Part 13: Meeting the mother

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Izuku was now sitting in the passenger seat of Katsuki's car, his hands strangling his black joggers as he bit his lip from nervousness. They had been driving for about one hour and forty five minutes, and every minute that passed by, the grip on Izuku's pants tightened. He was carrying Katsuki to meet his mother. His mother. His mother that doesn't even remember him, his mother that was now starting to get better. With every turn and swing in the car, there another turn and swing in Izuku's thoughts as he contemplated whether or not it was a good idea to bring Katsuki along.

"Hey. Stop, your hurting yourself." Katsuki's soft voice brought Izuku out of his trance. Only then did he realize the metallic taste filling his mouth. Great, he was so nervous he busted his lips. Wonderful. A hand snaked up Izuku's thigh, the action causing Izuku to calm down, just a little.

"It's okay. What're you so nervous for?" Izuku could think of a bunch of reason he was nervous. 'Oh I don't know, maybe because I'm taking my not-boyfriend to meet my traumatized mother who doesn't even remember the time of day and will be so confused if she saw you and what if it ruins her progression? What if she has one of her episodes? I knew it was a bad idea! what am I gonna do now? I can't-'

"Oi! You're mumbling." Katsuki pulled over and looked at Izuku, his hands cupping the greenette's face as he put a small kiss to his nose.

"What's wrong?" At this point Katsuki was starting to get worried. Yes, it was normal for Izuku to get nervous, but never to this extent. He noticed how Izuku was constantly fidgeting, his eyes moving from one thing to another as if he was frantic. But mostly, he noticed how Izuku was constantly getting lost in thought, so lost he didn't realize that he was squeezing his thighs and digging into his lips. It was indeed worrying. 

For a moment Izuku was quiet, and so was Katsuki. Only the loud A/C vents were heard along with the low hum of the car engine. Katsuki was waiting waiting for an answer and he wasn't going to continue driving until he got one. What could possibly be so bad, that Izuku was fretting over it like this?

Izuku was quiet, he didn't know what to say. How could he say that out loud? He already had problems with accepting the situation as is, now the blond wanted him to explain? How was he supposed to when everything was supposedly his fault? His fault his mother was conditioned, his fault she's in a crappy elderly home, his fault she doesn't have the warmth of a house, his fault she's miserable and lonely. It was all his fault.

Izuku looked like he was deep in thought, and Katsuki didn't want to interrupt him but at the same time, they were getting late. That, and the fact that Izuku looked like he was having a mini panic attack. Sighing, he slid his seat back and took a hold of the greenette's hands guiding him to sit on his lap. Katsuki placed his hands on his hips as he stuffed his face into Izuku's neck, humming as he felt small hands knot into his hair.

Izuku's breathing slowed and he tightened his grip on Katsuki, calming down to an extent. Katsuki sighed with relief but tensed when he felt something wet on his face. Izuku was crying, he could tell from the little whimpers and the movement of his chest. Confused, Katsuki pulled away cupping Izuku's face in his hands.

"Hey...what's wrong baby?" The gentle and reassuring tone that Katsuki used managed to calm to greenette down a little. He was still crying only now, he was less shaky. Izuku dug his face into Katsuki's shoulder.

"I-I just-...there's something you need to know about my mom." Izuku spoke softly and if Katsuki wasn't paying attention, he wouldn't have heard him.

"Okay, take your time sweetheart." Katsuki said as he raked his fingers through green curls.

So Izuku told him everything. From the head injury, to the hospital, to the results and then finally to the elderly home. Izuku tried so hard not to break but it was useless. How could he not cry after re-telling that story? That story that had spiraled because of him? He felt like utter shit and garbage. Like the worst son there was...ever. He basically told Katsuki that he put his mother in an elderly home. What a lovely not-boyfriend did Katsuki have.

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