Placing a kiss to the greenette's forehead, Katsuki watched towards the bathroom and sat down with Izuku as he let the warm water fill the tub.

Hugging the smaller male from behind, Katsuki placed light kisses on his shoulder as Izuku hummed at the action. Turning his head, he kissed Katsuki slowly, a hand going up to thread through his hair as they enjoyed each others presence in the bathe.

A/N: Okay, this is short and horrible, I know! I'm really sorry but I'm like half asleep right now. Sorry for any errors in the chapter. Hope you enjoyed!

Have a good night! <3

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