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Wednesday opens the passenger door to Winter's car and slides in as Winter gets into the drivers side.
Winter smiles as she brings her car to life and then pulls out of the parking space and down the road to her apartment.

Wednesday looks down and notices that she only has one hand on the wheel and the other rests on the middle console as she drives expertly.
Wednesday takes her freehand in his and he watches as her smile grows wider. He smiles as well and looks out the window with Winter's small hand in his larger one.
Winter turns down the road and into the parking lot of her apartment complex.
She pulls into her spot and shuts off the engine to her car.

Winter looks over at Wednesday and smiles excitedly a she opens the door. Winter and Wednesday step out of the car and Winter locks it after them.

"This way," she smiles as she leads Wednesday up the steps to her apartment.
Wednesday follows closely behind, watching her steps.

Once Winter reaches the door to her apartment, she pulls out her keys and puts them into the door.

"Aww I was hoping they would be in your bra," Wednesday snickers.

Winter rolls her eyes.

"I don't put everything in my bra," she defends as she pushes the door open.

"Just stuff for me," Wednesday smiles as he steps inside with her, shutting the door behind him.

Winter and Wednesday take their shoes off and set them beside the door.

"So yeah, this is it," Winter smiles nervously.

"It's nice," He grins as he pulls her into him.

Wednesday looks down as a fluffy ball hisses at him.

"Ash, play nice," Winter tells the grey cat.

Ash looks up at Winter before looking back over to Wednesday and sniffing his leg.

"Sorry," Winter mutters.

"Don't worry about it. Cats are cats," Wednesday smiles as he sits down next to Ash scaring her slightly.

"Hey Ash," Wednesday smiles as he reaches his hand out.

Ash cautiously approaches him and sniffs his hand.
Wednesday smiles as Ash's paw sticks out and quickly slaps his hand a little.
Wednesday turns his hand the other way and Ash stares at it curiously as she sticks out her tongue and licks it.
Ash pushes Wednesday's hand out of the way and looks up at him as she begins to crawl into his lap.

"I knew she'd like you," Winter smiles as Wednesday slowly reaches over and pets Ash softly.

The grey cat purrs as Wednesday's hand brushes her fur.

"She's pretty," Wednesday smiles as Ash cuddles into his lap.

"Thank you," Winter smiles as she pours some water into two glasses.

"Are her eyes two different colors?" Wednesday gasps as Ash looks up at him.

"Yeah. Blue and green," Winter smiles as she walks over to him.
She sits down besides him and Ash and Ash looks up at her as she purrs in approval.

Winter chuckles and strokes her ears.

"Yeah she definitely likes you," Winter smiles as Ash rolls over so that Wednesday can pet her more thoroughly.

"You're going to have lots of cat hair on you," Winter comments.

"Well I already have lots from scream so might as well add to it," Wednesday smiles.

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