Part 26: The End

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Izuku swallowed the pill as Yo watched intently. He still hadn't figured out or made sense of what was happening and the situation was eerily calm. Izuku could feel his nerves eat away at him as he subconsciously chewed on his lips.

"Come on, let's go home," Yo said sweetly and it killed Izuku to not wrap the tubes on his hand around the black headed male's head and attach him to the ceiling fan.

Izuku didn't want to go but at the end, he had no choice. Katsuki wasn't 'real', although he refuses to believe that and Yo was speaking as if they were still together. Moreover, Yo was still listed as his emergency contact and fragments of his memory were still swallowed by the dark.

Izuku reluctantly complied and slid of the bed while swatting Yo's hand away. Yo tried his best to show that he was surprised by the male's actions. If he was going to keep up this façade, he needed to be precise in his movement as Izuku could pick up on any little mistake easily.

Izuku headed to a closed of part of the room and proceeded to strip himself of clothes. He took his time, re-running the situation over and over again in his head. He tried to find anything wrong at all but most parts of it were blotted, some were completely bare. 

As he took of his pants, his phone fell out his pocket. He scrambled to find it, and swiped it to unlock. His phone was empty. No pictures, no calls, no contacts... just like how it was with Yo. There was no way Katsuki didn't exist. His mind wouldn't just make up a random man like that.

It felt so real. All the jitters and love feelings. All the hugs and kisses. All the cuddles, all the pleasure, all of him felt real. He knew Katsuki was real. He did not make him up and he was not going to let Yo destroy his life, once again. He would go with Yo, and act like his submissive self but he would find out by all means necessary what had happened happened.

He exited the changing room and walked to Yo who was already by the door. No words were exchanged as they left the hospital, even the car ride was silent as Izuku passed all the familiar buildings and landscapes. 

The car stopped at the broken down house he 'lived' in. The house was just like he left it, almost to the brink of crashing and falling apart. He stepped out of his car and walked into the house, ignoring Yo's existence completely. 

His head felt like it was turning to mush as he entered. The nostalgic feelings of being trapped creeping up his neck as memories of times he didn't even remember flashed in his mind. Yo came up behind him to keep him balance.

"Baby- I-I mean Shindo- what the fuck?" Izuku asked as he staggered and pushed Yo off him. His mind was blurred, his head swirling in and out of dotted images as his speech slurred and he didn't even know if he was in reality anymore.


Katsuki swung open Izuku's house door and dropped to the floor. He'd been coming here since the day Izuku had disappeared. The greenette's homey scent was yet to disappear even after two weeks of the greenette's absence. 

In his hand, Izuku's favorite alcohol and his phone in the next. He could feel the tears burning his eyes.

"D-dammit! W-where are you baby? I miss you..." he said, staring at the picture of the greenette in his hands.

"Y-you know I don't like you away from me. So why did you leave?" he asked quietly as his voice wavered.

"Was I that unlovable that you fled?" he bit into his lip, refusing to cry out as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"I miss you... god I miss you everyday. Come back to me, please," he pleaded as he clutched his phone tighter.

"I-I stayed home today again. I couldn't work in an office work your coffee," he tried to joke, pretending to smile with the picture that showed Izuku laughing.

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