Part 7: Cuddles

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Katsuki stared at his bland ceiling mentally scolding himself for being so weak. He knew all too well that he shouldn't have slept with Izuku, but the attraction he had for him was too much. Smashing his head against the pillow, he felt his face heat up at the mere thought of Izuku, the memories of the restaurant flooding his brain. Izuku was so sensitive and gentle, the fact making Katsuki clench his pillow as he thought of how soft spoken the smaller male was. A sense of protectiveness had him groaning as he failed to come to the conclusion that he was in fact, more than sexually attractive to the greenette. He couldn't help the thoughts that prodded their way into his head about the sweet male he was working with. It was Sunday, he had to wait until Monday if he wanted to see Izuku again. Huffing in annoyance he buried his face into his pillow once again. Maybe he didn't have to wait.

Snapping his head up, he grabbed his phone searching for Izuku's name. Okay, this wasn't weird right? He really didn't go through Izuku's file for his phone number. Cringing at his behavior he clicked on his name and froze. What if he thinks I'm weird? What if he thinks I'm stalking him? What if he doesn't want to talk to me? What if he thinks we're just fucking? Brushing aside his thoughts, he hesitantly typed a message.

K: Hey

'Hey?! HEY?! That sounded so awkward!'

K: I was gonna go to the park...I was wondering if you wanted to join?

'Upfront as ever Katsuki, he's going to think you're being weird.' Sighing in frustration he set his phone on the bed and got up heading to the bathroom. He was really screwed, although he was confused about his feelings for Izuku, he had an idea of what was happening to him. Like come on, butterflies in his stomach, giddy feelings when he's around him, his heart going wild whenever he saw him, yeah it was pretty obvious. He met him at a bar, a bar. They only slept together twice and he's working for him, how the hell did he catch feelings so fast. But Katsuki wouldn't call it feelings, he wasn't sure if he was that deep into it yet. It was attraction.

It had been two hours since Katsuki had sent Izuku his messages and he still didn't reply which was worrying Katsuki a little. That was until his screen lit up. He jumped up on his bed as he heard the notification go off, he excitedly made his way to the phone.

I: Hey, sorry I replied so late. I can't, I'm busy with some work for the office.

It was a vague answer and Katsuki couldn't shake the feeling that he was being lied too. Which hurt him, though he wouldn't acknowledge it, that Izuku had lied to him. Still, he replied ignoring his brain telling him to leave him alone.

K: I'm coming over to help. It's my work after all.

That wasn't a lie, Izuku was practically running the company. He did everything that Katsuki was supposed to do, the most Katsuki would do was file some reports and send out emails. That was it. Nothing more, so he walked over to his closet, throwing on a black jacket over his vest he was wearing and headed to his car.

Katsuki knew he wasn't supposed to be here, he knew it all too well, but he chose not to listen to his brain and rung the doorbell next to the familiar wooden door. It didn't take long for the door to open but when it did he was face to face with a very sad looking Ochako. Frowning he opened his mouth to ask a question when a raspy voice sounded.

"Chako, what are you- M-mr. Bakugou?!" Katsuki didn't know what was worse. His heart clenching at the sight of his new found 'attraction' or the fact that the brown haired girl was at Izuku's home again. Izuku didn't look like he was doing work, oh no, not not at all. The greenette had on loose, light blue shorts with a pastel pink, large hoodie covering his stomach. However, that wasn't what caught Katsuki's attention, no it was the state of Izuku. Red puffy eyes, swollen and bruised lips, his nose red and his hair an absolute mess.

Slightly confused, he pushed himself into Izuku's home and walked towards the greenette ignoring the words of the brown haired girl as he evaded his home. Staring down at the greenette, Katsuki's eyes softened at the wobbly smile he received from Izuku. Even in his hardest time, Izuku still forced a smile towards him, although Katsuki could the tears threatening to fall on the greenette's face as he lowered his eyes to the floor. Taking the smaller male's hand, he led them to the only room he knew in the house, which was Izuku's room and shut the door.

Izuku seemed a little taken aback at the gesture and shyly looked into the intense red eyes of the blond.

"W-why did you do t-that?" His voice was low and raspy from crying and Katsuki hated the state the greenette was in, he wanted to comfort the male but he didn't know how. He didn't know what was wrong so he couldn't say anything. Instead he slowly hugged Izuku, burying his head in the crook of his neck as he felt the greenette tense. When Katsuki didn't feel Izuku hug him back, he was going to pull away in fear that he had made him feel uncomfortable but relaxed when dainty hands found their way on his neck. Katsuki could've sworn he heard his heart shatter as he heard broken sobs coming from the greenette. He tightened his grip onto the male's waist as Izuku started to shake slightly.

Katsuki didn't know what came over him, he didn't know this male at all yet here he was comforting him, which is not very Katsuki like. All he knew was that it was unbearable for him to see Izuku cry. His beautiful eyes holding tears instead of sparkling made Katsuki's heart hurt. His bright smile replaced by a frown was not something Katsuki liked. He wanted to try his best to make the greenette happy but he didn't know how to, so he just hugged Izuku tightly as Izuku cried in his arms.

Sniffles broke Katsuki out of thought as he looked down to see to see Izuku's head still buried into his neck, his breathing soft and even as he stood limp in Katsuki's arms.

"Hey, are you okay now?" Izuku nodded slowly, still in Katsuki's arms, he didn't mind though, the feeling of having Izuku in his arms felt amazing and a smile spread across his face as he thought that he was able to comfort Izuku. Katsuki reluctantly pried himself from Izuku and took his hand leading him to the bed. The blond crawled on the bed still holding Izuku's hand and pulled the greenette onto him.

"M-mr. Bakugou-"

"Katsuki, call me Katsuki. Do you want to talk about it?" The greenette said a soft no before Katsuki positioned them where Katsuki was spooning Izuku rubbing circles on his belly as he felt Izuku tense from the hug. He could tell Izuku was uncomfortable, probably confused at the gesture so Katsuki brushed the hair of his face kissing his forehead softly.

"Don't worry..." Katsuki's voice was calm and low as he pulled the greenette closer and started caressing his hips to sooth the smaller male. Katsuki was about to say something when he interrupted by soft snores. Looking down he stared at the adorable image in front of him. Letting his eyes trail his face, he brushed his fingers on the little dots along the greenette's face amazed at the soft skin under his hands. He placed a small kiss on Izuku's cheek causing the greenette to turn, his face now facing Katsuki. Laughing lowly, he pulled the covers over them and nuzzling his face into Izuku's hair.

Izuku woke up to warmth in his bed. At first he thought it was his quilt but froze as he felt soft breaths near his ear. Slowly looking up he stared in awe at the peaceful male next to him. His blonde hair messy, little snores emanating from his lips as his chest fell and rose with each breath. He looked beautiful. Raising a hand, he caressed his cheeks, running his thumb along the sharp cheekbones of the blond. He traced the jawline of the bigger male taking in how the light made his hair different hues of the ash blond it was. He took his hand and lightly ran them across his eyebrows but grew frantic as blond began to stir from his sleep.

"Mm, good morning beautiful." His voice was low and raspy as he pulled the greenette closer, snuggling into him as Izuku found himself craving the blond's warmth. As his head began to clear from the sleepy trance he was in, he panicked when he realized who exactly was in his bed.

A/N: This chapter fucking sucks. I had no idea what the fuck to put so I just came up with this. I needed an in between part for them to become close. I know its shit and the Bakudeku is a little low but it has to be a little realistic. I can't just put, that they fucked and caught feelings. That would be funny but no, content is key, lmao. They need to gradually trust each other and bond but I didn't know how to put it. Although I feel like I'm dragging the story a bit...BUT ANYWAY that's besides the point. I hate this chapter but I'm low on motivation so...

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