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Wednesday smiles as he looks over at Winter. She frantically walks around the house grabbing her art supplies.

"You ready?" Wednesday asks when she stops in front of him.

"Yeah," she nods as she pats her backpack.

"Can we have wine in the park?" Wednesday questions as he holds up a bottle.

Winter chuckles, "yeah I'm pretty sure."

Wednesday nods and walks behind Winter, unzipping her backpack and putting it in there along with some plastic wine glasses.

"Okay I think we're ready," Wednesday smiles happily as he hands Winter her shoes.

She chuckles and nods and she's slips her shoes on.

Wednesday opens the front door for her and they both walk out. He intertwines his fingers with Winter's as he pulls her close to him.
She smiles happily as they walk down the stairs and over to her car.
She unlocks it and puts her bag in the back before slipping into the front with Wednesday.

"I'm a little nervous," Winter blurts as she starts the engine.

Wednesday scrunches his nonexistent brows together as he looks at her.

"Why are you nervous?" He questions as he places his hand on her lap.

"I don't even know," Winter smirks as she puts the car in reverse and backs out of the parking space.

"Well trust me, it'll be just like old times," Wednesday smiles as he gives her thigh a squeeze.

Winter grins as she pulls down the road and towards the park.
The sky is dark and there's stars in the sky. The moon shines brightly over head.
Cars drive by quickly, rushing to their destinations.
People walk down the road, entering stores or restaurants.
The city is busy and bustling with life.
Wednesday smiles as he looks out the window.
Everything feels energetic but it's a positive energy and it fuels both Winter's and Wednesday's mood.

Winter pulls into the parking lot of the park. It's dark out and only a couple of cars remain.
Unlike the busy city the park feels calm and mysterious.
Wednesday opens his door and Winter copies his actions.

"This weather is nice," Winter smiles as she walks over to Wednesday and opens the back door.

Wednesday nods in agreement. The air is a perfect temperature. Not too warm, not too cold. A faint breeze blows by but it's refreshing.
Winter throws her bag over her shoulder and shuts the door, locking it.
Wednesday smiles as he grabs her hand and they both walk into the park and towards the trail that leads to their spot.

"It feels like we haven't been here in so long," Winter comments as she looks around.

Wednesday chuckles and gives her hand a squeeze.

"It's nice. There's barely anyone around," Wednesday grins as he wiggles his eyebrows at her.

Winter blushes and chuckles as she shakes her head at him.

"You're crazy," she giggles as she shakes her head.

"You like it," Wednesday smirks as she leads her down the trail.

Winter grins.

They take a turn and walk down the familiar path. Winter looks around and smiles as memories flood her mind.

"Remember when I scared ya," Wednesday chuckles.

Winter shakes her head and grins, "how could I forget."

Wednesday smiles as they reach their tree.
Winter stares up at it and rubs her hands together.

"Okay who's going up first?" Winter questions.

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